Chapter 4: All Ends With War

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 The campus  was as Hallie expected, huge as hell

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 The campus  was as Hallie expected, huge as hell. Hallie looked around curiously while following this girl she thought was too freakishly nice for her well-being. "So Hallie where'd you move from?" Amara asked still walking forward. "Michigan." Hallie replied still looking around. "Amara right?" Hallie asked. "Yes?" Amara asked, her perfectly curled brown hair bouncing as she walked. "What class is 3rd period?" Hallie asked curiously. "English with Mr.Anders, he's my favorite." Amara said with a smile. "And here we are." Amara said opening a classroom door. As soon as Hallie walked in everyone was out of control. Kids were throwing things, yelling, and chasing each other around the classroom. "So these so-called seniors are acting like children." Hallie thought.  A boy saw Hallie then everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her. Hallie noticed a girl standing on a desk. Who was also staring at her. "Hey everyone this is..." "I know this sexy brunette anywhere." The girl said jumping off the desk and interrupting Amara. Hallie finally recognized this girl. It was Vanerro. Amara looked at Vanerro disgustingly as Vanerro pushed her aside and put an arm around Hallie. Hallie smiled in embarrassment. "I think I can take it from here airhead. Take a seat." Vanerro instructed Amara who was now glaring at the both of them. "This is Hallie. My sexy gal." Vanerro yelled to the class who was all in Hallie's face greeting her. Hallie looked at Vanerro and thought "Look what you did." with a smile. A boy with strawberry blonde hair and sky blue eyes came to greet her. "Hey Hallie come sit by me. You'll love your seat." The boy said with a flirtatious smirk and grabbing her hand. Then at that moment Hallie was wanted by most of the kids."Wow everyone in Makaha is very hands-on and friendly." Hallie thought.  Hallie looked over at Amara who was still glaring at them. She was the only one in the classroom not going crazy over Hallie. "Get back you hungry hoodlums. She's sitting by me. If there's a problem please take it up with my secretary. Her name is "I Don't Give A Shit". Amara feel free to contact her if you'd like." Vanerro pointed out. When Vanerro pulled Hallie to the seat next to her Hallie mouthed "I'm sorry" to Amara. Amara quickly smiled and mouthed "It's okay." Hallie thought to herself "Where the hell is the teacher?" "You didn't tell me you were coming to this school darling." Vanerro said to Hallie. "I honestly didn't know you went here." Hallie admitted. "Hey Amara? You keep giving people that stank ass look your kids gon be born with it." Vanerro teased. "At least I don't already have a criminal record. You'll be back in jail by the end of the day." Amara said nastily. Vanerro got up. "You wanna know how I'll get there? Say that again bitch." Vanerro threatened, now walking toward Amara's desk. "Don't let my height fool you. People always sadly underestimate me." Amara said. "Well you know what they say about short people...they're always so angry when closer to Hell." Hallie saw the door open. "At last! A teacher, thank goodness." Hallie thought in relief. She saw how pissed Vanerro could get and didn't want to witness anything bad happen. Although the sight of Vanerro losing her cool was a turn on. The tall handsome teacher walked in and yelled "Ladies!" The whole class immediately stopped what they were doing. "Vanerro outside. Now." The teacher instructed calm but firmly. "Yes daddy." Vanerro joked and skipped out the classroom. The teacher blushed and said with a straight face "Rotetecci, not appropriate." Vanerro laughed before leaving the classroom. Mr.Anders dug his hands in the pockets of his jeans and let out a huge sigh while staring after Vanerro who was dancing in the hallway and talking  to other students walking by. "Everyone take out your textbooks now and read pages 148-172. As punishment for embarrassing me and my classroom."Mr.Anders said with a stern look on his face. Hallie studied Mr.Anders for a long while. "He is quite sexy. Polo long sleeve v-neck, rolled up sleeves, sexy ass aftershave, wavy brown hair..." "Hello sweetheart and you must be?" Mr.Anders asked smiling at her. "hair... British accent, sexy smile." Hallie continued in her head. "Hallie Mitchell sir." She shook his big strong hand. "Nice to meet you Hallie. I'm very sorry for what you've witnessed. If I had known we were getting a new student I would've planned everything for you..." "No Mr. Anders don't apologize. I'm not special. I'm just a new face. That's all." Hallie interrupted. Mr.Anders leaned down to Hallie's ear. "Oh do believe you are special. If you don't let me help you." He whispered. Hallie was shocked. "Thanks... Mr.Anders." Hallie whispered back staring straight ahead. "Please, call me Sean." Mr.Anders whispered. He was so close to her that his lips gently grazed her earlobe. She shivered. Hallie smiled but didn't let him see. "I'm back bitches!" Vanerro said while walking in. Hallie looked at Sean who now was rolling his eyes. "Hope you like my class." Sean said and turned around to Vanerro who was standing in front of him. "Miss me?" Vanerro asked while smiling. She bit her lip to tease him. "Vanerro, not appropriate." Sean whispered to her. Vanerrro chuckled at what he said. "Says the one whispering in Hallie's ear. You know that is not appropriate Mr.Anders." Vanerro said. Sean stared her down for 3 seconds and then walked back to his desk. The rest of the class period was silent. And every 5 minutes Hallie caught Sean staring at her. She would stare too. But then quickly look away once she realized who she was staring at. She also felt Vanerro staring at her. Hallie would look her way and give a kind smile then look right back at Sean. 


   "Come on." Vanerro said getting up. "Where are we going?" Hallie asked picking up her bag.  "To lunch darling." Vanerro said grabbing her by the hand. Vanerro looked back at Sean who was staring at the 2 girls holding hands.  Hallie quickly followed Vanerro into the packed cafeteria. Vanerro and Hallie got in the lunch line. "Aye Vanerro come here!" A girl called from the lunch table.  "I'll be right back darling." Vanerro said while winking at her and walking to the girl. Hallie nodded her head and gave a smile after Vanerro. All of a sudden she felt big hands grab her waist. Hallie immediately grabbed the hands to get them off of her. The hands pushed her whole body aside and brushed passed her. "Mind if I shortcut you?" Those hands belonged to Renenedez. "You scared the shit outta me!" Hallie exclaimed while smiling. She was glad it was him. "So...what I'm hearing is I can shortcut you right?" Renendez asked smiling. "Yeah sure." Hallie said gesturing to the empty space in front of her. After Renendez moved in front of her there had been 4 seconds of silence before either of them spoke again. "I hope you don't get scared every time I grab you like that." Renendez said shyly scratching the back of his head. "How was I supposed to know it was you?" Hallie asked defensively. "Trust me you'll know when it's me." Renendez said flirtatiously. "I don't know. I mean a lot of guys do that." Hallie flirted back feeling pretty bold. "So a lot of guys stand behind you right?" Renendez asked now standing behind her. Hallie immediately knew where he was going with this. "Yesss." Hallie answered. "Then they grab your waist like this?" Renendez asked slowly wrapping his hands around her waist. Hallie nervously nodded her head. "The fuck is this??" Vanerro asked who literally appeared out of nowhere. Hallie's heart beat faster with each passing second. "Nothing he was just showing me how to shoot." Hallie lied. "Oh really. So you hoop?" Hallie really didn't think this through. "Yeah I do." Hallie could tell Vanerro wasn't buying it. "So that means you'll be trying out with me right?" Vanerro asked fixing her purple snapback. "Yess, I will." Hallie said now feeling stupid. Hallie didn't know the first thing about basketball. She only played volleyball back home in Michigan. "Ren, touch her like that again. I'll break your fuckin fingers and make you eat the shit. That's my job." Vanerro threatened eyeing Renendez. Renendez put his hands up to surrender. "I'll get the food, y'all go find a table." Vanerro instructed them. Hallie and Renendez did just that. Hallie looked at every possible table they could sit at but they were all taken. "I'll be back." Renendez said. "You're going to leave me alone?" Hallie whined. "I'm going to the bathroom. Unless you want to come with me." Renendez teased. "I'll pass." Hallie blushed. "Alright then. You go find a table. I'll be 2 minutes." Renendez said with a smile. After 30 seconds of looking around, Hallie finally found a decent table near 4 vending machines. As soon as  Hallie reached the table and sat down she looked up to see Amara and her friends walking towards her with their lunch trays. "Hey Hallie why are you sitting alone?" Amara asked now gesturing her friends to the table. "I'm not sitting alone my friends Vaner..." "So it's cool if we sit here?" Amara asked interrupting Hallie and sitting across from her. "So what school did you come from in Michigan?" Amara asked eagerly. The rest of her group leaned in to hear better. Before Hallie answered she looked behind Amara and hoped it wasn't Vanerro. It was she. The tomboy with a temper. "So um, who should I slap the shit out of first?" Vanerro asked while holding a tray with 3 meals on it. "I found this table and I tried to tell them..." Hallie immediately tried to explain. "No no Hallie. Let this dumb bitch explain herself." Vanerro said strictly staring Amara down. " I think you should slap yourself for speaking." One girl said not looking at Vanerro. Vanerro was about to walk up on the girl who said it but Amara stood in front of her. They were both facing each other. Vanerro threw the tray of food on the floor. She took off her snapback and tossed it to Hallie. Hallie got wet instantly. And she didn't know why. "Haha Amara are one bold bitch for standing here right now." Vanerro chuckled. "And so I've been told. I could say the same for you." Amara said keeping a straight face.

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