Say Something

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   Some things happen for a reason. Though many people don't know why. Adelaide Burrage a beautiful young girl who at the age of six was diagnosed with Leukemia. Doctors thought that she wouldn't make it past eight, but here she is today still fighting for her life. Adelaide could never understand why such a bad thing had to happen to her nor why her beautiful red hair was now gone and a beanie took it's place. Her grey eyes lost their hope over the years, until one boy came into her life.

Nick Mason and Adelaide Burrage had been best friends since diapers. Whether it was making jokes to each other or just being there for one another the two had been inseparable. It wasn't until Adelaide got the news that she only had a few months left. She then realized she was in love with Nick. Deeply in love.

"Is Nick coming today?" Adelaide asked her older brother Josh.

"Said he was, along with Jazzy and Ben." Josh said.

"I don't know how to say this without making it awkward." Adelaide said to her brother.

"Better figure it out." Josh said motioning towards the door.

"Hey, girl." Jazzy said holding Ben's hand.

"Hey." Adelaide said weakly.

"How are you feeling?" Nick asked.

"Like Cancer is kicking my ass." Adelaide replied.

"Don't give it the satisfaction." Nick said.

"I actually needed to talk to you." Adelaide said to Nick.

"Yeah, sure." Nick said.

"Could you guys give us a minute." Adelaide asked her brother and friends.

The three nodded and excited the room.

"I don't know how to say this without it sounding depressing. Nick I have a little over a week left."

Nick's eyes started to turn red, "What? Why didn't you tell me."

"I didn't want to ruin the mood Nick. I want to live the rest of my life seeing you guys happy, not depressed that I'm dying." Adelaide said.

"You couldn't ruin anything, Addy. Me being here with you now is the best thing that I could experience." Nick said.

"I love you Nick. I always have, you know me better than anybody else. You've always been there for me through my treatments. You lift me up when I'm depressed, you calm me when I am anxious. You make everything feel normal and like I have all the time in the world." Adelaide said.

Nick smiled pressing his lips to Adelaide's, "I love you too."

Over the next few days as Adelaide got weaker and paler, Nick didn't leave her side. 

"So, I got you a teddy bear and a little balloon from the gift shop." Nick said walking into Adelaide's room.

"You're so sweet." Adelaide said taking Nick's hand. "I want to thank you for everything. It means such much to me, Nick. I love you. I don't know what else to say."

Nick smiled, "Then don't say anything."

Adelaide smiled up at him, her smile slowly faded by the sound of a flat-line. Nick buried his head in the crook of her neck. There was hope for a second that she would come back to him, but he knew she was gone and in a better place. Adelaide Burrage, the sweetest and bubbliest person everyone knew and loved had lived the best life even though it was short. Leukemia may have taken her life, but it certainly didn't take away her memories.

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