Getting your soul checked

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Y/N's POV:

When you woke up, your face was hurting a lot. You touched your face, your eyes still closed, not wanting to wake up. You fluttered your eyes open and widened them in realization that you were in a different scenery. You shifted and looked around. You were in a bedroom that was not your own. One wall had waves, another had a splash of colors and one had grass, and the last one was starry. As you look around, you notice that everything in this room you're in was mainly brown.

The bed was. You look to it. You scanned the sheets, the pillows, the mattress, until it was clear that someone liked brown. You then saw some of the sheets move, and you looked to it. You leaned over, and gasped who you have been taking a nap next too.


You started blushing, thinking, maybe he loves you.

You then decided to go back to sleep, and you lay back onto the tan pillow that you had slept on. You then pulled the covers onto yourself, and tried to go back to dreamland...

but you couldn't.

Instead, Ink self-consciously wrapped an arm around you, and had a death grip on you. He then mumbled something, but it was a bit inaudible, except for a couple of words,

I love you Y/N...

You were startled. Ink, loves you?! You were filled with excitement, and then shortly realized that Ink was not letting go of you any time soon. You decided to make the best of it, and snuggled up against him, getting really comfortable with his clothes. Ink was aware of you this whole time, and how you knew, was when you shifted and faced towards Ink, you saw his bright, blue eye and yellow star eye.

"Ah, so you're awake. I'm assuming that you like to snuggle up against me?" Ink had a light dusting of rainbow on his cheekbones as he said this. In reply, you just snuggled up against him some more, with your eyes closed this time.

"Heh. You know, that couch that you love to sleep on, I don't think you would want to sleep there anymore." Ink scratched the back of his collarbone.

"I understand Ink. Also," You were kind of embarrassed to admit it, but you said it anyways. "I think I would prefer to sleep up here, with you." With that, you yawned.

"Y/N, I gotta say, you're so cute!" You felt a bit flustered that someone called you cute. The last time, was with your, parents....

You then started to cry.

"Y-Y/N? W-what's wrong? Was it something I said?" You shook your head into Ink's torso. You sniffed a couple of times, and you looked at Ink's face, just nearly three inches away, with tears in your eyes.

"M-my parents..." You closed them again, causing tears to squeeze out of your eyelids.

This caused Ink to wrap you in a bear hug, and this touch made you soft and warm in the inside and out. You melted to his touch, and had one last sniff, and went to sleep in Ink's arms.

Ink's POV:

Y/N is sleeping in my arms...

She, she might love me. But she might not.

Will she?- Oh! I don't even know anymore. I gotta confess to her someday, but, maybe it's too early. She's only (your age between middle school and highschool) after all. She might think it's too young. But what would she say, if I said that I was only a few years older than her?

Yes, it could wait until we are old enough, but we can still confess our love, soon. Maybe I should get some sleep. Yeah, that's a brilliant idea Ink.

A dream come true, or your worst nightmare.(Ink x Reader and Error x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now