I don't think I should escape.

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F/N's POV:

Error's domain is boring.

That's why I decided to explore.

I am still at the same room with my cat bed, but at the opposing wall. This is the area with lots of blue strings hanging from the ceiling. I am walking around, touching the walls, feeling the static underneath my fingertips. My hair has been a bit fizzy, and I bet I would look like I just came out of bed. Which I did by the way.

I look up and see the blue strings. I tried touching them once, but resulted in my finger feeling like it was on fire, and being squished to death at the same time. I try to find where the strings end and the roof starts, but it seems like it is just being sucked into black nothingness, if that makes sense.

I decided to try to find any sort of portal, that could be my escape route. I saw Error graze his shoe over the floor, and that opened a portal. I then try to do the same, and guess what my answer was?

It didn't work.

It's no surprise really, I think it was just me getting my hopes up too high. I then turned my head to where I was standing, and saw the wall that Error walked through.

The curiosity got the better of me. I knew the old saying that Curiosity killed the Cat, and I found it so deathly fitting.

I really hope Error will have MERCY on me. I am at the wall that Error had walked through, and it surprised me that I didn't bang my head! I actually went through! I didn't realize I had my eyes closed the entire time, until I opened them, revealing my location. I was in a room, with a bed, that wasn't gigantic, but wasn't small either. It had a red sheet, but at the same time, a black sheet. There was also blue pillows, that seemed to match the color of fluff on Error's jacket. I then came to the shocking conclusion,

that I was in Error's room.

I felt my cheeks start to warm as I realized that Error must have walked in here for a reason, it is his domain after all. I look to my left and see a mirror, the size of, well, practically myself. It was a big mirror to say the least. To my right, was a, wall.

Nothing really much to see.


I jumped at the voice. I knew who it was, from the name that he called me. I was too afraid to turn, so I stepped backward, thinking that Error was in my head, but instead walked into Error.

"Catgirl. What. Are you. DOING HERE??!!" The sound of Error's voice went from deathly calm, to all of a sudden deathly loud.

I couldn't think of any words to say, so I then swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and tried not to tear up. Error must have noticed this, for I felt the errors buzzing on my scalp again. He then turned my head around, and I tried to not look into his yellow and blue pupil and, yellow pupil, so I stared at the fluff of his jacket.

"I will repeat once again. What were you doing in my room?" Every word that came out of his yellow mouth, was filled with anger and hostility.

I was very close to crying right then and there, but when Error grabbed my chin and raised it so I could properly look at him, I burst into tears. I don't even know if Error knows how to handle my shaky breath and watery eyes. I just think he would start shouting at me, or start to panic at not knowing what to do.

Luckily, it was the latter.

"C̵̨͚̏̈ͅa̶̙̹̓͗t̸̥͈̝͋͑g̵̝̾̎͒͜i̴̫̩̩͛͛r̸̺̤̀͘l̴͇͖̔̽̚,̷̜̈́̊ s̴̭̮̱̓̾t̶̼̗͛̊ô̴̞̹͚p̷̬̂͝ y̴̝̿̋͂ǒ̶̤̝̿̓ů̸͈̈́͜r̸̰͎̈́̄͑͜ c̴͆̍̀͜ŗ̸͔̃͗͜͠y̸̙̖͑̅i̶̟̭͊̏ň̵̨g̷̠̻̑̊̔!̴͈̪͊̌͗ P̴̗̘̈́l̷̝̀̊e̴̹͚̮̕ǎ̸̹s̸̩̪͛͜ȩ̵̠̒̾!̸̬̻̩̋͛" Error let go of my chin as he said this.

 I noticed that Error went back to his glitchy voice, and that he sounded more compassionate than before. Wait. Error can show compassion?

"*sniff sniff* I, I-I'm s-sorry, for, for going into, *sniff* your room." I closed my eyes and tried to wipe them.

"Ù̴͚-̷̨͈̖͊͑͂ù̵͇m̴̏̔͝ͅ.̷̼͙̺̋̽.̸̺̖̭͗.̴̩̳̐̋" Error just stood there, scratching the back of his head. I still had the soaked eyes, but I decided to back away, and go to sleep in my cat bed.

I was about to, when I heard Error speak.

"Ḑ̴̘̯̏̎à̴͉̔*̷̧͚͙̋*̵͙̒̓!̴̱͍̊̔ I̸͉͑̕ ṁ̸͓̠̯a̵̤͙̯̅͂̄ḍ̸͇͇́͝ë̴̥̕ ẩ̴̝͙̯̃ f̵̡̒͝r̷͈͎̤͘ẻ̴̡͓ą̵̹̠̋ķ̴́͌͘i̶̮̘̅͝͝n̶̬̐ĝ̴̦͜ g̶̮̞̠̕i̸̧̪̳̅̎̓r̶̘̺͍̆̏̔l̶̛̪̆̀ C̵̡̖͇̿̈́̎R̸̡̤͙̎͌Y̶̯̚͝!̴̻̀̕" I then heard glass break, and I immediately thought of his gigantic mirror. I kinda wanted to go back there, also, I didn't really want to go to sleep now.

So with my eyes dry, I walked through the wall, and saw Error.

He was taking heavy breaths and his hands were covered in blue ink. I assumed that it was his blood, but not exactly sure.

"Error?" I half expected for him to shout, but instead, he took one look at me, his eyes filled with nothingness, and he teleported to who knows where.

I frowned at what Error did. From the looks of it, he punched a mirror. There was lots of shards and also big cracks on the mirror as well. From looking into it, it made me seem like I had 12 heads, and yes, I counted.

For some reason, I felt like I had a sense of staying here, instead of running away.

I then had a mischievous idea.

I took my cat bed, and set it beside Error's bed. I didn't feel like sleeping next to the drawer, and I felt that I should watch over Error, to make sure he doesn't break anymore mirrors,

or AU's for that matter.

So, I curled up, and slept comfortably in my cat bed, but when I was just drifting off to sleep, I felt something brush up against my forehead. I didn't give any heave at the time, but instead slept. 

A dream come true, or your worst nightmare.(Ink x Reader and Error x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now