I do?

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My and Ben's wedding was in two days and I was a nervous wreck. I ran quickly downstairs to see my handsome fiancée drinking his coffee and going through wedding plans.

"Hey babe" I said grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Hey" he said tiredly.

"What time did you get up?" I asked sitting beside him.

"Maybe six" he said.

I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Ok, so far we've decided we want the color blue, and my best man is Josh. You have, Stephaine, Morgan, Meredith as bridesmaids, and Wren is the flower girl. We are having a wedding cake and chicken." Ben said.

"Correct" I said "ok well I'm going to get dressed"

"Where are you going?" Ben asked.

"Well to wash my car, maybe get Starbucks, go to the mall" I said.

"So, your not gonna help with any of this?" he asked annoyed.

"I stayed up with you till two in the morning" I said.

"Ok and this is our wedding not a one way ticket for you to do whatever you want" Ben said.

"I'm making this wedding to your likings!" I yelled "I wanted the color red but you chose blue, so we're doing it blue!" 

"Fine we'll do red!" Ben yelled changing something on the paper.

"I can't deal with this" I said walking up the stairs.

Ben slid his chair out "Don't walk away from this Emily, quit being a bitch and get your ass down here" 

I stopped dead in my tracks. I bet my head turned all the way around.

"What?" I asked pissed.

"You heard me" he said.

"Fine" I said cooly walking down the steps. "then you can take this cheep piece of tin and shove it up your ass!" I threw my wedding ring at him and ran up the stairs tears blurring my vision.

I got dressed quickly packed a small bag and ran out of my and Ben's apartment. I ran quickly to Josh and Dan's apartment opening the door with my key. I laid on to the bed sobbing. 

"Sis?" I heard my brother ask.

"What's wrong?" Dan said popping up from under the bed.

"Ah!" I screamed.

Josh stuck his head out of the shower. He wrapped a towel around him and walked over to me.

"B-Ben c-called me a b-bitch" I said crying.

"He what!" Josh yelled "I'll show him who's boss" he started walking out the door. Dan pulled him back.

"Dude you're in a towel" Dan said.

"Right sorry" Josh said.

"I took my wedding ring and threw it at him I think I called the wedding off" I said wiping my tears away.

Just then we heard a knock at the door. Josh opened it to revel a crying Ben and Sky.

"Emily can I please talk to you?" Ben asked.

"No you can't you little----" Josh started but Sky intervened.

"Hey I came as security so you all wouldn't kill each other" Sky said making Josh and Dan leave the room.

"Ok talk" I said.

"Look Emily I honestly don't know what came over me. I guess I was just tired and with my dad not being able to make my wedding. I guess I just took my anger out on you and I regret everything I said. I love you too much to lose you Emily. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know what I would do without you" Ben said.

"I'm sorry too, I lost my cool and I should've talked it out with you before making all these plans" I said.

"So are we ok?" Ben asked.

"That depends" I said crossing my arms.

Ben took the ring out of his pocket and got down on one knee. "Emily Burrage will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me again?" 

"Yes" I said as he placed the ring on my finger "I love you Benjamin Tyler Cook"

"I love you too Emily Burrage" Ben said "will it make you happier if we change the color to red?" 

I playfully slapped him on the arm "Shut up" 

I hope you like it @newsiegirl88 sorry it took so long. Let me know if you want another.

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