Realizing that it's Ink's Birthday

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Ink's POV:

Ahh, it's been a week since Y/N got hurt, but now she's as good as new! Just, a few scars... It was the best I could do. I still feel like Horrortale shouldn't have happened, and they didn't have a very good reason for attacking Y/N. Maybe he was just bloodthirsty, but I feel like it was a bit more than that.

Meh, I guess I'll think about this some other time, for I have a scene to paint.

Y/N's POV:

Ink has been gone for, quite a while now. You have no idea what he is doing outside, but you hope it's something great, because you have been cooped up inside all day. Wait...

You think of a mischievous idea. You were going to look through Ink's drawings, since you know Ink has them somewhere in his drawers.

Off you went to Ink's room!

Ink's POV:

Aaanndd.... DONE!

I have just finished making the perfect outdoors, which had a waterfall, a lot of trees, and beautiful vines and flowers. There was even a bench nearby. I bet she would have a great time hanging out here with me.

Ahh... just thinking about it... Y/N and I, sitting on the bench, lovingly looking into each other's eyes, then, we lean in and....

Wait wait wait... Y/N is too young... Don't let your fantasies become realities any time soon INK!

Anyway, I have walked over to the front door, and I opened it. Inside, was eerily quiet. Where was Y/N? Maybe she's in her room.

I look into her room. Nope she's not there.

I look into F/N's room. Nope. No beautiful little girl that I love dearly~...

I finally look into my room, which Y/N hasn't been into since that one night... I slowly turn the knob, and I peek into my room. There before my eyes, was Y/N sitting there, looking through my drawings and paintings, and everything that I have ever worked on. I have never crumpled up any, piece, of paper. In my whole entire life...

Now Y/N is going to look at pretty much everything that I have done over the years.

*groan* Get ready for cringe....

Y/N's POV:

You heard a groan coming from Ink's doorway, and you saw him there, facepalming, and you froze, because you had no idea what to do next. Luckily, Ink looked from his hand, and gave me a look that read: Welp. I will have to do it sometime....

Ink then sighed, and moseyed over to where you were sitting, and he made a new chair for himself, and scooted it over to the desk where you had neatly stacked the drawings. Ink then said something along the lines of: Here we go... under his breath. Ink then flipped the whole thing over, and took from the top.

"From the beginning..." He said, and hesitated to even look at the flipped over drawing. Ink then flipped it over, and there showed a weird looking gloved skeletal hand, that was severed, or, not finished.

"You made this?" You asked Ink. Ink sighed, and cringed and facepalmed, but he looked through the cracks of his hand, to reach for the next paper, which showed a portal, or a measly looking one.

"*sigh* I think this was when I first saw a portal." You looked at him, which he looked back, but looked uneasy still. What could be so bad in this stack of papers? He reached for the next one, and he took a little peek at it, but then said:

"NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!" And then he slammed it onto the table, with you getting a small glimpse of a... pelvis.

You look to Ink, who was a blushing mess, and also looked like a literal rainbow right now. You decided to reach for another paper, and Ink grabbed your arm, which startled you, so you looked to Ink's embarrassed face.

"Let me do it, okay?" You laughed through your nose, and nodded. You let go of the paper, and Ink snatched it, and he looked at it, with you being out of eyeshot, and then he nodded and turned it around, showing Ink laying down, but the drawing still looking very scruffy. Then came the next picture, which seemed very new for some reason, and had some magical ability with it, as though it were sent like a letter. Ink reached for it, but when he did, he gasped at what he read and saw.

"Oh... my...." Ink had some tears in his eyes, but he was half smiling half frowning.

"What is it Ink?" You were very confused to what the picture could be. Ink turned it around, now crying in his right hand and showing the picture with his good hand, you saw that it said:

Happy birthday Ink!

Which, made you realize...

"I forgot it was my birthday..." Ink sobbed. You then felt the urge to hug him, because let's face it, he really needs a hug. You then grab him in a comfortable, meaningful hug. You then moved your head which was on his shoulder, and looked at Ink lovingly.

"Happy birthday Ink." You then gave Ink a kiss, in which he melted into. Ink grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you in, as you latched onto his as well. You were both wrapped in each other's arms, finally, expressing your feelings for each other, and on a perfect day too,

Ink's birthday.

A dream come true, or your worst nightmare.(Ink x Reader and Error x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now