Chapter 9: Sadly Mistaken

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WARNING: Explicit detail

 The following day Hallie made her way to the beach where Vanerro was playing football with Renendez and a couple other boys that were mutual friends with him. Before Hallie walked over to the group she checked out Vanerro from head to toe. She wore a white and black  short sleeve rash guard with black cargo shorts and a black snapback to match with sunglasses. Hallie bit her lip. She then checked out Renendez whose hair was in a man bun. He was shirtless revealing his tribal tattoo and fairly detailed abs. Hallie bit her lip harder. "You little bitch. Quit being a pussy and throw the damn football like it means somethin to you. I'm bored as shit."  Hallie heard Vanerro yelling to one of the boys. Renendez and the rest of them started laughing. Hallie made her way to Vanerro. "Hey stranger, can I buy you a smoothie?" Hallie asked flirtatiously. Vanerro walked toward Hallie and smirked while looking her up and down. Hallie shot a quick glance at Renendez who was now staring at Vanerro grabbing Hallie's waist and kissing her. Renendez shook his head and looked away disappointingly.  While Hallie heard the group of boys yelling catcalls at the girls kissing. "Daaammnn V-Ro get sommeee!!!"The boys whistled at her. Vanerro shook her head laughing at them. Hallie couldn't help but blush. Vanerro looked down, her also blushing. She looked up and looked Hallie in the eyes. Something about Hallie's eyes made Vanerro want to stare in them all day. "Yes, you may darling. Although I'd rather have you instead." Vanerro said biting her lip at Hallie's ass as they walked toward the smoothie bar. Hallie looked at her. "Only Vanerro would say something Vanerro-ish." Hallie said jokingly. Vanerro put an arm around Hallie's shoulder as they made their way to the smoothie bar. "Vanerro I already told you for the last time I..." Vanerro put her hand up. "Shut up bitch sexy here is buying me a smoothie. Don't flatter yourself, Ronnie already told me your pussy has fumes." Vanerro teased adjusting her caramel colored ponytail through the back of her snapback. Hallie snickered while covering her mouth trying not to laugh. "Don't listen to her, her panties are too small." Hallie said defending Jenny while smirking. Vanerro blushed. She tilted her head down to look at Hallie through her sunglasses. "Yeah. If I wore panties." Vanerro said popping her gum and unbuckling her belt and revealing her Calvin Klein briefs to Hallie and Jenny. Hallie squirmed in her seat while Vanerro winked at her. "She hasn't tried on you yet?" Jenny asked Hallie noticing her nervousness. She blushed. She never even thought about what she wanted yet. She was torn between Vanerro and Renendez even though she told Renendez differently. "Nah, and if I did? You'd know about it. Her screams would make it hard for you to ignore." Vanerro said boldly while adjusting her snapback. "You feeling pretty bold aren't you there?" Hallie said while smiling and turning to her. Hallie rested her head on her hand. Vanerro gestured Jenny to make her a smoothie. "Actually I am." Vanerro said taking off her sunglasses and her snapback. Hallie looked into her eyes and couldn't look away. The sun's gentle rays shined on Vanerro's green eyes. Her long lashes brought great definition and attention to them. "Jenny go away real quick. I gotta talk to my lady." Vanerro said grabbing the strawberry and coconut smoothie Jenny had made for her and motioning her to the opposite direction. Hallie pulled out her wallet and gave Jenny 2 dollars and some change. "She's not even yours asshole." Jenny scoffed wiping her hands on her apron. "Yeah, yeah tell it to your kids bitch now shoo. Go do something about your pussy B.O." Vanerro said plugging her nose. Jenny rolled her eyes and left to greet a customer. "Which is actually what I wanted to ask you." Vanerro said to Hallie who was daydreaming. "Ask me what?" Hallie sat straight up in her seat. "Hallie, let me tell you something." Vanerro looked into Hallie's eyes. "I really really like you. And we just met what a week ago? Shit is crazy. But I can't help it. You're crazy smart, darling hella gorgeous. I know I flirt with other girls and talk a lot of shit, but I NEVER catch feelings for a broad. Not after..." Vanerro stopped and hesitated. Hallie quickly grabbed Vanerro's hand. "I know... she told me." Hallie said sympathetically. Vanerro looked down at the sand and studied the details of the grains of sand. The flashbacks of the pain Amara caused her made it unbelievable to think that she wanted to start another relationship. But she was taking a risk. A risk that she was sure of. For Hallie. "Hallie, will you officially be my girlfriend?" Vanerro asked with a little hope in her voice. Hallie looked at her. She'd never seen green eyes glow the way Vanerro's did. Her smile made Hallie's heart melt for her. "Yes, yes I will be your girlfriend Vanerro." Hallie said jumping into Vanerro's lap. Hallie looked over Vanerro's shoulder and saw Renendez talking to a red-headed girl. He looked at her then back at the girl. The girl traced her fingers on his tattoo and grabbed his hand and started walking. Hallie tightly hugged Vanerro as Renendez looked back at Hallie while the girl led him to a near by tent on the beach. The girl went in first then Renendez. The girl poked her head out and looked around, closing the tent's curtain after her. "Come with me." Vanerro said getting up and grabbing Hallie's hand. Vanerro led her to an abandoned shed on the beach. "What are we doing?" Hallie asked confused. Vanerro sat on a dusty table and reached in her pocket while Hallie stood in front of her awkwardly. Vanerro pulled out a napkin and unfolded it. Inside were 2 blunts. Vanerro took one and put the other one back in her pocket. She felt under the dusty table and pulled out a small lighter. She put the blunt to her lips and lit it. She inhaled deeply and 3 seconds later exhales and fills the room with smoke. Vanerro smirked at Hallie. "Try it." She gestured the blunt toward her. She shook her head quickly. "I-I can't. Grams would kill me." Hallie explained worriedly shaking her head continuously. "Oh come on, I don't see Rhonda anywhere do you?" Hallie looked around. Vanerro hit it again. Hallie heard Vanerro whisper "Shit" under her breath. Hallie looked at her. "What? Are you okay???" Vanerro blew a puff of smoke right in Hallie's face and laughed. "Shit is damn good." Vanerro said admiring the blunt and smirking. Hallie slapped Vanerro's arm and pouted. She thought about it. She took the blunt from Vanerro and put it to her mouth. She inhaled deeply and held it in longer than Vanerro. "Darling exhale let it out let it out." Vanerro instructed. Hallie exhaled and smoke escaped from her mouth and nose. Hallie hit it again, and again, and again. She loved this feeling. "Damn baby, save some for me." Vanerro said smirking. She was immediately turned on by this new side of pristine Hallie. Vanerro hit it again. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Hallie asked uneasily holding her hand in front of her face. Vanerro chuckled. She put Hallie's hand down. "It's finally kicking in now isn't it?" Vanerro asked looking at her. "Huh? Ooh, I can spell kick! K-i-k... fuck it I give up." Hallie mumbled. Vanerro got up off the table and backed Hallie up against the wall. Hallie wrapped her arms around Vanerro's shoulders. " I don't really like humans much. But I like you." Hallie said staring into her eyes. "You are. Stupidly high. Right now." Vanerro said laughing. "Totally." Hallie said laughing with her in embarrassment.  "It's okay, you're a lightweight." Vanerro said looking at her. Her eyes gazed over Hallie's petite figure. Her thick thighs just barely fitting in her shorts, her round ass perfectly shaping her lower body, her belly button piercing showing through her shirt, her fairly colored soft skin against hers, making it impossible to keep her hands off of, her brunette colored hair with a blonde tint making her eyes more noticeable only making Vanerro want her more. She admired every little detail of Hallie's body. Vanerro began to trace her fingers along Hallie's waist, then kissing Hallie. Hallie grabbed her face and kissed her back slowly. Vanerro left soft kisses down her neck making Hallie's legs grow weak. She was nervously sweating through her clothes. Vanerro kissed Hallie again, only this time surprising her by slipping her hand into her shorts and between her legs. Hallie moaned into Vanerro's mouth causing her to bite her lip. Vanerro massaged between her legs faster causing Hallie's moans to break. Vanerro looked her in the eyes and said "You'd better shh. Shh just relax darling." Hallie looked at her like she was crazy. "How the hell am I supposed to shut up?" Hallie thought throwing her head back. She loved this, the feel of another girl. Vanerro's warmth, her soft touch. This feeling had been 100 times better than being with any guy. She moaned louder when Vanerro went deeper inside her. Hallie tried her best to keep quiet. Vanerro looked at her seductively. "Thatta girl, fuck." Vanerro whispered in her ear making her wetter. "You ready darling?" Vanerro asked now grabbing Hallie's waist. "Ready for what?" Hallie instantly felt Vanerro's grip tighten on her waist. A minute later her shorts were on the floor and her panties were pulled to the side. Hallie screamed playfully when she was lifted up and against the wall without warning. Vanerro's head was buried between her thighs while her legs rested gently on her shoulders. Hallie couldn't believe she was up that high, Vanerro's grip on her waist was so firm it was both pain and pleasure. Hallie looked down at Vanerro looking up at her. Hallie threw her head back and closed her eyes. She grabbed Vanerro's head to slow her down but that didn't help. Vanerro grabbed Hallie's arms and held them together as she continuously gripped her waist so she couldn't move. Hallie's breaths became heavy and her moans turned into screams. Her body remained sweaty and she was about to lose control. Hallie screamed "VANERRO!". She was now Vanerro's new sunglasses. 


  "Where are you going?" Hallie asked putting her shorts back on. "I have to go pick up a few things from my old house. Hopefully, that asshole isn't there. And I'll be damned if I bring you with me." Vanerro said fixing her ponytail that was messed up from Hallie's grasp. "Okay, be careful, don't be too long?" Hallie said fixing her clothes. "Yeah, stay here. I'll be right back darling." Vanerro said walking out. Hallie sat down on top of the table trying to catch her breath and smiling at the sexy moments they just had. Hallie felt stinging as she slouched. The stinging on her waist and thighs from when Vanerro tightened her grip to keep Hallie from fighting back left her with red throbbing scratches. Hallie threw her head back and recalled every little detail of what just happened. And she loved it.  A few minutes later Hallie jumps when she sees a figure approaching the shed's entrance. "Everything okay in here? I heard screaming." Renendez said walking in out of no where.  "Oh yeah nothing, everything's fine." Hallie said looking away shyly. Renendez sighed. "Y'all fucked didn't you?" Renendez asked with attitude. "If you know Vanerro, obviously." Hallie said rolling her eyes. Renendez bit his lip. "What the hell Hallie?" Renendez asked with his hands in the air. "What?" Hallie asked confused.  "When did Hallinerro happen?" Renendez asked angrily pacing back and forth. "Today actually." Hallie said looking at her nails. Renendez stopped pacing and looked at her.  "Okay, okay it just sorta happened..." "When was somebody gonna tell Renendez? Are you even gay?" Renendez interrupted impatiently. Hallie couldn't answer. Because she didn't know. "I-I don't know. Look. I really really like Vanerro. And I really like you. Vanerro asked me to be her girlfriend today. I can't hurt her the way Amara did. So whatever this, us, we, were, has to stop." Hallie explained. "You know that's not what you want. You want to be with me. Not her." Renendez said folding his arms. Hallie couldn't speak. She didn't know what to say. Something in Renendez ticked, and she didn't know what it was, but she definitely didn't like it. At all. Renendez walked toward Hallie. He leaned in to kiss her. She pulled away. "Dude I mean it. And if you want to keep your best friend and beloved life, I advise you not to tell Vanerro about that kiss." Hallie left Renendez in the shed by himself.

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