Just do it

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One shot for @tonyandmaria enjoy!

Ben's P.O.V.
"I don't think I can do this" I said to Josh.

"Dude just do it you're going to eventually right why not now?" He asked.

I sighed "that one"

"Your sure?" Josh asked.

"Yes Joshua I am" I snapped "I saw her looking at it last week"

"That one it is then" the clerk handed me what I asked for as I payed.

"I'm really nervous" I said my hands sweating.

"Calm down you'll be fine" Josh said.

Me and Josh walked to the car and pulled off heading to Orlando.

"Alright we have a fifteen hour drive to Orlando" Josh said pulling up the navigation route on his phone.

"I don't understand why we couldn't have left with the cast on the tour bus" I replied.

"Because you need to arrive in style" he replied.

"Don't say it" I pleaded.

"Future me riding in style" Josh said doing his imitation of Zachary.

"Joy fifteen hours in a car with you" I said.

"Let's see we have eight hours until we get to North Carolina for the night then we have seven more hours to drive tomorrow to get to Orlando" he explained.

"Yay" I said sarcastically.

Josh hit me with his neck pillow.

"Hey" I scolded.

"Give me the aux cord Benjamin!" Josh wined.

"Here!" I said throwing I at him "now shut up and let me drive"

I guess that was to much to ask when Josh plugged in the aux cord and started jamming out to Brooklyn's here.

"Hey Manhattan the cavalry's comin" Josh sang "have no fear Brooklyn's here"

After what seemed like forever and Josh singing the entire soundtrack of Newsies, Hamilton, and Dear Evan Hansen, we finally arrived at the hotel in North Carolina. We got up to our room and I immediately crawled in the bed.

"Hey maybe you should call Faith we are driving fifteen hours to see her you know" Josh said.

I changed into my black V-neck shirt and adidas pants and crawled back in the bed dialing Faith's number.

"Hello?" her voice asked.

"Hi babe what's up?" I asked.

"Laying in bed excited to see you" she said.

"Me too it's been to long" I smiled to myself.

"I miss you" she said her voice sounding like she was about to cry.

"I miss you more" I said "please don't cry Faith I promise I will be there in time to for our fourth year anniversary."

"I know you will Benji" she yawned.

"Get some sleep" I said "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Ok night love you" she said.

"Love you more" I replied as I heard her hang up.

I sat my phone down and turned off the lights. God I loved her.

*The Next Morning*

"Ben! Ben!" Josh said bouncing on my bed.

"Hm" I groaned sitting up.

"Come on its eleven we gotta get on the road" he said.

"Dang it" I said I quickly got dressed and got in the car with Josh.

We stopped at McDonald's and got breakfast and headed to Orlando. After Josh again blowing my ear drums out after singing Aladdin, Tuck Everlasting, Wicked, and the Book of Mormon. We arrived at Disney's Grand Floridian resort at Walt Disney World around six thirty. I was meeting Faith at seven thirty at Cinderella's castle for dinner. I put on a nice suit and dress shoes and put Faith's gift in my pocket. I hopped on the monorail to the Magic Kingdom. I called in a reservation on the way here. When I got there I checked in. I sat down when I looked up and saw Faith walking in. Her brown hair in neat bun, her make up looking perfectly to go along with her long golden dress dragging behind her.

"Wow" was all I could manage to say.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"You look beautiful like a princess" I replied "my princess"

She blushed an engulfed me in a hug.

"Cook" the lady called.

I took Faith's hand as we went up the stairs to our table. We ate and talked about me in the Newsies tour.

"I have something for you" I said as I pulled an envelope out of my pocket and handed it to her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Open it" I said "and read it out loud"

She smiled opening the envelope.

"As apart of the touring Disney's production Newsies we'd like to congratulate you on your arrival to the show as Kathrine!" she screamed.

I smiled brightly.

"Ben how did you?" she asked.

"With Stephanie leaving this week I talked to our director and got you in" I explained.

"Oh my gosh Ben I can't thank you enough" she said hugging me.

"It's not over yet" I said pulling a box out of my pocket and getting down on one knee.

"Ben?" she asked tears forming in her eyes.

"Faith ever since I met you I knew you were the one. You've helped me get through some hard times and I'm eternally grateful. Faith I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?" I asked opening the box to revel a beautiful diamond ring.

She was sobbing at this point she smiled "Yes Benjamin, yes I will marry you"

I took her hand and placed the ring on her ring finger she kissed me passionately as everyone in the room started clapping and cheering. I now had the most beautiful girl in the world to call my fiancée.

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