Pain, a Plan, a Prank and Tears.

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F/N's POV:

Error and I are back at home, and I then felt an immense pain in my abdomen,

and my throat.

I rushed to Error's bathroom, which is the only bathroom in his weird place, and I threw up into the toilet. My mouth felt TERRRIBLE! I needed water....

"ERROR?! COULD YOU GET ME SOME WATER?! I'M IN THE BATHROOM!" I holler, and I wipe my mouth with a magical paper towel that you never need to change.

"O̶k̷a̴y̷ K̶i̷t̸t̴y̶!̶" Error replied, and in literally two seconds he is in the bathroom with me, and has a weird expression on his face."W̸h̷a̶t̷'̴s̵ w̴i̸t̷h̸ y̴o̶u̷ r̸u̸n̸n̴i̸n̷g̷ t̸o̵ t̸h̴e̴ b̶a̸t̴h̷r̴o̷o̸m̸ a̸l̵l̸ o̷f̶ a̶ s̵u̷d̴d̴e̵n̷?̷ A̸l̵s̶o̸ w̵h̷y̷ d̴o̵ y̴o̸u̸ n̸e̵e̸d̸ w̸a̶t̵e̴r̶?"

Error handed me the water as I gave him a look of him being an idiot.

"I thought you knew what happens with monster pregnancies?" I retorted, taking a sip of water.

"W̴h̵a̶t̷ d̵o̴ y̸o̷u̵ m̴e̶a̵-̴ O̴h̷.̴.̸.̶.̷.̴ T̸h̵a̸t̵ m̶a̵k̴e̸s̸ s̵e̶n̷s̸e̷.̷.̴.̴" Error nodded to himself, then he stared into my eyes.

"With humans, I think this is what they call 'morning sickness.'" I say, taking another sip.


The morning sickness has stopped, and Error and I are lazily sitting upon the couch, doing nothing really entertaining.

"What do you wana do Error?" I say in a monotone voice.

"I̶ d̸o̶n̸'̵t̴ k̵n̵o̸w̵.̷.̸.̶" Error put an arm around my shoulder.

"WAIT! I have an idea!" I jumped up from my seat.

"W̸e̶l̴l̴ w̵h̸a̷t̵ i̶s̶ i̴t̸ K̵i̷t̵t̵y̵?̸" Error looked quite surprised.

"How about we, have a sleepover, with Ink and Y/N?" My eyes were bright with my enthusiasm.

"A̸c̵t̵u̴a̵l̷l̶y̸,̷" Error rubbed the back of his head. "T̴h̷a̵t̸ s̷o̷u̶n̷d̶s̸ r̶e̸a̸l̸l̸y̵ n̶i̶c̷e̷ r̶i̸g̷h̴t̷ n̵o̸w̷.̷" Error then reached into his pocket to get his phone. "L̷e̸t̷'̷s̵ d̸o̵ i̵t̸!̸"

Error then called Ink, and not surprisingly got an immediate answer.

"H̴e̷y̸,̴ I̴n̷k̶?̶"

I couldn't hear Ink.

"K̸i̸t̴t̵y̵-̶e̴r̵,̵ I̵ m̶e̷a̴n̸,̶ C̸a̸t̶g̵i̴r̵l̶,̷ t̵h̷o̴u̷g̴h̶t̸ u̶p̸ a̶n̵ i̷d̸e̸a̵ t̵o̸ h̸a̶v̷e̶ a̶ s̴l̷e̶e̶p̵o̸v̶e̶r̷ w̴i̴t̶h̷ y̵o̸u̷ g̶u̸y̴s̴.̵"

I once again couldn't hear the receiving end.

"O̶k̶a̷y̵.̷" Error then hung up.

"So? What's the jif?" I asked.

"I̵n̵k̴ s̵a̵i̸d̵ y̸e̷s̵,̴a̵n̷d̵ i̷t̸'̸s̷ a̷t̷ h̸i̷s̸ p̶l̴a̷c̷e̷,̵ a̵n̸d̸ I̴ t̸h̷i̸n̶k̴ i̴t̷ i̷s̶ t̶o̶n̷i̶g̴h̶t̸.̵" Error smiled at me.

"That's great! Now, we gotta get ready!" I was about to get up to start, but Error grabbed me by the waist, and pulled me back to the couch.

"N̸u̵h̸ u̶h̴.̵ Y̸o̴u̵ a̵i̷n̷'̶t̷ g̵o̷i̶n̷g̸ a̷n̷y̸w̶h̵e̶r̴e̷.̷ Y̶o̸u̶'̷r̴e̵ s̷t̵a̴y̵i̴n̶g̵ w̵i̸t̸h̴ m̷e̸.̷" Error then shifted me over so I sat in his lap.

"But what about-" I was cut off by Error as he turned my head towards his.

 He rested his finger on my lips. "N̷o̷ b̴u̶t̵s̵.̶" He then crashed his teeth into mine, in which I kissed back. When we pulled back, Error had a drawstring bag in his hand with an embroidered girl with (F/N's hair color) hair and cat ears. I smiled at it, and looked at Error.

A dream come true, or your worst nightmare.(Ink x Reader and Error x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now