Chapter 15: Stranger Things

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    "Can we talk?" Hallie asked trying to keep calm

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    "Can we talk?" Hallie asked trying to keep calm. Vanerro shut her locker door and turned to her, with her eyebrows raised. Hallie looked down at her shoes before looking up at Vanerro, who's concerned stare only made her more nervous. "What is it darling? Spill." Vanerro said staring down at her. Hallie swallowed a huge gulp of air before speaking. "I-It's about Amara?" Hallie immediately wiped the nervous sweat off her nose when a wave of heat hit her body from anxiousness. Vanerro's face tightened up and her stare at Hallie narrowed. "Speak of the Chihuahua." Vanerro said gesturing to Amara who was walking in their direction. Vanerro lowered her snapback and popped her gum loudly while leaning against the lockers. Hallie could tell by that, Vanerro was annoyed and didn't want to hear it. "Hey Hallie?" Amara called to her while fixing her hair. "Vanerro." Amara said to her. Vanerro gave her a quick head nod and folded her arms. "Whoa." Hallie thought. Why were these two so calm? Hallie studied the two girls closely. She looked at Vanerro who was on her phone trying to exclude herself from the circle Amara and her friends made around them. She then looked at Amara who stared in Vanerro's direction a little too often. Hallie clears her throat to break up the tension. "Soo what can I do you for Ms. Wesley?" Hallie asks stepping closer to Vanerro. She immediately notices this act of domination Hallie is giving off by her leaning on her shoulder. Vanerro wraps her arm around Hallie's shoulder and kisses her forehead. "Since your birthday is tomorrow Hallie, I was going to give the address of the villa." "Which is what I wanted to talk to you about babe..." Hallie was cut off before she could finish her well thought of explanation of why they should attend the party. "Sure, yeah. Go, we'll go." Vanerro said with no emotion. Hallie's eyebrows raised with confusion. Amara smiled and reached in her pocket. She handed Hallie the small slip of paper with the address on it. Hallie put it in her bag and awkwardly fixed her clothes. "Okay, well then it's settled." Amara said cheerfully. Ronnie nodded at Hallie and Vanerro. Vanerro gestured for her and Ronnie to leave the group and talk separately. They did just that. Hallie was glad that this was happening. She couldn't wait to go home and pick out her bathing suit. "So is there like a dress code or a color theme?" Hallie joked nervously. Amara shook her head with a smile. "Okay, well I'll see you guys tomorrow then, I can't wait." Hallie said waving them goodbye as the group walked away, Vanerro making her way back to Hallie. "Are you sure you wanna go I mean..." "We're going. I'll stop by later." Vanerro said kissing her forehead and walking away, leaving Hallie alone and confused by her locker. Hallie turned around and saw Renendez walking her way. "Hey Hallie." Renendez said awkwardly standing in front of her. "Hey. Did you get word on Mr. Anders yet? How is he? What if he wakes up and turns us in?" Hallie whispered worriedly. "Hallie, relax one; he's not going to say anything because he'd only be telling on himself for what he did to you. The guilt will keep him quiet. And on top of that he had a shit load of weed and alcohol in his system. So when he regains consciousness, he's fired. He isn't our problem anymore so stop worrying." Renendez assured her. Hallie's heart could finally beat at a steady pace. A weight of many, being lifted off her shoulders. "Can I ask you something Hallie?" "Oh boy, here we go." Hallie thought annoyed. "Why won't you give me a second chance? Don't you see I've changed? I mean as far as Vanerro goes, I gave up on her ass a long time ago. But I am not, and will not give up on you." Renendez said, his voice full of hope. Hallie was seriously sick of this. She sighed and covered her face with her hand. She peeked through the cracks of her fingers and saw the look on his face. His face was full of emotion in hopes of her just forgiving him and things going back to the way they were. She thought long and hard trying to find the perfect excuse as to why she doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. "Stop trying to water a dead flower Renendez. Goodbye." Hallie quickly turned around and walked away as fast as she could without running. Her whole body was exhausted. She took a deep breath and continued to walk with a quick pace, trying to avoid his confrontation from happening again.

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