You can't leave

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This is a one-shot for @Meadow_Enstad I hope you like it!

I woke up around three am running to the bathroom once again. I've been throwing up all night and I haven't stopped once. I heard footsteps as my boyfriend Ben came running into the bathroom. He held my dark brown hair back while I threw up in the toilet.

"I'm sorry" I said to Ben when I was finished.

"Hey don't worry about it you can't help it" he replied "I'll schedule you a doctors appointment in the morning"

I nodded my head. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't knowing what was probably wrong with me. I got dressed and ran to Walmart picking up 2 pregnancy tests. When I got to my apartment the first one said Pregnant.

"No, no this can't be happening" I said to myself.

I took the second one and it said the same thing. Ok there's no way Ben is going with me to that doctors appointment tomorrow.

*The next morning*

"Lauren!" the doctor called me back "room 3" she said.

I made my way to room 3.

"So what's been the problem?" the nurse asked.

"Well constantly I've been throwing up non stop, I've had lightheadedness and I haven't been feeling myself lately" I said.

"Alright we'll do some tests and let you know" the doctor said.

She came in about fifteen minutes later. "Congratulations your pregnant" she said.

Great now how do I tell Ben?

Morgan Keene picked me up and took me back to my apartment.

"You ok?" she asked sensing something was wrong.

"Yeah but how do I tell Ben?" I asked.

"Don't worry I'll help you I'm sure he'll be thrilled" she said.

Around five Ben walked in the door from rehearsal.

"Hey babe" he said kissing me.

"Hi" I replied shyly.

"What's up?" he asked.

"She has a surprise for you" Morgan said to Ben.

"Ok what is it?" he asked.

"I heard surprise" Josh said popping his head in the door way.

"Nosy" Dan said whacking Josh upside the head.

I handed Ben a blue box with tissue paper in it. He opened it to revel the pregnancy test that said pregnant on it. He held it his blue eyes wide open.

"Surprise" I said shyly.

Ben froze and suddenly ran out the apartment. Josh and Dan followed him.

"I knew this would happen" I sobbed to Morgan.

"He's probably just overwhelmed" she said "he better be"

Ben's P.O.V.

"I can't do this" I said pacing back and forth in my apartment.

"Why not?" Josh asked.

"I'm 18 I can't have a pregnant girlfriend I have too much on my plate right now with Newsies and dance classes!" I yelled frustrated.

"Look you can't leave her now when she needs you most" Dan said.

"Do you know what could happen?" I asked "this could ruin my career as we know it!"

"Your acting really selfish right now" Josh said angrily "do you have any idea what Lauren must be going through right now? She's 17 and pregnant and her boyfriend just ran out on her when she needs him most"

"You have to be there for her now more than ever!" Dan said "she needs you Ben more than you know"

I hated to say it but the guys were right. I couldn't leave Lauren she meant to much to me and I couldn't turn my back on her now.

I went back to her apartment and reluctantly knocked on the door. Lauren answered it tears streaming down her face.

"Hey" I said.

"Hi" she whispered.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

She nodded her head as I walked in.

I pulled her close to me and rested my chin on her head.

"I'm sorry I ran out like that. It's just scary knowing I'll soon be a father. I love you Lauren and I know that we can get through whatever life throws at us" I said.

"I love you too" she said kissing me "you ready are lives are going to be changed for good?"

"No" I replied "Our lives are going to be changed for the better"

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