This morning I woke up feeling a bit better since Gus died. I still cry sometimes, but it's been better. Ugg, I really don't know another way to say this, but my cancer has gotten worse. Every week I have to visit the hospital. My mom and dad are both in panic mode 24/7. I have been sick all the time and this doesn't help my parents worrying. I haven't gone back to school in a month and now I am getting worried.
Every day I ask myself: "When am I going to die? Lord, just take my soul so I can see Gus again."
I'm depressed.
# # #
This morning mom woke me up to go to the hospital.
"Hazel, come on darling, wake up. You know we have to to go to the hospital. We're gonna be late!"
"Uggg, mom I feel like I might throw up."
"Ok honey hold it in just for a second, let me go get a bucket."
Mom ran out of the room in search of a bucket and I realized that I couldn't hold it in.
Great. I just puked up whatever was in my stomach all over myself. I have to get to the shower. I try to get out of bed but can't. I have the worst headache ever. I can't even move.
"Mom!" I scream.
"Yes honey, I've got the bucket. Just hold it for a second more," she said when she walked in. "Oh my. looks like you won't be needing this bucket anymore will you." She giggled as she put the bucket down.
"Mom," I grumble. "I can't get up."
"Well why not?" She asks.
"My head... it.. it.. it hurts really bad. I can't move."
"Honey, I'll help you. we have to go."
She did end up helping me get up. It was painful, but after she walked me to the shower my head didn't feel as bad.
After my shower, we both got in the car and were on our way to the hospital. I
started getting motion sickness after about 2 minutes.When we got to the hospital, the nurse came in and did the normal-plus-cancer checkup routine.
Her and my mom went out into the hallway to talk. This didn't worry me because it happened every the time. I was left in the room by myself. I thought about him.

The Fault in Our Stars: A Sequel
FanfictionHazel after Augustus... She finds out that she's pregnant with his baby. Will Isaac be her next love?