[Edited] Get the pun? This is a book where you can request any ship you want me to write. Please do not get disappointed if I don't write it fast enough! Some ship examples: EddTord/TordEdd, TomEdd/EddTom, TordTom/TomTord, and EW Piolets (Pau and Pa...
Hey guys, uh, it's been a couple months(?). I guess? Uh, yeah. Hhh, okay, uh. Sorry for the lack of updates and my procrastination? I know I said I'd update more and faster but... That clearly hasn't been happening haha. Uh. Anyways. I apologise but I've been undergoing a lot of things this last year? My anxiety has been getting worse, I've begun to slip into bad habits, I've gained the lack care of myself, my insomnia is wearing me down, and school is, you know, still school haha. I'll still update this book even though it'll take a awhile and I'll be slow on this. I still love Eddsworld, but it's difficult to write. I know other people have much worse problems than me and I'm probably just "overreacting" but I just wanted to let you guys know and such. Uh, yeah. Ahem. So I'm sorry that I won't be updating at a fast pace and it might take too long for me to write requests and get back to you guys. Just, yeah. Sorry again for this long explanation which no one will probably want to know about? I apologise again. I hope you guys enjoy your day/evening/afternoon.
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I'll see myself out now... And uh, thank you for over 100 followers? I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read my poorly written one shots and uncreative story concepts. Thank you so much. Bye now!