A living miracle

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For hvs0105
     Carly Lin waited quietly at the Newsies stage door to meet Ben Cook. Teenage girls screamed as cast members started to come outside. Carly waited patiently for Ben. Half of the crowd dispersed as the cast members headed home. Carly began to loose hope. That is until she saw a figure come out of the side door. Ben was frantically searching in his bag for a sharpie. He jogged over to Carly, sweat running down his forehead.

"Thank you so much for waiting. It's been a crazy night." Ben said signing Carly's Playbill.

"I completely understand." Carly said, "I saw you in Billy Elliot five years ago."

"Oh, no way!" Ben exclaimed, "That's awesome."

"You were amazing tonight as always." Carly said.

"You are so sweet. Thank you." Ben said, "Hey, half of the guys have left. Would you want to go grab a bite to eat at the Waffle House down the street with me?"

"Really? I'd love to!" Carly beamed trying to stop her inner fan girl from coming out in public.

Ben and Carly walked to the Waffle House together. They got a booth and sat down across from each other.

"So, What got you into Musical Theater?" Carly asked Ben.

"It's kind of always been a dream of mine. Ever since I was little I enjoyed performing in front of people. I went to some auditions, but got turned down a lot. I never thought I would make it as a performer until I got cast in Billy Elliot." Ben said.

"That's the way I was with nursing. I've always liked helping people. When I was 14, I took a CPR class. Two weeks later when my grandpa passed out and stopped breathing, I saved his life." Carly said.

"That's amazing." Ben said, "Wait you weren't that girl that was on the news five years ago from North Carolina were you?"

"Yep, that's me." Carly said.

"No way, I remember that. I believed I could do anything after that. People called you a living miracle." Ben said.

Ben and Carly spend the next hour talking to each other about everything. Ben dropped Carly off at her apartment.

"Here's my number. In case I see you around." Ben said.

"I'm sure you will." Carly smiled walking into her house.

She immediately ran upstairs and screaming fan girling over the fact that she had just received Ben Cook's phone number.

Hope you like it!!!

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