Chapter 14: Teacher, Teacher

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          Hallie saw Vanerro and the rest of the class gather up their things

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          Hallie saw Vanerro and the rest of the class gather up their things. She began to  breathe heavily. Vanerro looked at her concernedly. "I'm staying for a little bit..." Hallie began to explain before Vanerro could ask why she wasn't moving.  Vanerro didn't say a word. "I'm okay, really. Go, go eat lunch. I'm fine." Hallie said trying to sound most assuring as she possibly could. Vanerro looked at  her.  A long concerned look. Hallie's eyes shifted to the movement in the background, which was Mr. Anders who was impatiently got up and leaned on his desk waiting for Vanerro to leave, while the rest of the class cleared out. Vanerro made her way to the door. She pointed at Mr. Anders, and gave Hallie one last look before leaving and shutting the door behind her. Hallie nervously looked down at her desk. She heard his footsteps shuffle toward the door. She quickly looked up and saw he was shutting the blinds on the door. She looked down again before he turned around. She nervously cleared her throat. Hallie jumped at the sound of his loud clap. "So... how about a deal Hallie Mitchell?" Mr. Anders asked with a grim smile on his face. Hallie shifted uncomfortably in her wooden seat. "W-what kind of deal? I-I thought I was staying to fix my mistakes?" Hallie stammered. Mr. Anders laughed hysterically. He folded his arms. "You want to change your grade?" His look went from grim to stern. His lips quivered and his eyebrows lowered. "H-how Mr. Anders?" Hallie asked trying not to panic. "Come here." Hallie slowly walked toward him. He bit his lip and panic swept over Hallie's body as he walked towards her, placing his hands on her waist. "Mr. Anders?" "Shh... don't speak Angie. Just relax." He said while leaning in and deeply inhaling the scent of her hair. Hallie could smell his cologne. It was overpowered by his sweat. He then buried his face in her neck and started kissing her. "Angie?" Hallie thought. She put her hands to his chest and tried to gently push him off without making him angry. She didn't know what this man would do if he was angry. And she didn't want to find out. His grip around her waist tightened. "Angie, please we'll fool around in the classroom like we used to before we got married." He said continuing to kiss her neck. And then it dawned on her. Angie is his ex-wife. Catching Hallie off guard he kissed her. He pulled her closely to his body so she could feel the bulge in his pants. Hallie's heart beat a million times a minute and stopped when she felt him grab her ass. He kissed her, his lips attached to hers instantly. She tried to scream but her screams were muffled by his mouth. Hallie almost threw up in her mouth. His breath reeked and tasted of weed and Scotch. Hallie kneed him in his groin and ran screaming out the classroom. All the classrooms on the 3rd floor were empty. No one could here her scream. They were all at lunch. She didn't know where she was running to, all she knew was she wanted to get away from that man. She bumped right into Renendez. Hallie fought him as he grabbed her from falling. She was kicking and screaming. "Hallie! Relax, relax it's me. It's Renendez. What happened?" Renendez asked worriedly. Hallie's body was still filled with adrenaline and panic from the horrid memory of her 3rd period English teacher. Hallie couldn't speak, she didn't speak. Mostly because she didn't know what to say. Renendez just stared at her in worry, he didn't know what to do. Hallie finally looked at him with tears in her eyes. The look he gave her was the same look Regina gave her when they were on the porch. She jumped into his arms and cried. Renendez held her tightly while rubbing her back. "Mr. Anders... it was Mr. Anders." Hallie said with no hint of emotion. He let her go and looked at her. "What did he do?" Hallie told him what happened and next thing she knew she was leading him to Mr. Anders' classroom. Renendez violently opened  the door and saw Mr. Anders sitting at his desk. Hallie could see he was holding onto his groin, where Hallie had kicked him. He immediately stumbled up out his chair to try and stop Renendez. "I-I, hey man listen-" Renendez cuts him off by punching him in the face. He  stumbles backward and hits his head on his desk. Hallie gasped. Renendez and Hallie both froze. He wasn't moving. Mr. Anders wasn't moving.

 Anders wasn't moving

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    Hallie panicked. "Oh My God!! Renendez he's dead! You killed him! What are we going to do?" Hallie asked worriedly, checking to see if anyone was in the hallway. Renendez leaned down and checked his pulse. "Relax, he's alive. He's unconscious. This is the story, you stayed for lunch detention and went to the bathroom. You saw me and I followed you here, we both found him like this. Can you remember that Hallie?" Renendez asked looking at her. Hallie's nerves got the best of her. She was sweating and frantically shaking. Renendez got up and walked over to Hallie. "Everything's going to be okay. Do you understand? Do you trust me?" Renendez asked grabbing her shoulders. Hallie didn't know what to say. "I-I I don't know, maybe." Hallie said. Renendez pulled out his phone and dialed 911. "Start screaming." Renendez ordered. She did just that. "My teacher... he's laying here on the floor, he isn't moving..." Renendez explained filling his voice with panic. Another teacher heard Hallie's screams and came to their rescue.


    "Hallie! Hallie." Regina said snapping her fingers in Hallie's face, who zoned out the window on the couch.  Hallie blinked several times before entering her body again. "Yes, Aunt Regina?" "Are you okay? You know after you found your teacher..." Hallie twiddled her thumbs nervously. The guilt killed her. But she knew... not a word to nobody, including Vanerro. "Yep, I'm fine. Just fine." Hallie said cutting her off. The doorbell rang and Regina went to the door. "Hallie? Your friend is here. Go ahead and come in honey she's in there." She said while heading up the stairs. Hallie looked up and Renendez was standing in front of her. She immediately looked back down. "Why is he here? Does he think just because he did me justice that I somehow have to value him after all the horrible shit he's done to me?" Hallie thought to herself, all the while still twiddling her thumbs. "How are you holding up kiddo?" He asked, digging his hands into his pockets. "I'm fine. Yeah, any word on Anders?" Hallie asked curiously. Renendez looked around for Rhonda and Regina. His voice lowered to just above a whisper. "He's still unconscious from what I've heard." Nervous sweat crept down Hallie's neck.  Hallie began to panic. She quickly got up off the couch and paced back and forth. He grabbed her shoulders gently and leaned toward her. She was sick of boys grabbing her. "Relax okay? Relax." He instructed rubbing her shoulders. Hallie's spine shivered, his touch made her uncomfortable. She maneuvered her way from his grasp. She gave him an awkward laugh while folding her arms. She cleared her throat. "It's getting late, you should get home." Hallie said gesturing to the front door. Renendez scoffed and backed away from her with his hands in his pockets. "You don't have to be afraid anymore Hallie." Renendez said calmly. "I knocked a guy out for you..." "Renendez, go home." Renendez looked down, then up at Hallie. She stared at him, her arms folded firmly upon her ribs. He turned, sighed, and left without another word.

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