The Fault In Our Stars: A Sequal

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When I woke up, I realized that I was laying in a hospital bed. I wasn't sure if I could speak yet, so I tested it out.

"Mom?" I asked groggily.

"Hazel! Honey you are finally awake!" She said happily as she pranced over to my bed.

"What happened," I said in between breathes. I was out of breath. "Is the baby okay?"

"Last night you were just having really bad morning sickness. Everything is good. the baby is actually great."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Good."

"Would you like to go home now?"

"Yes, please. Wait, where's dad?"

"Oh he had to go to work. It was an emergency. And I did make sure to tell him that you and the baby were a-ok."

"Oh ok." I said as I sat up and felt a wave of dizziness come over me. I hesitated, but kept moving until the dizziness receded.

We walked to the car and mom helped Phillip and I get in.

# # #

When we got home, I relaxed at the familiar smell of my home. I walked up to my room and picked up my phone. There was a text from Isaac.

'How are you? Are you feeling
better yet? Do you wanna
come over? I mean, only
if you are feeling up to it.'

I was feeling up to it. I decided to ask my mom to drive me over the his house because I wasn't really in the best condition to be driving right about now.


Hey guys! how do you like the new cover? I am really sorry for all of the short chapters, but I am not that good at writing long ones sooo...

How are you liking the story so far? Please feel free to comment! I love reading what you have to say! and if you want to correct me on something, please tell me!

Thanks bye ❤

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