The Fault In Our Stars: A Sequal

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I practically rolled out of bed and just slapped on some clothes. I really didn't feel like doing anything today.

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch grabbing my phone on the coffee table beside me. I clicked it on and went through my contacts until I found Gus'.

I hit call, and it went to voicemail. I just sat there calling him over and over again just so I could hear his sweet voice. It is so relaxing.

I called him one last time and then my mom walked into the room and asked me to please eat some breakfast. I put the phone down and slowly got up and walked into the kitchen.

# # #

I went to Isaac's later that day, and we really didn't do anything but talk and play video games.

It had been a rather uneventful day.


Sorry for the short filler chapter guys! I kind of was trying to just write something to fill up a chapter so there is going to be a big chapter next!! (No spoilers)

I made a fandom instagram!
It's @okay_alaska_okay
I post all kinds of things like tfios, thg, hp, divergent, tmi, maze runner, etc...

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