Chapter 7: Removed

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      "Another one of your dirty ass hoes on my couch?" Omosa asked gesturing to a knocked out Hallie spread out all over the couch

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      "Another one of your dirty ass hoes on my couch?" Omosa asked gesturing to a knocked out Hallie spread out all over the couch. Vanerro immediately got up to face him walking in. "Can't wait till I'm up and out this bitch." Vanerro mumbled under her breath. Omosa stood in the walkway staring at Vanerro. "Watch that fuckin mouth girl." Vanerro didn't dare fight him while he was sober, but when he was drunk it was a whole different story. Here goes the dare. " The fuck is wrong with you??! Ever since mom died you've been this whole other person. I fuckin hate you and what you've become." Vanerro yelled at him. Hallie woke up instantly. She looked up and saw Vanerro arguing with her father. She stood up in panic. "I'll go, I'm sorry for intruding sir, it won't happen again, I promise." Hallie said worriedly. Omosa walked toward Hallie pointing his finger at her. "She fuck you?" Hallie couldn't speak. She stuttered. "She tell you where them lips been before she started kissing all over yours  lil thang?" He asked in mockery. Hallie looked over at Vanerro in panic. She couldn't believe her father was acting exactly the way Vanerro described him. "Aight that's a fuckin nough . Back the hell off her yo." Vanerro said stepping in front of Omosa to block him from Hallie. Omosa pulled a beer from the bag he was holding and took a long sip from it. He laughed. "You know what? Get the fuck out. Get the fuck out. And don't come back." Omosa said pointing in Vanerro's face. Hallie saw Vanerro was holding back so much to keep herself calm. Hallie felt extremely horrible about this argument being her fault. She grabbed Vanerro's arm because she was scared she was going to swing on her father. "Man, FUCK YOU!! I'm done. I'm up out of this shit house. I hope you die alone." Vanerro yelled at him. Omosa raised his fist and punched Vanerro in the face. Vanerro didn't dare try to fight back as much as she wanted to. "Like I said, get the fuck out. You got 10 minutes to get your shit." Omosa said leaving the 2 girls standing in the living room in shock. Vanerro ran to her room and packed her clothes as fast as she could. She grabbed her framed picture of her mother and packed it with her bag. She met Hallie back in the living room, who was still standing there, terrified. "Come on." Vanerro said while heading to the garage and getting into her truck. Hallie quickly followed behind her. "I'm going to park my car around the corner so Omosa won't know where I am. Then I'll walk you home darling," Vanerro said while driving her from the house. Hallie turned to her. "Where are you going to stay??" Hallie asked worriedly. "I have no idea sweetheart." Vanerro said parking her truck in an abandoned lot near the beach. " What about Renendez? I-I mean can't you just stay with him? He's your best friend, he wouldn't mind right? Can't you just stay with him??" Hallie asked worriedly trying to hold back tears. "Renendez has 4 other sisters darling. I'd be a burden to bug them and bring my problems to their beautiful home. After everything Sasha and Laura have done for me, I can't do that to them." Vanerro explained looking straight ahead. "What about your house arrest?" Hallie asked. "I'm good. Don't worry about me babes. I'll be okay," Vanerro said to Hallie also trying to assure herself. Hallie and Vanerro got out the truck and started walking the direction toward Hallie's house. Hallie pulled out her phone to check the time since the sun was setting. It was 8:13 P.M. She also saw that her Aunt Regina and her grandmother had called numerous times. "This is all my fault. I should have just went straight home or else you'd still be living somewhere." Hallie cried walking alongside Vanerro and covering her face. Vanerro stopped in front of her. "No no no. Listen darling listen. None of this was ever your fault. It was meant to be this way. I needed to get away from that man. And at this point, I have no parents. And I'm okay with that." Vanerro explained while wiping Hallie's tears away. "Stay with me. Once my Grams and aunt know everything they'll let you stay with us. Please?" Hallie pleaded. "No, I can't. I can't do that. I wouldn't feel comfortable." Vanerro said. "Please, it's the only way I'll be comfortable." Hallie explained. "Okay, okay. But whatever they say goes." Vanerro said. They made their way to Hallie's front door. She knew she was in a heap of trouble once she walks in through that front door, especially with Vanerro right behind her. Hallie took a breath and opened the door.

 Hallie took a breath and opened the door

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   When Hallie and Vanerro walked in no one was home. She called her aunt and grandmother. " We will just wait here until they show up." Hallie said sitting on the couch. "We will get through this okay? I won't leave you alone." Hallie explained. Vanerro formed a small smile and leaned in to kiss her. But before they could kiss, the garage door opened and Hallie heard her Aunt Regina shouting at her grandmother. "Where the hell have you been Halligenica?!!?" Rhonda asked walking up to Hallie and slapping her in the face. Hallie tasted blood and felt her lip, it was bleeding. "Grams, let me explain please." Hallie asked, her words stammering. "And who is this?" Regina asked pointing at Vanerro sitting on the couch. Vanerro got up. "I'm Vanerro Rotetecci, I live a block from here. Well, I used to. My drunk and abusive father kicked me out. If I had any other family out here I would have gone somewhere else, I'd hate to bother you with my troubles..." "She needs a place to stay. It wasn't her idea it was mine. She's my friend and I don't want to leave her," Hallie explained. Rhonda and Regina looked at each other then at the 2 girls. "Vanerro hun, let me and my daughter Regina talk it over. In the meantime, Hallie, fix this poor girl something to eat. She's as skinny as a pole." Rhonda said walking up the stairs. Vanerro sat down on the couch and stared through the glass sliding doors that lead straight to the beach and an amazing view of the navy blue ocean waves and the purple sky with a yellow tint. 20 minutes later, Regina comes down the stairs. "Vanerro?" Vanerro and Hallie looked back at Regina who was standing on the stairs. " Go get your bags, you're living with us for awhile." Regina informed smiling at Vanerro and walking back up the stairs. "I told you." Hallie said while bumping Vanerro with her shoulder playfully. Vanerro motioned for Hallie to come closer, she obeyed. "Thank-you so much darling," Vanerro said looking into her eyes and licking her lips. Hallie blushed. "Don't thank me," Hallie replied. "Gimme a kiss." Vanerro said. Hallie leaned in and kissed her softly.

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