5 months later....
I was screaming as mom floored the gas pedal down the road. The pain was unbearable. My mom had told me to keep my breathes in a pattern. I would inhale, the exhale. Inhale, then exhale. Over and over again to keep my heart rate steady.
Then another contraction."Ahhhh! Mom when are we going to get there? It hurts so bad!" I screamed.
"Shhhhh Hazel. We will be there in about 3 more minutes, okay?"
I thought to myself as I tried to push through the pain.
Okay. I am going to be okay. Okay is out always.# # #
Mom parked the car in a very uneasy way. I knew that she couldn't stand to see her only daughter go through pain like this.
Another contraction.
Patterned breathes. Patterned Breathes.I thought about Gus as my mom dragged me behind her to get to the emergency room. A tear trickled down my cheek as the fact that He would never meet his baby became real to me.
I have Isaac now. I thought.
I have Isaac now.But Isaac wasn't Gus.
I needed him at that moment. I needed to feel his soft lips press against mine as I laid in the hospital bed. Our baby is being born now and nothing will stop that.

The Fault in Our Stars: A Sequel
FanfictionHazel after Augustus... She finds out that she's pregnant with his baby. Will Isaac be her next love?