Chapter 9 ; cute boy beef

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So, I've read on a couple books about authors setting goals so we are gonna try it, if you don't know what I mean it's pretty easyyyyyyy Goal=New Update ! Don't get me wrong I appreciate every read and vote I get but, I thought it'd be fun to try this out so, here we go

3 votes & 3comments ????

I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people - Maya Angelou

Filler chapter sorry bout it
Lane's P.O.V

"Look all I'm saying is Nirvana's Smells like teenage spirit is the best song.", Parker said stretching his arm behind his back. We were currently sitting in Mrs. Repp's class working on a worksheet that was given out. Parker had grabbed my phone and was now scrolling through my music and stopped as soon as he noticed my playlist lacked different bands.

"Did you get drop on your head as a child or are you just insane?", I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay Miss high and mighty what's your opinion?".

"My opinion?".

He shrugged his shoulders a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Easy, Bohemian Rhapsody by, Queen.", I said smiling slightly.

He slowly nodded his head and took a pause before speaking, "Eh, I guess I'll let it slide.".

The bell rang quickly after and Parker continued to walk with me to my locker. I couldn't help but, notice people going out of their way to glance over at us or lean closer than they normally would trying to listening to what Parker was talking about.

"Hello earth to Lane Walker.", His voice rang out.

"Are you used to this many stares?", I asked as we came to a stop at my locker.

His shoulders shrugged and I saw a hint of irritation shoot through his eyes, "It's part of being Quaterback, I guess you just get used to it.".

I looked up at him while he looked ahead and noticed that his jaw was slightly ticking , "Hey, we should probably head to the cafeteria yeah?".

Now, when I told him we should head to the cafeteria I figured he would end up going with his friends. I thought it was coincidental when he stayed in line with me even though he didn't buy anything but, I thought he grew a new person on him when he started approaching Chloe at the table she was sitting at, I saw her lift an eyebrow in questioning.

"Hey Chlo, this is Parker, Parker this is Chloe.", I said sitting down while Parker scooted his chair subtly closer to me.

"Any friends of Lane's is a friend of mine.", he said shooting her a playful smirk.

Parker turned his head over his shoulder and Chloe quickly mouthed, "Friend?".

"So, Lane I was thinking we should meet up again maybe sometime this weekend since there's only a game Friday night ?", Parker asked while pulling a brown paper bag out of his backpack. Which I could only assume was his lunch.

I looked down at my lunch and couldn't help but groan at how unappetizing my lunch looked compared to his homemade sandwich.

"Lane?", he said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh yeah sure that works for me.", I said smiling.  My eyes drifted up to Chloe who wiggles her eyebrows.

"Laney!", I heard my name being called and turned my head to see a smiling Will headed our way. As he slowly approached and noticed Parker I saw his jaw clench and his smile drop.

His eyes skimmed the table and landed on the spot closet to me and plopped down into it,

"Hey Laney , Chloe.", he smirked in acknowledgment.

"Hey Willy this is Parker.", I said smiling sheepishly.

"I know who he is.".

My head snapped up to look back and forth between the boys who both replied. At first I thought it was nothing but, looking at Parker's jaw Clenching and Wills cocky smirk I could practically feel the tension.

Parker pulled a second sandwich and put it in front of me winking, "I should probably head out, see you saturday Lane.".

He brought to fingers up in a lazy salute of acknowledged signaling his leaving to me and Chloe. I watched him slowly walk towards his usual table , doing the typical man shake with some of the players already at the table. My eyes drifted to a table in the far back where Brody sat alone. He had his head phones in and he was eating a sandwich while subtly bobbing his head. As if sensing my eyes his head shot up and a smirk to over his lips. He winked in my direction before throwing his food away and walking out of the cafeteria.


"Don't you think it's weird how every accent expect country disappears when someone sings?", Chloe said while putting her books in her locker.

My mind was occupied and I leaned against the locker next to her.

"Like you only sometimes hear Harry Styles accent but, you always hear Luke Bryan's.", I turned my head and noticed the look of utter confusion.

"Hey Chloe , what's your dad saying about this Arc Vulcan guy?", I said while at the bulletin board across the hall

Victor Warren was chief of police a job a lot of people around here would say is just about useless now that supers we're here.

She sat up and looked at me raising an eyebrow, "I don't know, he seemed pretty shaken up the night it happened, it's not like we had experience with villains.".

"Oh crap I totally forgot I have a club meeting I gotta go see you later.", she said rushing down the hall.

Chloe was always running through the halls , I was suprised she didn't run into people throughout her running .

"So, I mean I'm flattered and everything but, the whole stalking this is starting to be creepy.", I heard a voice behind me say. I turned to be greeted with no other than Brody Samuels. He had a blank expression on his face as he rolled his eyes, he slowly lifted his hand up and pointed to the locker I was leaning on.

"Sorry.", I muttered to which I got a scoff. I watched him take his book out of his locker and then close it but, not before notice a picture of a woman and a small girl hanging up in his locker. The lady had long brown hair and a soft smile covering her features while the little girl was almost a carbon copy.

I was broken out of my staring by the sound of his locker shutting.

"Creep.", I heard him mutter under his breathe. Before he turned and walked away.

AN: sorry bout the short filler chapter but , more hints 😸

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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