Happy Anniversary Lucy

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Natsu point of view

It has been a couple of days since Nashi said her first word and she won't stop saying idiot.

She even said Lucy was an idiot of course making me laugh and Lucy leave the room to go scream in a pillow.

Anyway today is our anniversary and i'm going to take Lucy to the guild with Nashi and see how of goes.

I hope things go well because this can make or brake my chances with Lucy.

"Hey Lucy come here."

I yelled from the living room where I was laying on her couch well it looked like I was just laying on the couch but I actually had a surprise for her.

" coming....."

Lucy yelled from the kitchen.
She walked into the living room with tired look on her face as she gave me a weak smile.

" What is it Natsu?"

She said then giving a loud yawn.

" What's wrong with you?"

I asked with concern in my voice.

Lucy then glared at me.

" Oh you must not remember your snoring last night when you snuck onto my room .... again keeping me up all night .....again."

I scared the back of my nek nervously.


Lucy sighed rubbing her temples then sitting in the couch that was in front of me.

"Anyway what did you want?"

She asked smiling weakly as I looked at her that was sticking up.

"Well today is our anniversary and I got you something."

I did getting up off the couch going behind the couch to get a big box that I wrapped by myself.

I gave it to Lucy and she smiled sweetly.

She began unwrapping the paper to find a box that she opened and found five boxes that were bigger than the others. She laughed at the boxes that were in it.

"Hahahaha Natsu were you suppose to put the small boxes in bigger ones?"

She laughed showing the boxes that were empty expect the smallest one of course.

I laughed shyly when Lucy began to open the the small rectangular box that had golden stars for the box.

When she opened it her eyes widen.

It was ....

Until next chapter

What will out be ?


Celestial key?

Tickets ?

Once again until next chapter!

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