Getting your friend.

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Y/N's POV:

"But, sorry to be rushing you. I know this may be tough for you, with your friends and all, but-" You put your finger on Ink's teeth. You don't know why you did, but you felt like it would be the most noticeable for Ink. You then ask Ink if you could bring a friend.

"Yes." Ink says after a while. You instantly smile at his response.

"Really?! For real?" You say again. This seems too good to be true.

"But it can only be one friend though. So it may be hard." Ink says. You know exactly who to choose. F/N.

"I only have one other friend who would know you, and she actually introduced me to you, if that makes sense." You try to say it in the best way possible so you don't have to launch into conversation about your universe's technology and such. "But anyway, her name's F/N."

You knew it would be an easy name to find. You and your friend have unique names, so you bet Ink would find you almost instantly.

"Oh. I haven't heard of a name like that before. That will be easy to find, her." You see Ink create another portal in your wall, and he looks in. He then turns his head like an owl, and holds out his gloved hand.

"I'm assuming you, 'Wish to come with me?'" Ink took the words from your wish earlier, and you hesitated, remembering what this choice would bring you. You then take Ink's gloved hand. You half expected it to be cold, but instead, it felt warm, and worn. You stare at Ink's face as he pulls you close.

"Then come. Were going to get F/N!" Ink declared as he stepped through the portal. You snuck a look back and saw the portal close, revealing white, like a blank canvas. You look back to the front, and you look at where Ink is staring. You see an AU play out on what looks like it is on film tape. You see Ink turn around, his hand still gripping yours, so you try to follow his eyes. You realize what he's searching for.

You try to look for F/N, anywhere, and you spot her, drawing at her desk.

"Hey Ink! There's F/N!" You say as you point towards a film tape with F/N. It was up high, high enough that you would have to fly up there with wings to get to it. Lucky for you, Ink drew with his paintbrush, using both of his hands. He was drawing wings, and were probably the size of your whole body. Ink then took one of his colored jars that he had straped across his torso, and chose blue and brown. He dropped one single drop onto one of the pair of wings, a set that looked more sleek and light, and that little drop, turned the whole pair of wings a beautiful neon blue. He did the same to another set of wings, that were bigger, and more fluffier, and made it brown, the same color of milk chocolate.

"Woah Ink. These look amazing!" You exclaim. You then wonder how you are supposed to put them on.

"Uhh..." You start to say. Ink read your mind, and he put the brown set of wings on his back, pushing them to his shoulders. You hear a slight clicking sound, and Ink flaps them, to show you that they work. You start to do the same. You take the two wings, and set them on your back, and you hear the same clicking sound. You concentrate on moving your shoulders, and the wings follow. You grin at your success.

"Now time to go up!" Ink points upward, and he takes big strokes with his wings, and you watch him lift into the air. You follow him, and eventually you both end up very close, the tips of your wings intersecting. You see F/N in her usual clothes, very casual looking pants, with a white shirt on. You mentally giggle at seeing F/N drawing a picture of Ink. You look at Ink's face once you notice this. You read his expression of curiosity, to the look of being watched. He turns his cyan pupil towards you, and you imediately look away. You then say: "So, are we going in or what?"

This caused Ink to be flustered. You think it's cute to see Ink flustered. You also dont know why.

"O-oh, right! We should!" Ink then steps through the moving picture, and you follow his steps. It felt like you went through a waterfall, and now you are in F/N's room. You see a shocked expression on your friends face. You then see it turn to a grin.

"Ink? You're real?" F/N asks.

"Why yes! I am Ink. Now, your friend Y/N here, made a wish to be with me, and her wish was granted. Now, she asked if she could bring you along. But I warn you, once you make this decision, you will never come back. Understand?" Ink summarized.

You see F/N stare at a wall as she thinks. She then nods, and looked at Ink and nodded again.

"Then it's settled. We shall go-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but," You see F/N bite her nails. It was a bad habit she grew into. "Ink, if I join you, would I be able to see the regular Sans?"

Ink shakes his head. "I am afraid not. Though, I could try." You see Ink hold out his right hand to F/N. You imediately feel jealous, because you feel like F/N would steal Ink away from you, but then you see Ink hold out his left hand, and you take his hand.

"Come on girls! To defeat Error!" Ink shouts, causing F/N to cringe, because of the fear of her family hearing.

"Shhh!!!! Quiet! My family will hear us!" F/N whispered.

"Oh. Sorry." Ink whispered back.

You then look forward, and decide to step forward. Ink and F/N follow closely behind you, hands still interlocked.

A dream come true, or your worst nightmare.(Ink x Reader and Error x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now