Chapter 5: Vanerro

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   The next thing Hallie knew, her, Vanerro, and Amara were found in the office. Hallie just sat in that uncomfortable chair with her arms and legs crossed while Amara looked in her portable make-up mirror. She had a black eye and bloody nose. Vanerro was sitting in a chair away from both girls shaking her leg in irritation and running her hands through her hair. Hallie could tell she was pissed. She had been shaking her leg ever since they got called to the office. A short woman called Vanerro from her office. Vanerro quickly got up. Hallie's heart beat faster when Vanerro quickly glanced at her and looked away. Amara scoffed as Vanerro walked by. Hallie panicked when she saw Vanerro jump at Amara who was still sitting down. Amara screamed trying to fight back and block her face with her arms. 4 staff members plus the school's security tried to hold back Vanerro. She hit Amara a good 5 times in the face before finally getting picked up by security. The office was filled with Vanerro yelling racial slurs and completely trash talking her. " You dumb bitch! Jump when you say you gon jump bitch! You jumped the border with no problem! You aint talkin that shit now are you?!" Hallie was in shock the whole time. The security guards were finally able to subdue her in handcuffs. Vanerro's guidance counselor grabbed Vanerro by the arm and lead her to her office. Vanerro sat down across from her counselor and rolled her eyes. Her counselor stood in front of desk and leaned on it. She shook her head at Vanerro who glared straight forward. "You gonna guide me or you gonna judge me?" Vanerro asked her voice full of anger. Her counselor sighed and knelt down to Vanerro's level. "Vanerro, do you see what I see?" She asked. "If I did, do you think I'd be sitting here in handcuffs talking to you right now Mrs.Bryer?" Vanerro asked putting her head down. Mrs.Bryer chuckled sarcastically. "Yes, I do actually." Mrs.Bryer said standing back up. Vanerro looked up at her in disbelief. "Would you like to know why Vanerro?" Mrs.Bryer asked now sitting ontop of her desk. Vanerro nodded her head. Vanerro's hands were numb to the handcuffs. She was way too used to this feeling. What would her mother think? "I see a young girl. She's trapped in this mind set where she thinks the whole world is out to get her. You're trying to protect this little girl by being a hard ass, fighting chick who feels threatened by everything. You feel a constant need to defend your position in any situation and cause straight up hell for others." Mrs.Bryer explained. Vanerro looked at Mrs.Bryer. She always saw her as a mother figure along with Renendez's mom, Laura. Vanerro was thinking about her younger self as she was talking about. "What she's saying... is she right?" Vanerro thought. "Vanerro I've known you since you were wee little. Me and Laura have tried to look after you since Verambi died. And no thanks to your father for trying to help." Mrs.Bryer explained tears welling up in her eyes. Laura Bryer and Sasha Bryer are married and have been all Renendez's and Vanerro's life. "Sasha please don't." Vanerro replied annoyed. She really didn't want to see her crying. Mostly because of her actions. Vanerro skipped the subject. "So what's gonna happen to me?" Vanerro asked getting straight to the point. "Well, you are suspended, but your probation officer would like to meet with you tomorrow. Let's just hope Amara Wesley and her mother don't decide to press charges." Mrs.Bryer said hopefully. "Soo... this Hallie girl?" Mrs.Bryer asked smirking at Vanerro. Vanerro's whole mood changed. She couldn't help but smile. "Man, Hallie? That girl is something else." Vanerro said smiling. "So you haven't tried to sleep with her yet?" Mrs.Bryer asked shocked while smiling and surprised. " Nah, ole Vanerro tryna slow things down with shawty. Let's just say I caught feelings. And you wanna know what's crazy?" Vanerro asked sitting up in her chair. Mrs.Bryer shook her head. "I only met the girl yesterday! When I seen her walking outside in her lil outfit, body lookin right, beautiful brunette curls, and them sexy blue eyes. Man I aint never seen a broad with blue eyes like that. Darling's smile is something different." Vanerro bragged on and on. "Well how does she make you feel?" Mrs.Bryer asked. Vanerro bit her lip. "Like I wanna change." Vanerro said. Mrs.Bryer smiled at Vanerro. "I just hope I didn't scare her today..." Vanerro thought worriedly.

" Vanerro thought worriedly

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 "Girl. Wake up! You have to go see your P.O. today." Vanerro's dad informed while pulling back her blankets she was wrapped in. "Omosa not today. Let me sleep." Vanerro argued while rolling on her side. "VANERRO GET THE HELL UP!" Her dad yelled impatiently. Vanerro sighed and got up slowly. Omosa held his head. "Ha, see that hangover got to you didn't it?" Vanerro asked while laughing and getting out of bed. "You'd think after 15 years of drinking you'll get used to one of those huh dad?" Vanerro teased. She only called him dad when she was teasing him about drinking. She thought it was funny that he did all this damage to himself. "Shut up you rotten mistake. I should have made your mom swallow you." Omosa snapped back still holding his head from the hangover. Vanerro went to the bathroom, slammed the door and locked it. She looked in the mirror leaning over the sink. She freaked out when she zoned out and saw a little girl crying in the mirror facing her. Vanerro blinked twice and then the little girl looked up. It was her. Little Vanerro dropped to the floor and cried with her teddy bear.  Vanerro told the girl she was sorry. Vanerro then punched the mirror. The mirror broke into hundreds of pieces, all of them falling on the counter, in the sink, and on the floor. Vanerro heard banging on the door. "I have to replace another damn mirror don't I? Dammit girl! THIS MONEY IS COMING OUT OF MY BEER SUPPLY!!!!! You know what that means don't you?" Omosa asked awaiting an answer. Vanerro knew, if she didn't have the money to replace his beer, she had to give herself to him. "Yes Omosa now leave me the fuck alone. Go open another one!" Vanerro shouted at him looking at the blood in the sink from her hand. She cleaned her hand and wrapped it in gauze. She went back to her room and got ready. She wore men's low cut jean shorts with a white V-neck T-shirt and a black snapback. She went downstairs and into the garage where her 2011 Chevy Silverado was stored. Which she paid for with her own money and with the help of Renendez's parents Laura and Sasha. She made her way to the cafe she was supposed to meet her probation officer. The tall woman in black heels and a pantsuit got up from her table outside to greet Vanerro. Vanerro saw her and gave her a head nod. "Vanerro sit please. Always a pleasure to see you." She said. Vanerro popped her gum and adjusted her snapback. Nervous sweat crept under Vanerro's nose. She wiped it off. "Soo what am I here for ma?" Vanerro asked staring at her. Vanerro saw her cross her legs under the table. Her P.O. tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Well Vanerro um, it says here you've gotten into another fight with a student." "I whooped that ass, yes that's correct." Vanerro clarified putting her hands behind her head and leaning back in her chair, "Rachel you're looking sexy today." Vanerro said looking at her. She cleared her throat again. "Th-thank you. So I know you're suspended for what, a week?" Rachel asked still blushing. Vanerro nodded her head. "Well... now, um, the judge might see to it to have you spend 30 days under house arrest." Vanerro just stared at her.

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