If I'm going down, you're coming with me.

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Catgirl's POV:

What the HECK was that?!

I just heard a weird noise come from upstairs, and I looked over to the couch, and saw that Y/N was sleeping there. Ink was also beside me. Is it who I thin-

I face palm myself.

Of course it is him. He acts like he's high or something today.

I set my hand back down to my side and saw Ink get up from his seat to go up the stairs. I was a bit antsy, for not knowing what Error would do. I got up with him, and softly went up the stairs with him.

I nearly jumped at the racket going on again, but this time, we could locate it.

It was coming from my temporary room. I shiver. Ink looks at me with concern. I meet eye contact with him and look back to the birch colored door, with a little heart shaped peephole that I never noticed before.

I inch forwards, and then two inches. Eventually, I reach out for the door knob and turn it in a way where it wouldn't creak. I then open the door all the way and see a portal open on the ceiling, and Error on the floor, knocked out.

I blink a few times, not believing what I was seeing, then my face turned to one with confusion at how this could have happened.

"Ink?" I look at Ink's face, his eyes staring at Error's still body. "Do you think that, Error could have been drunk, in a way?" Ink gives me a look of: "Where did you get that from?" But then his smile cracks, and he smirks. He then shrugs, and places his right gloved hand onto his hip.

"I honestly have no clue to why Error was acting like this. Do you mind filling me in?" Ink looked at me.

"In all honesty, I have no clue, whatsoever." I stare at Error's closed eyes, his yellow smile, all soft, instead of that snarky and mysterious smile. I finally got to stare at Error, without any, strings, attached. I hadn't noticed that I mumbled all of this out, until I heard Ink.

"I, ship it." You blush at the comment, and stare at Ink, with an awkward smirk on your face. You then look away, and your eyes drift up to the glitchy ceiling.

The portal is still open.

"H-hey uh, Ink?" I point up towards the portal. I hear an, "Oh!" and saw it close, with Ink swiping at the ceiling with his paintbrush.

"That would have been bad. Do you mind telling me what you and, Error, did up there? Just for your safety." Ink asked.

I kinda expected this, and I am pretty sure that Error chose MERCY for me, because the last time I checked, he was destroying AU's without a second glance.

"Let's see. Oh. I woke up, in a cat bed." I look at Ink's expression. It reads humor, and curiosity. "Me and Error talked for a bit, but then he walked into a wall, and I was curious to where it lead. So, I went in, and saw Error's room. Error caught me there, and then he kinda, shouted at me." I rub my arm. "I then went back, to my cat bed, but then my curiosity led me to place my cat bed next to Error's bed, and I," I recall what happened while I was, 'asleep.' "I felt, something, brush up against my forehead, and then I got a bit uncomfortable, so I went to Error's bed, but I think he was with me the whole time." I realize I left out the part of when Error smashed the mirror.

"Huh. Error seems to grew more compassionate, since last time." Ink sighed in relief. I was a bit curious. Heh, the curious cat. So suitable. Anyways;

"When was, 'last time,' Ink?" I saw Ink's face fall. Oh no... I thought.

"Let's just say; He wasn't so, MERCIFUL."


Y/N's POV:


That, was a good nap.

You look around. You see that Ink is not sitting in his usual chair, and you hear voices coming from upstairs. You wonder; Who is Ink talking to?

You get up from your spot, your kimono is flowing behind it. You stretch, and went to go up the stairs. You turn to your left, and there is the door, that is colored birch, but once you get a little closer, you realize that Ink was talking to F/N!

You then felt jealous. Ink was talking to another girl besides you! Maybe Ink would take F/N instead of you, or maybe Ink wouldn't love you anymore, and you would just be the second choice. You then decided to shout this out loud.

"INK IS MINE!" You see Ink and F/N turn towards you, a bit startled, but still, looking at you that says; 'Why? Just why?'

"Hey Y/N! Nice kimono." F/N tried to lighten it up by saying a comment. You roll your eyes to show that you were not listening to her speak. You directed your gaze to Ink, caked with love, and compassion, and jealous rage.

"Ink? Do you want to sit with me on the couch?" Your voice was, cute.

"Um, actually Y/N, we need to place Error back to his domain." You looked over his shoulder and saw no Error.

"Where is Error then?" You then saw Ink and F/N look at each other, with fear, as they turned their heads to see...

No Error.

You then heard a glitch voice coming from behind you...

"W̵̺͒̿ḧ̷̼̹͎́ỳ̶̛̛͖̥ ḩ̴̳̗̄͑̾e̷̲̙̩̒̀̀ḽ̴͑l̸̨̞̝̈̄̕ȍ̸͚̙̲ Y̸̖̥̅̃̕/̵̰̦͓͠N̷̹̘̋͛.̴̱͍͒͗̅ Ṋ̷͆͋i̷͈̰̿͘̚ͅc̷̬̺̈́̄ë̶̫̮́ t̷̡͛͠o̴̻͙͗̿ m̸̧͙͜͠ȩ̵̀̄ĕ̴̖̄t̸̳̑̿͑ y̵̛̙̦͋̈́ō̴̱ų̶͈̟̽.̷̙̤̪͊͌"

A dream come true, or your worst nightmare.(Ink x Reader and Error x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now