Chapter 2: Chill Factor

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     The tall girl was wearing Nike Airforce Ones with short shorts with a black, white, blue, red plaid shirt tied around her waist

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     The tall girl was wearing Nike Airforce Ones with short shorts with a black, white, blue, red plaid shirt tied around her waist. Her caramel colored hair was tightly in a ponytail. The closer the girl got the more nervous Hallie became. "You new around here kid?" The girl asked while adjusting her red snapback and looking Hallie up and down. Hallie just stood there staring at her and didn't say a word. "No speaka de Ingles?" The girl asked annoyed but had a bright smile on over her tanned face. "Oh right yeah, I'm, I'm Hallie. I'm new here, I live down the street." Hallie said not looking her in the eye. "You're nervous aren't you?" The girl asked stepping closer to her. Before Hallie could speak the girl was 2 inches away from her face. "This is Vanerro Rotetecci you're talking to. No need to be scared darling. I only bite when I need to." The girl said while holding Hallie's chin with her thumb and index finger. Hallie finally looked her in the eye. Her eyes were a beauteous green, jade almost. They complimented her caramel colored hair and skin. Hallie stayed silent and kept her gaze on Vanerro. She didn't know why she was staring at this girl, but she didn't mind. Not at all. Then out of the blue she heard a faint voice calling after Vanerro. A tall boy came walking around the corner from the beach calling Vanerro. "You aren't possessing that poor girl are you?"The boy yelled from a distance. Hallie looked at the boy then looked at Vanerro who looked annoyed by the boy. "Excuse me darling." Vanerro said forming a smile and winking at Hallie before she turned around and started walking towards the boy. "No not yet! Just working my charm!" Vanerro yelled to him still walking his direction. Hallie stood there watching after Vanerro. She smiled at the thought of meeting her first friend in Hawaii. She immediately brushed away her thoughts when she noticed Vanerro and the boy coming her way. "This is Renendez. The ugly annoying one." Vanerro said punching him in the arm. "And this is Vanerro Christina Rotetecci. The world's worst rebel ever." Renendez said shaking his head. "We've met already. And I have no idea what he's talking about." Vanerro said while walking away guiltily. "She went to Juvie for slashing her math teacher's tires and busting all the windows. All because of a bad grade." Renendez explained laughing at the memory. "I didn't deserve that grade and the tickled titty bitch knew it." Vanerro said defensively a few feet away from them. "Her grade was a B+". Renendez said. Hallie mouthed "Wow." "Come on, we have to keep an eye on little Ms. I Like To Find Trouble." Renendez said reaching his hand out for hers. Hallie freaked out on the inside. He was smiling at her. His muscular frame, chiseled jaw, and perfectly gentle smile distracted Hallie from what was going on. She reached her small hand for his. He gently held hers and lead her to Vanerro who was talking to a girl who worked at the smoothie bar. "Oh Lord, who is she hitting on now? Of course, Jenny O'Brian, the smoothie chick." Renendez said, them finally reaching Vanerro. "It's kinda sunny out here don't you think?" Vanerro asked smirking while playing with a napkin on the counter. "Yes Vanerro it is, why?" Jenny asked annoyed throwing away used straws left on the counter. Vanerro popped her gum before speaking. She smirked at Jenny. "I was hoping you could sit on my face to replace my sunglasses?" Vanerro asked flirtatiously while taking her hat off and wiping the sweat off her forehead. Hallie and Renendez giggled at what Vanerro asked Jenny. Vanerro looked back and rolled her eyes at the two. "Vanerro this is the 3rd time you've tried to get in my pants and I keep telling you "strictly dickly". And I have a boyfriend. I'm flattered but I'm dating Rondez Colpton. You're one of his closest friends. You know that. Duh." Jenny explained while wiping the counter. Hallie saw that Jenny had  Magnolia flower tattoo on her left wrist. She was also over tanned. "That shrimp dick punk ass lil boy? Don't nobody care about him. " Vanerro asked while putting her hat back on. "Yes and don't talk shit because you can't see what color panties I'm wearing." Jenny snapped back. " Bitch dey blue." Vanerro said getting up from the bar and flipping her off. " Vanerro chill." Renendez said. He was still holding hands with Hallie. Hallie looked at Jenny, her shirt was tugged on a piece of wood from the counter. Hallie saw a bit of her panties and sure enough they were blue. "How did she know that? Unless she seen them the way I did?" Hallie thought while biting her lip. "I'm chill." Vanerro said staring at the ground. "You know, I hate when you get like this Vanerro." Renendez said finally letting go of Hallie's hand. Hallie immediately felt bad that he let go so quickly. "If you hate it then fuck off." Vanerro said harshly staring him down. "I can't just fuck off. Once I met you I knew I signed a contract stating I can never leave you because of the trouble you get in." Renendez said rubbing the back of his head. "Hey Ren, do me a big ass favor." Vanerro instructed harshly. "What?" Renendez asked annoyed. "Fuck off and go suck a dick." Vanerro yelled harshly at him causing the flow of everyone else's activities to stop. "Fine, you're such a drama queen." Renendez said starting to walk away. "Have fun with her Hallie." Renendez yelled walking further away and down the beach. Vanerro started walking a different direction from Hallie who was just standing there clueless.


    Hallie jogged to catch up with Vanerro. Hallie was going to speak but then decided not to, thinking it would be weird to talk to her after what just happened. She let a few moments pass and spoke anyway. "So...are you okay?" Hallie asked nervously walking alongside Vanerro. "Yeah... I'm aight." Vanerro said now stopping and sitting in the sand. "Do you guys always fight like that?" Hallie asked sitting beside her. "Yeah. Pretty much. Me and that bozo been friends for 10 years. To be honest, I absolutely hated him when we first met. He always told me what to do and tried to keep me out of trouble. Then what made it worse was his mom and my dad became friends." Vanerro explained picking out grains of sand. " Can I ask you something?" Hallie asked. " Haha you just did. But sure doll face." Vanerro wrapped her arms loosely around her knees. "Why do you like getting in trouble?" Hallie asked immediately regretting asking the question. "Ha good question. I guess I just like fucking up shit, and people." Vanerro said while laughing at her troublemaking memories of her 19 years of life. Hallie made a face with an eyebrow raised. "Nah, I'm kidding, but um my mom died of cancer when I was 4, and since then my dad became an all-night drunk. And with me being an only child, I was home alone a lot. My dad was either out getting beer or at a club with some skank drinking a beer." Vanerro explained with no emotion in her at all. "Vanerro... you don't have to tell me this." Hallie explained feeling guilty. "It's all good babes, don't feel bad for me. You should let me finish it gets better. So... it was my 13th birthday and... he um... my dad came home hella drunk. I told my dad it was my birthday. Like I ran in front of him literally yelling it in his drunk face. You know what he did?" Vanerro asked forming a grim smile. Hallie shook her head nervously. "He said, "Girl you've got a body like your mother." And then he groped me. Touched me, violated me." Vanerro explained clenching her fists. Hallie shed a few tears then quickly wiped them away before Vanerro saw them. " Where is he now?" Hallie asked. "At home. Sitting on his ass watching T.V. with a beer in his left hand. And one of these days he's gonna die in that chair he sits in day in and day out. And when he does... I will not, for the life of me give a donkey's shit." Vanerro said getting up and wiping the sand off of her plaid shirt that was still tied around her waist. When she was done Vanerro held her hand out to help Hallie get up. " I should probably get home. I don't want my aunt worrying." Hallie said nervously taking Vanerro's hand and helping herself up. "Cool, I'll walk you home." Vanerro said. "You can't get rid of me that easy." Vanerro said winking at her. "So meeting you today meant I signed the contract too?" Hallie asked forming a smile. "Hell yeah. Signature and printed name." Vanerro said laughing. " So are you like..." Hallie hesitated. Vanerro stopped and looked at her. She bit her lip. Hallie got chills down her spine. Hallie didn't know what she was feeling. It felt weird, but she liked it. Vanerro's body was tatted from her neck  to both of her arms. She had a nose ring and gauges. Hallie didn't deny how sexy she was.  "Am I what? Go ahead and ask what I know you're about to ask." Vanerro said stepping closer to Hallie and smirking while folding her arms and popping her gum. Hallie blushed while playing with her fingers. "Are you like gay?" Hallie asked while smiling and immediately covering her mouth playfully. "Gay as fuck darling. Ima wussy for pussy." Vanerro said laughing and putting a V  up to her mouth. Hallie blushed when she winked at her.  They had finally reached her house after 2 minutes of walking and talking. "Well, I'll see you later darling." Vanerro said saluting Hallie who was walking to the front door. Vanerro turned around and walked away towards the beach. She smiled at the thought of Hallie. As soon as Hallie entered the house she felt something wasn't right. "Take a seat. Now." Something definitely wasn't right. Her grandmother was home.

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