How much longer?

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One shot for@newsiesgirl88 I hope you like it.

Ben: How much longer can we keep this up Em?

Emily: I don't know he can't know he'll be upset with me

Ben: your gonna have to tell him sooner or later

Emily: I prefer later

Ben: just meet me at the mall later so we can figure this out

Emily: ok

I put my phone back on my dresser and cuddled back up in my bed. I've been dating Ben for weeks now I don't know how much longer I can keep it a secret from Josh.

"Emily breakfast!" Josh yelled.

I groaned and got out of bed reluctantly and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"She left hours ago Em, some emergency at work" He replied.

"There's always some emergency at work Joshua" I said grabbing a plate full of bacon.

"Hey she's just been on edge since dad left" he said sitting down next to me at the table.

Our dad left a week ago due to a big fight with our mom. Our family hasn't been the same since.

I quickly finished my breakfast and tried to sneak upstairs.

"Where are you going this early?" Josh asked standing up.

"To the mall with Olivia" I replied.

"It's your turn to do the dishes Emily" Josh said.

"Josh please" I pleaded "I can't be late"

"Fine go" he said "no excuses be home by 6 for dinner"

"Thanks" I said as I kissed him on the cheek and ran to get dressed.

I got in my car and drove to the mall. Ben was sitting at the food court when I arrived.

"Hey" he said as I pulled up a chair.

"Hi" I replied.

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Em we're gonna have to tell him sooner or later" Ben spoke up.

I sighed "I know, it's just been too much you know with dad leaving and Josh being the only man in the house. Mom has a lot of expectations for him now I don't wanna throw anything else on him right now"

"Em he gets it he's gonna find out and when he does he'll just be mad at you from keeping something like this from him" Ben replied.

"Ben I dunno" I said.

"Em you have to tell him" Ben said.

I sighed knowing Ben was right. My hazel eyes locked with Ben's blue eyes as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

"Emily?" I heard a voice ask, I knew that voice.

My eyes shot open as I pulled away from Ben. I turned around and there stood my brother Josh with Sky.

"Josh I can explain" I started.

"Explain what how you've kept this from me?" Josh said hurt.

"Josh I didn't know how to tell you" I said.

"Save if you're just like dad" Josh said as he stormed off with Sky.

"Josh!" I called after him.

Great what have I done.

I arrived home on time and saw Josh cooking dinner.

"I'm home" I said shutting the door behind me.


"Ok I'll go up to my room then" I said as I quietly started to walk upstairs, I stopped in my tracks.

"Dang it Josh talk to me!" I yelled.

"I have nothing to say" he said.

"Josh hear me out please" I said.

He looked at me and nodded.

"I didn't know how to tell you about me and Ben ok. I figured it was best if I didn't tell you now because of dad leaving and mom asking so much of you. I didn't want to throw anything else on your plate and I'm sorry I should've told you and not have kept it a secret. I should've  told you as soon as it happened. I'm sorry Josh really truly sorry." I explained.

"Emily it hurts that you kept it from me. But I can relate and I'm sorry for snapping at you" Josh said pulling me in for a hug.

"Thanks Josh" I said.

"But if he hurts you I will personally kick is mother f..." he started.

"Josh" I said.



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