What he does when your on your period(Ben, Josh, Jeremy)

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Ben: I was getting ready to go on stage as Katherine for once and for all. When I stopped dead in my tracks. I ran to the bathroom quickly. Ben saw me running and followed me. He knocked on the bathroom door.

"Baby girl you ok?" He asked through the door.

You hesitated "Uhm not really"

"What's wrong?"

"I uhm started my period"

"Oh my gosh. Are you ok?" Ben asked.

"Yes but I'm getting ready to go on stage" you said panicking.

Ben raced of to your dressing room and got you a pad and a pack of Motrin. He ran back to the bathroom. He slide the pad under the stall and and gave you your Motrin as he poured you a glass of water. You came out of the bathroom and hugged your boyfriend gratefully.

"Come on Katherine let's go finish the show" Ben said taking your arm.

You laughed "Of course Race"

After the show was over you and Ben went back to your apartment. Ben rubbed your stomach and you watched horror movies until you both fell asleep.

Josh: Josh knocked on your apartment door.

"Princess you ready?" He asked through the door.

"Yeah" you replied as you came out of your apartment in a bikini.

You and Josh were spending the day at the beach. You and Josh walked him giving you a piggy back ride all the way to the beach. When you got there the first thing you did was give to a pool. You and Josh were having an amazing day so far. That is until you felt something drop. You knew what had happened.

"Shit" you said running out of the pool.

Josh looked at you worried and followed you. You ran to the bathroom Josh knocking on the door a few seconds later.

"Princess you alright?" He asked concerned.

"No" you replied.

"Let me in" Josh said.

"I can't, I started my period" you said.

Josh slide a quarter under the door so you could buy a tampon. You put the quarter in the machine. You came out a few minutes later and kissed Josh on the lips. He carried you and you played in the pool until you were both exhausted. You then when back to your apartment and watched Law and Order.

Jeremy: You were at your house home alone. When you heard a knock at your door. You looked through the peep hole and saw that it was your boyfriend Jeremy. You opened the door and Jeremy picked you up and spun you around. You guys talked and watched Divergent while eating pop corn. Your legs were behind Jeremy's back and his were behind yours. You were about thirty minutes into the movie when you looked down and saw a red spot on the couch. You panicked and got up running upstairs. Jeremy saw why you panicked and ran after you.

"Hon you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah do you mind getting me a uhm pad" you asked him.

"Oh, yeah, sure" he said running to your room. He got you a pad and you two cuddled for the rest of the movie and ate ice cream.

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