I drove over to Isaac's house, with Phillip in the passenger seat. On the way, I listened to Augustus' favorite band Hectic Glow's newest album. It hurt me inside to know he was never going to hear it.
I walked over to Isaac's front door, and rang the bell. His mom opened it.
"Hazel! How have you been?" She says sing-songingly.
"I'm fine, I guess. You?"
"I'm great! Isaac told me about your pregnancy. Congratulations!"
What? Isaac shouldn't have told her about that! Although she would have found out sooner or later... "Oh. Ya. Thanks." I say embarrassment clear in my voice.
"Well why don't you go down to Isaac's room. He's playing that stupid game of his." She said to dismiss our conversation and direct me to the stairs.
I walk down the the staircase that seemed to go on forever. I found Isaac sitting in one of his gamer chairs playing Counterinsurgence 2. It was still weird to me that he doesn't know that I'm here yet. I have to say something.
"Hey." I say.
"Hi, Hazel. What compelled you to come to our home today? Did you need something?" He said obviously mocking his mother.
"No, I just wanted to talk about that kiss in person."
"Oh?" He says.
"Um, I really am sorry."
"Ya, so am I."
"Do you want to, I don't know, go out maybe sometime?"
Did he just ask me out? Oh my God. What do I do? Do I say yes? Should I say yes?
"Uh, sure?"
"Really? I thought you'd say no."
"Well, when is it?"
"I'll pick you up at eight on Saturday."
"Ok. see you then. Bye Isaac."
"Bye Hazel."
And I walked out of his room and up the never-ending set of stairs.

The Fault in Our Stars: A Sequel
FanfictionHazel after Augustus... She finds out that she's pregnant with his baby. Will Isaac be her next love?