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Ink's POV:

I have just finished my sketch of Y/N, and boy, does she look cute. She's just so delicate and fragile, yet at the same time, beautiful. I look over my sketchpad and I still see Y/N sound asleep, her chest faintly rising and falling.

One of her hairs has fallen in her face, and was tickling her nose, so I brushed it behind her ear, not knowing what I was doing. When I realized, I felt my cheekbones start to kindle.

Paint Palletes. I thought.

I decided to check in on F/N, and see how she is doing. Also to get my mind off of a certain someone.

I walk up the stairs, and go towards F/N's door. It was the color of birch wood, and I engraved a little peephole, that had the shape of a heart. I don't know why I made it detailed like this, but it definitely gave the door itself some character. I look into the peephole, and I saw...


I got a little paranoid, so I knocked on it lightly. Then I knocked again. Okay, this is getting a bit scary.

"F/N? F/N!" I call into the door.

I don't think she's in there.... Paint Palletes!

I burst into her room and I looked around. She wasn't in her bed. She wasn't in her desk, she wasn't in her closet. She wasn't-

Then I noticed that a white pillow was gone from her bed, and a blanket too. Did she sleep somewhere else? I told myself, but I didn't sound too confident in my thoughts.

I decide to look around the rooms. I know I didn't hear any doors open or close, but it's better to be safe than sorry. I start to check the door next to F/N's room. It was the bathroom. The door was open, so it was not in usage. I then looked into Y/N's room. I was getting more desperate for a call every time a minute passed. Her door, was spruce wood, and had again, a heart shaped peephole. I knocked on it twice, and called her name.

No answer.

I panicked slightly and moaned. I then stepped into the room that was colored green. The floor was white carpet, and the bed was turquoise. There was also purple curtains, with the window looking into the plain white view.

I should add some background soon.

I added a mental note, and then decided that F/N wasn't here either. I then checked the last room. My room. Paint Palletes. I haven't seen here ANYWHERE! W-where could she be?!


I look into the familiar room that I call mine. I have already been in here to retrieve my sketchpad, but maybe she sneaked in here in the meantime. I looked around, my eyes checking the splatter of colors on one wall, the blue waves on another, the green grass on one side, and the stars on another wall. I even checked under the covers of my bed, which was chocolate brown, but, F/N was nowhere to be seen.

I then bit my nonexistent nails, and then it, burst upon me.

"Error took her." I whispered. "Error took her!" I then shouted, as though that were to make a difference. I then feared that Error might take Y/N away from me. Why? Well I don't know! Ask that guy!

I then fleeted down the stairs and sighed as I saw Y/N still sleeping. I was still paranoid though.

What could Error be doing to her now?! Is he treating her well? Is he persuading her to backstab me?! Is he, caring for her?

All these thoughts were trying their hardest to weigh me down, but I had to stay hopeful, and grateful for Y/N. If she were in good health, I would go after F/N, but since she isn't, I'm afraid I will have to leave F/N with the fox.

What a good caretaker I am.

I scolded myself. I just asked if F/N and Y/N if they wanted to be fictional, because of Y/N making a wish. but it really just made her get kidnapped. I could do nothing to get her back.

"I-it's all my fault." I said shakily. "A-all my fault."

I then did the only thing I could do, sitting in a chair, I wept.

A dream come true, or your worst nightmare.(Ink x Reader and Error x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now