Chapter 29: Cancun

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Erin and Harry wake up at 6:45 am to make it to their flight from El Paso International Airport to their 3 hour layover in Laredo, Texas. As they are getting ready, Harry packs a last minute item in his suitcase so he can ask Erin when they get there. They head to the airport and check in their bags and soon they were off to go through security and head to their gate. Erin starts to get a little bit sleepy so Harry grabs Erin a Starbucks vanilla frappe and him a black coffee. Once they board the plane, they make it to their first layover and grab some lunch in the airport. "What do you want to do first when we get there, Erin?" asks Harry. "I'm not sure, probably swim and relax." "Fair enough." They get on the next plane to Cancun and they both start to go to fall asleep. Soon they get woken up by the plane landing on the runway and they head to there hotel. Once they got there, they see their room and it is gorgeous. They put on their suits and head to the pool. "Harry, thank you for taking me to Cancun!" says Erin as she is getting her swim cover off. "You're welcome, Erin!" Harry gets into the warm water and Erin follows suit. They swim and splash and do many kisses underwater. Soon they shower and head to bed early tonight. As Harry is sleeping, he feels Erin moving around a lot and having a hard time getting comfortable. He feels something wet and sticky and decides to investigate. He grabs his phone and turns on the flashlight and lifts up the blanket and sees a puddle of blood on their sheets and her pants. Harry decides to wait until morning to wake her up and take care of her.
Flash forward to 7am, the next day
It is now the next morning and Harry gets up to start a bath for Erin. He turns on the water to make it warm and put a bath bomb in it. He goes into their room and nicely shakes Erin to wakes her up. "Erin, my love; it's time to wake up." Erin stirs and groans and says in a sleepy voice, "Harry, its seven in the morning; what is it?" "Babe, I started a bath for you." "Why?" groans Erin. "Well, you kind of started your cycle last night." "I did?" Harry nods his head and opens up the covers. Erin covers her mouth and becomes instantly embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, Harry; I didn't mean to ruin the sheets and you having to see this." Erin starts to cry and Harry gives her a hug. "No no no, babe don't apologize; it was an accident. Don't worry, it's an easy fix and clean up." "Ok." The cramps begin to come and Erin starts to become in discomfort and pain. Harry wraps her in a hug and says, "Tell you what, Erin; how about you get into the bathtub and relax a little bit and I get new sheets and change the bed." "Sounds like a plan, Harry." Harry holds his hand out to Erin. "I got it, Harry." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Alright I'm here of you need it." Erin nods her head and stands up. Soon as she does, the cramps come back, this time hitting her harder. "Harry?" "Yes, darling?" "You're right, I can use some help." Harry nods his head and comes to Erin's side. "How do want to do this? Would you like me to carry you, put my arm around you and walk along side you, or hold my hand and walk slowly." "I think I'll like it if you hold my hand and we walk to the bathroom slowly together." "Say no more, Erin." Harry reaches for her hand and takes it, they begin walking slow and made it to the bathroom. Harry gives Erin a kiss and leaves so Erin can be in peace. Harry takes the sheets off and calls room service to get new sheets and starts changing the bed. He starts making tea and puts it on Erin's nightstand along with midol to help with the cramps. He grabs Erin's clothes which is her 1D shirt, sweats and socks along with her undergarments. He knocks on the door. "Who is it?" calls Erin from the tub. "It's Harry, I have your clothes!" "Ok! Just put them on the toilet please!" Harry does that and grabs his coffee to drink it. Erin gets out of the tub and puts on her clothes. She gets out of the bathroom and feels refresh. "Do you feel better now?" asks Harry. "Yes I do." Harry takes her to the bed and helps her get comfortable and gives her tea. "Thank you, Harry; but you don't have to take care of me." "I know I don't, but I want to because I love you." Erin smiles and Harry grabs his sweatshirt to give to Erin to keep her warm. "Would you like me to cuddle with you, Erin?" "Sure, Harry." Erin grabs the remote to the tv while Harry climbs into the bed. Once Harry is in the bed, Harry pulls Erin close to her and they pull the covers onto each other and watch tv for the rest of the day.

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