Chapter 25: The Proposal

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Flash forward to Saturday
Harry wakes up to the sound of his alarm and gets ready to start the day, he heads to the hotel gym to work out for a little bit and let's Erin sleep. 20 minutes later, Harry returns from the gym and Erin is already awake. "Good morning, Harry," says Erin. "Good morning, Erin; did you sleep alright?" "Yes I did, how about you?" "I slept very well, I'm making breakfast; would you like anything?" "How about pancakes please?" "Sounds good, Erin." Harry gives Erin a kiss and goes and makes tea and coffee for them. Harry gives Erin her tea. "Thank you, Harry." "You're welcome." Harry makes pancakes and they eat them up. They begin to watch tv and Erin says, "What are we doing today, Harry?" "Well, Erin; I'm thinking we should go to San Diego and go see the rest of your family and we should go to the beach after," replies Harry. "Sounds good to me, Harry." They get ready to go and they take a two hour car ride to San Diego. They get to Erin's mom's house and they spend time with the family. Meanwhile, Erin's dad is flying in since he knows the surprise. He gets to his hotel room and he unpacks, soon he heads to Erin's mom's house to see them. Erin's dad shows up and they decide to go out to dinner. They eat a Mexican restaurant and soon the family has to leave so Harry can carry out the surprise. Harry and Erin get into the car and Harry says, "Are you ready for your final surprise, Erin?" "I think so, what is the surprise exactly?" "You'll see when we get there, ok?" "Ok." Harry grabs her hand and continues driving until they reach Torrey Pines State Beach. They get out of the car and start walking hand in hand. They see a train go by and they wave to the passengers inside of it. They get to the bottom and Erin sees her family, her friends and of course the boys and their girlfriends. "Harry, what's going on?" asks Erin. "Come with me, Erin; there is something I want to ask you." They walk on the sand and sun begins to set, making the sky look like cotton candy. They stop in the middle of the beach and Harry says, "So you are wondering why I took you to the beach aren't you, Miss. Erin?" "I am, Harry." Harry feels his back pocket to make sure the ring is still there. "K, good it's still there," whispers Harry. "What is? What's going on, Harry?" asks Erin. Harry grabs both of her hands and says, "Erin, you have been my rock and my best friend for two years. We have been on a crazy ride and I wouldn't change it for the world. I can't imagine my life without you." Harry pauses and lets go of one of Erin's hands, he gets down on one knee while grabbing the ring from his back pocket. Erin is in shock as he's doing it. "Is this really happening?!" Harry nods his head and smiles. "Oh my god, Harry!" exclaims Erin. Harry grabs her hand and says, "Erin Lee Galaway, will be honor to accept my token of love and marry me?" Harry holds the ring and Erin covers her mouth and begins to cry. Erin takes a minute to collect herself and says, "Yes, Harry; I would be honored!" Harry gets up and gives her the biggest hug ever. He slides the ring on her finger and the gang claps for them. Erin admires the ring and says, "It's beautiful, thank you, babe!" "You're welcome, Erin." They kiss and head to the gang and they start congratulating them, the girls admire the ring and the men shake hands with Harry. They take pictures and they head back to Disneyland to celebrate. Harry and Erin took a picture at the castle and posted on instagram together saying, "I'm marrying my best friend!" Soon they head back to the hotel and Harry and Erin relax in bed watching Blue Bloods for the rest of the night. "I'm excited to marry you, Harry," says Erin. "I am too, erin." Erin admires the ring and says, "What do the three bands mean, Harry?" "Come here, I'll tell you." Erin comes into Harry's arms and Harry grabs her hand and says, "The one on the left represents our past because our pasts define us on who we are as individuals, the one in the middle represents the present because we are going forward in our relationship and the last one represents our future because I want to spend the rest of my life with you and start a family in the future." "Awwww!" Harry gives Erin a kiss and says, "I love you." "I love you too." They turn off the tv and fall asleep shortly after.

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