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Zayn's P.O.V:

Worry trembled into me.

Did I do something?

I waited patiently for Deepika's arrival, with a little curiosity of what she had to say.

I waited a solid minute until I saw the door open.

Deepika slowly came outside and closed the door with a worried and disgusted look.

I swear if I did anything I won't be able to forgive myself.

She was too special.

"What's wrong, I'm sorry if I did anything, you know I wouldn't mean to hurt you." I exclaimed as she looked at me

She gave me a small smile, almost as if she was about to laugh.

"Zayn, you aren't the problem this time." She proclaimed as she laughed at how I reacted.

"Alright, that's good. Then why did you ask to meet me outside?" I justified, sighing in relief.

She then looked at the ground.

"I need to tell you something about Harry." She nervously spoke.

"H-Harry? What about him. You guys aren't together, right?" I tensely indicated.

"Don't be silly! Well, at least I never will be from now on." She said as looked up at me.

"What does that mean? Not that I'm complaining." I asked winking.

"Well there is this girl I sat next to in this class, and her name is Valyn. Do you know her?" She asked.

"I told you already that I don't know Valyn." I said clearing out any confusion between me and this unknown person.

"Oh, yeah, sorry I forgot. Anyways, this girl was telling me about her 'wonderful' boyfriend. She then mentioned her dorm number if I ever wanted to have a girl night out with her, and it was also Harry's dorm number." She said explaining.

"Wait wait, how do you know Harry's dorm number?" I asked as jealousy struck me.

"Chill yo ass. I never went to his dorm he just mentioned it one time. Now let me finish." She sighed.

"Alright, I'm listening." I spoke.

"I then asked Val if her roommate was Harry, and she then told me he was, she also added that Harry was her boyfriend! Now this whole time I thought he was loyal! Didn't you see how clingy he was, he obviously liked me. Therefore, I think he's cheating on her." Deepika spoke as she put her hand on her forehead.

"Wow! He's messed up, I guess he will never learn to stop messing with girls!" I accidentally blurted as I closed my fists.

"What do you mean by 'messing with girls'?" She asked as she looked at me with caution.

"I'll tell you another time, I promise, right now Isn't the right time." I hesitantly remarked.

"It's okay, I understand, I'll tell you about my secret at the right time also." She smiled as she walked up to me and hugged me.

We just stood there holding each other.

"I-I'm going to talk to Harry about this." Deepika said as she pulled out from the hug.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" I securely asked.

"I can't just believe stuff, I always need evidence." She said as she put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"If you want to then go ahead, but if he tries anything, I won't even hesitate to kill him." I spoke as I looked at her with sincerity.

"I don't think he's crazy, I just think he's cheating." She snickered.

"I swear to god I'm about to put a tracker in your phone." I jokingly teased.

"C'mon, let's go back to class." She spoke.

"Why do you want to go when we only have like 5 minuets left?" I asked as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Alright fine, only because next period is lunch." She said as she playfully punched my arm.

"You're so boring." I teased.

"You're so lame." She remarked.

"I have an idea, I remember I owe you a lunch. Let's go to In-N-Out!" I exclaimed in excitement.

"Sure, why not." She said.

"Only if you can catch me!" She spoke laughing

She then ran across the building.

"Oh my gosh, you're going to kill me Deeps!" I spoke laughing at her cuteness.

I then ran after her and caught up to her pace.

She then tried running faster, I caught up again as I smirked at her. I then picked her up bridal style.

"Oye, put me down!" She said as she squirmed in my arms.

I ignored her rants, and walked all the way to my car, while placing her in the passenger seat.

"I can't believe you can actually pick me up!" She said as she laughed while grabbing her tummy fat.

"If you're calling yourself fat, then you are hella dumb." I argued.

"Okay, I'm dumb." She snickered.

I stared at her with a 'what the fuck' expression.

"Imma get you some glasses, and then buy you a mirror, then show you how beautiful you are." I remarked.

"I don't need your sympathy." She smirked.

"Then stop messing with my hormones now." I snickered

"If you can't control your hormones, then it's not my fault." She spoke while teasingly winking at me.

"Fine, let's say I can't control my emotions." I spoke while acting smart.

"Okay." She spoke.

"Therefore, if I can't control my emotions, there is a high chance that I get to fuck you in my car." I spoke as I burst out laughing.

"Shut up, you nasty fuck." Deepika said as she crossed her arms.

"That's what you get." I smirked.

"Whatever. Shut up and just drive to In-N-Out, I'm hungry." She commanded.

"No problem, my queen." I said as I jokingly topped Harry's reference.

She then glared at me, but then got out her phone and started playing games.

We then arrived there 10 minutes later.

"You can get off your phone now." I said laughing.

"I was bored, jeez!" Deepika spoke as she turned off her phone.

"We're here." I Indicated.

"Yayy!" She declared.

She then quickly jumped out of the car.

"Dang girl, don't run off." I laughed

"Hurryyyy!" She yelled impatiently

"I'm out!" I said as I jumped out of the car with my hands raised to the air.

"Good, now let's go i-"

She stopped her phrase. We both spotted Harry in the line with Valyn.

"Zayn, H-Harry is right there!" She whispered to me while I felt her quivering.

"It's okay, I think we should confront him right now, because you can clearly see they are a couple, because he has his whole arm around her waist." I spoke calmly.

"Alright." Deepika spoke as she calmed down.

We then both stepped into the building and stood right behind them.

Deepika then spoke.

"What a cute couple, forget to introduce her Harry?" She remarked into Harry's ear.

He then turned around.
End Of Chapter 14 - My Love - What Will Happen Next? - Find Out Until The Next Update.

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