Chapter 39: The Decision

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Erin's POV
I can't believe I get to sing Harry's new single with Harry at the charity concert! It's crazy that Harry wants me to, but I'm not sure if I want to; I mean it's a cool opportunity, but I feel like fans will hate me that I'm his girlfriend and I only got hate because of it. I told Harry I would think about it and get back to him in a few days, but I'm still having a hard time wrapping my brain around it. Harry is asleep and I stayed up because I can't sleep when I have too much going on in my mind, it's currently midnight and I decide to watch YouTube and Netflix to get my mind off the idea of me singing in front of millions of Harry fans, but nothing is working. I grab my phone and I begin to text Liam.
"Hey, Liam."
"Hey, Erin! How are you?"
"I'm okay, how are you?"
"Doing well! What are you up to?"
"I can't sleep and I kinda need advice on something very important."
"Oh! What is it?"
"Can we FaceTime?"
I go on FaceTime and press Liam's contact and it starts to ring, before I know it Liam answers. "Hey, Erin! So you said something is important, what's up?" I take a deep breath. "Harry is performing at the charity event for the earthquake victims in Cancun and he asked me to perform with him." "Really? Erin, that's awesome!" "I guess, but I don't think I want to do it." "Why not?" "I feel like if I do it then I'm going to get hate from fans and I don't want to make the girls jealous, but I don't want to make Harry mad. What should I do?" "Well, Erin if I were you I tell Harry how I feel. I know Harry very well and I know he won't get mad at you for saying no. You do what's best for you, ok?" "Ok. Thank you, Liam." "No problem, anyways I have to go to bed. Goodnight, Erin." "Night, Liam." I hang up and I go upstairs to my room, Harry is crashed on my bed and I lay next to him. I look at him and then fall asleep. The next morning, I wake up and start making pancakes for breakfast, soon Harry comes down in his gym clothes to go to the gym. "Good morning, Harry." "Morning, Erin; how did you sleep?" "Good, want some breakfast?" "I'm okay, I'm gonna make eggs and stuff like that when I get back from the gym." "Okay, also can I talk to you about something when you get back?" "Is it about the charity concert?" "Yeah." "Yeah we can talk about it when I get back," I nod my head in agreement and Harry grabs a water bottle and off he goes to the gym.
Harry's POV
I told Erin about performing with me on stage at the charity event in Cancun and I'm letting Erin decide if she wants to do it or not. Whatever her decision is, I will support it no matter what. I'm at the gym so I will talk about it with Erin after, maybe I'll take her to the park again and we can talk about it there. After my work out at the gym, I head back to Erin's house. I walk in and I'm greeted by Erin's puppy, he is so adorable and he is pretty much Erin's baby, well besides me. I walk into the kitchen where Erin is. "Hey, baby," I say to her. "Hey, Harry." I give Erin a kiss and a hug. I lay my gym bag on the island table and grab some eggs to make. "How was the gym?" asks Erin. "It was good, you know the usual cardio and lifts." "Fun." I break open an egg and I begin to scramble them, I put them on a plate and I go sit down. "Hey, Harry?" "Yes, Erin?" "After you're done, let's go to the park I want to talk to you about the charity event." "Okay." I put my dishes in the sink and grab my shoes to put them on. We walk to the park and I can just tell Erin is a little off and it has to do with the charity event. I begin to reach for her hand and she shakes her head no. I look at her facial expression on the side of her face and I can tell she's worried. "You okay, Erin?" I ask. "I guess." "Don't worry, we will talk about it when we get to the park; but for now let's enjoy the view of the mountains." Erin nods her head. I pull Erin close for a hug and I decide to try and grab her hand again. I reach for it again and I end grabbing her two fingers instead. Erin looks over at me and I give her a smile. I feel Erin's hand making its way to the palm of my hand and I instantly grab it as her fingers touch the top of my hand. Erin smiles as I lift her hand up to my lips to give it a kiss to reassure her that everything is going to be fine. I begin to give Erin's hand a love squeeze and she gives one back to mine, soon we're both holding each other's hands tightly. We get to the park and I see a park bench. We both sit across from each other and it becomes silent.
End of POVs
"So, Erin." "Yes, Harry?" "Lets talk about the charity event." "Yeah, ummmmm." Erin begins to crack her knuckles. "You nervous aren't you, Erin?" "Yeah, I cracked my knuckles when I get nervous." Harry puts his hands on the table and Erin takes them. It gets quiet until Erin speaks. "Harry?" "Yes, Erin?" "I'm nervous about telling you my decision." "How come?" "I'm worried you are going to be mad at me." "Let me tell you this, I don't get angry that fast unless someone is hurting you. I will be good with whatever decision you choose because you're the one that I want at the end of the day and that won't ever change, okay?" Erin nods her head and takes a deep breath. "I decide I don't want to perform with you on stage, I'm afraid of all the girls that love you are going to get mad and I don't want to get hate." Harry let's go of Erin's hands and motions Erin to come sit with him saying, "Come here." Erin sits next to Harry and Harry wraps his arms around her. "Are you mad at me, Harry?" "No, Erin; I understand where you're coming from with this, besides I rather have you be safe and not get hurt and you're not letting me down." "Okay." "I love you, Erin; I will always listen to what you have to say." "Thank you, Harry and I love you too." Harry and Erin kiss and they hear back to Erin's house to relax the rest of the day. Soon, Harry gets a text from Simon Cowell about Erin performing and he says, "Erin is afraid about getting hate and I have to respect her wishes about performing." "I understand, Harry; take care and tell Erin I'm happy that she's coming along." Harry puts his phone away and says, "Simon understands, Erin." "Yay!" "Let's enjoy relaxing and then going to help in Cancun." "Agreed." Harry gets an idea as soon as Erin goes to sleep that night, he decides he's going to come up front where Erin will be and sing in front of her.

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