Let me make it up to you

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No ones point of view

Lucy rolled her eyes as Natsu rambled on how it was accident and how he was sorry .

Lucy was quite the whole car ride not even glancing at Natsu , but that didn't stop Natsu .

Once they made it back home Lucy left the beach stuff in the car and brought Nashi with Natsu behind her .

Lucy point of view

" Lucy ....."

I sighed angrily still trying to ignore Natsu but he swiftly turned me around to face him .

" Lucy let me make it up to you ."

" ... Fine but I have to take Nashi a bath ."

I mumbled heading for the bathroom , leaving Natsu in the living room .

I looked at Nashi with sad eyes before turning on the bath .

Later that night
Lucy pov

I laid Nashi in her crib as I thought of what Natsu .

Why would he do that ?
Is he sorry ?
How is going to make it up to me ?

These thoughts ran inside my brain when I felt a pair of hands on my waist .

" Come on Luce ."

Natsu whispered in my ear softly giving it a quick kiss on my cheek. I nodded slowly as we both backed out of Nashi's room .

We walked into my room , and I saw popcorn and candy on my night stand and three SCARY movies .

" Natsu how is telling me your sorry ?"

I asked looking into Natsu's eyes and smiled shyly .

" You'll see ."

He walked to the movies and showed then to me .

The three SCARY movies:

The Ring

I glared at Natsu with a evil grin on my face .

" Natsu you know I don't like scary movies ."

I said still glaring at him as he looked away from me .

" Come on just pick one Lucy."

I looked at the three movies that had all scares me in the past .

" Fine we can watch Mama ."

I said as I looked at the DVD frighten.

" Go lay down Luce ."

Natsu said and I did what I was told , getting into my bed covering up with a blanket .
Natsu put the disc in skipping the previews and then pressed play .
He turned off the lights cuddling next to me under the covers .

Half way through the movie Natsu had managed to put his arm around me when I was to scared to mind .

I jumped when I saw mama run up at the screen .

When I turned my head to hide in Natsu's shoulder our lips met .

Natsu looked at me with wide eyes and I then pulled away .

" Natsu I'm so sor-"

I was stopped when Natsu put his lips back on mine for a second .

" Let me make it up to you."

Natsu whispered before kissing my lips , I didn't move at first but I slowly began kissing him back .

Did he plan this ?

I asked myself as Natsu began to kiss my neck .

Until Next Chapter

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