I love this au! //
Check out their ask blog on Tumblr, it's great! //
Fluff //
Little bit of tears //
Edd's scared of thunderstorms //Matt nervously puts on his overcoat, Tom and Tord had found him a kind therapist and today was his first appointment. He let out a shaky sigh, the two had offered him a ride, he kindly accepted their offer.
"Edd we're heading out!" Tom yelled, making the Ginger jump slightly, "Alright." Edd replied waving at them, but not looking in their direction. Matt whimpered as Tom handed him an umbrella, "It's going to storm today." Matt nodded, he thanked Tom for the umbrella.
Matt feels a hand on his shoulder, "You're going to do great, buddy!" Tord smiled widely, hopefully helping his friend's nervousness. Tom also smiled, "Yeah!" The ginger put on a shaky smile, "Th-thank you, Tom. Thank you, Tord."
It took a couple minutes to arrive at the office, "Hey, Matt? Just in case, are you alright with walking home?" Tord asked as Tom parked the car, "Of course."
At the house Edd was watching the television. The three left a few minutes ago, at six (p.m.). It was a little late, but they had things to do around this time of day. It began to drizzle, the rain tapped against the window. Little did Edd know, it was the start of a giant ass storm.
An hour has gone by and Edd was curled into a ball, with a blanket, in his room. Edd had an, extreme, fear of storms. Of course be wouldn't tell his friends this, he'd be too embarrassed and because he was so stubborn. Edd yelped when hearing the loud clash of thunder. His lamp and nightlight suddenly cut off, 'No, no, no!' He began to sob, tears spilled from his eyes as he curled more into his blanket.
Matt was almost home, the was so horrible it cut off all the power around his neighborhood. He slips his hand inside the pocket of his overcoat, he takes out his house keys. It should be unlocked, but for some reason Edd had locked it.
Once the door unlocked, Matt stepped inside. Everything was dark, but his attention was on the sound of sobbing. He quickly removed his overcoat and heads down the hallway, to the source of the sobs.
He stood in front of Edd's room.
Matt opened the door and flipped on his torch he grabbed earlier on, "E-Edd?" He called out with a slight stammer. Next thing Matt saw was a pillow flying towards his face, it smacked against him.
"G-get out!" Edd yelled, he still sobbed. Matt ignored Edd, which, honestly, surprised him. Matt stepped closer to Edd, he embraced the cowering and sobbing mess. Matt had a tight grip on Edd, he new how much the boy hated hugs and physical contact in general, "Edd.. Are you afraid of thunderstorms?" He asked softly.
"N-no! I-I'm.. I'm–" He gave up mid sentence. He buried hid face into Matt's chest, he jumped when hearing another class of thunder.
Matt ran his hands through Edd's ruffled hair. Matt whispered sweet nothings into Edd's ear(s), "Shh, shh. It's okay." He murmured, "Calm down." Edd tightened his grip on Matt's jacket. He continued to sob into Matt's chest.
The Ginger picked up the smaller male, the power was back on. Matt smiled shyly down at Edd as he carried him to the living room, "S-sorry if I wasn't much help." Edd tiredly glared at Matt and grumbles something under his breath. Matt giggled nervously and laid Edd onto the couch.
Right when Matt was about to leave, Edd had grabbed his jacket sleeve, "Stay." He whined. Matt's face flushed and he looked down at Edd in confusion and shock, "U-uhm, okay Edd."
The couch was large enough for Matt to climb behind Edd and lay down, he gulped, his face was a bright red.
"Don't tell anyone." Edd grumbles turning to face Matt, he had averted his gaze and his face was also flushed. Matt quriked a smile, "C-cute." Edd yleord and his face flushed a bright red, if that was even possible.
The Ginger wrapped his arms sound Edd and pulled him closer, "M-Matt!" Edd sqwaked in surprise. Matt sighed contently and fell asleep next to Edd with a faint blush.
Edd whimpered, but stays put. He grumbles quietly and glared at the sleeping male.
"Mmm." He whined hugging the man back.
He was thankful for what Matt had done for him, he smiled a bit before mumbling, "I love you, you idiot."

EW (Eddsworld⁄Ellsworld) | Eddshots⁄Ellshots
Fanfiction[Edited] Get the pun? This is a book where you can request any ship you want me to write. Please do not get disappointed if I don't write it fast enough! Some ship examples: EddTord/TordEdd, TomEdd/EddTom, TordTom/TomTord, and EW Piolets (Pau and Pa...