The Seven Princes of Hell

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Leviathan smirked and Asmodeus sighed.

"Would you like to tell her or should I?" Leviathan taunted Asmodeus, who still hadn't left the doorway.

"Allie, this is my older brother. The second Prince of Hell, Leviathan, Prince of Envy."

"Prince of..." I turned to face the demon stood behind me who smirked back, inclining his head slightly.

Then that would make you...

"The fourth Prince of Hell, the Prince of Lust." Asmodeus answered my unspoken question.

Holy fuck... I turned back to Asmodeus with my mouth hanging somewhat open. I knew I'd heard his name somewhere before.

"She swears rather a lot doesn't she brother? I could take her off your hands and teach her a few manners if you would like."

"You are not having her." Asmodeus replied firmly, walking into the room and shutting the door behind him.

He never would share. The voice of Leviathan invaded my head in mock sadness. But you should know, I want you badly. If you ever desire to experience what being of royal bloodline really means, feel free to contact me once that awful thing has been removed.

I told you to step back Levi. I will not ask you again.


"My apologies Allie, you are quite right. " Leviathan continued out loud. "Please excuse my younger brother, he still has to learn how to behave properly around a Lady." He threw a pointed glance at my neck before looking back at Asmodeus.

"Why are you here Levi?" Asmodeus spoke through gritted teeth.

"To extend an invitation, rumours will do as rumours do brother. Word has reached Father of the Saith in our midst. And he would send his warmest regards and hopes, Miss Allie, that you would join us for dinner."

"For dinner..." I repeated.

"If you do so desire, we would not force you if you decline, unlike some it seems."

"With your father..."


"Your father the Devil." I didn't bother to hide my incredulous tone.

"Come now Allie, we won't bite, unless you want us to that is." Leviathan took a step closer to me with a fiendish glint in his eye.

Asmodeus was suddenly at my side, one hand hovering possessively over my arm.

"You are already in trouble little brother, I hardly think picking a fight with me would be in your best interests." Leviathan smirked.

"Why is he?" I asked.

"I didn't report you." Asmodeus answered quietly.

"I suppose I'll just have to report myself then." I said, staring Leviathan in the eye. "I accept your invitation."

"Wonderful news, until then Allie." Leviathan smiled, bowed and melted away, black fog pooled at my feet and where a man once stood a sleek black hound sat, gazing intently to see my reaction. It stood and stretched in a luxurious manner before turning and leaping through a miraculously appearing portal. Farewell. The words sounded in my head, and he was gone, just as quickly as he had appeared.

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