Chapter 7

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"Hi" a girl a little taller than me with brown wavy hair that went down to her waist was standing in front of me. She flashed a smile and had almost perfect teeth. Her smiled faded and she asked "what's wrong?"

I shrugged then said "I don't think you should be here" quietly. "Okay fine I'll leave but I jut wanna know what's wrong. I wanna help you I don't like to see people sad" she said and I shrugged. I walked past her and locked the bus door then motioned for her to follow me. I know I shouldn't let her be here but I mean Brendon's here and I also have Soph so what's the worst that could happen?

We sat across from each other criss cross. I wiped my tears and by now they finally stopped.

"So what's wrong?" I didn't tell her not sure if I could trust her yet. "Ok I'm pretty sure you don't trust me so how about we get to know each other? I promise I won't tell anyone anything you don't want me to" she said holding her right hand up.

"I'm Jessie, I like the color yellow, my favorite time of day is night, I like music, um I'm an only child, let me think..... Ooh I like to play violin, and I like cherries" she said then smiled. Her happiness was making me feel happy and I liked it.

"Ok um, I'm Haley but I'm called Halo, I like night also, my favorite color is mid-night blue, I also like music, I'm also an only child, I can play guitar and piano an uh I like strawberries" I said and smiled.

"So now that we know each other, wanna tell me what's wrong?" She asked, her face gaining a softer expression. "Oh um, it was stupid really. I liked this guy and he's a really good friend of mine but uh he likes my other friend and I guess I kinda thought we would be together but um he wasn't about that life style. I mean I'm extremely happy for them don't get me wrong but you know it hurts a little. Sorry I know it sounds really stupid" I said and she shook her head.

"No I get you, I like my best friend but he wasn't about that life style either  so he dated the girl that I hate the most. I mean we're still friend and they make each other happy so I'm happy but I know what you mean it does hurt" she said as sent me a small smile.

"Sorry about breaking into your bus by the way I just really wanted to meet All Time Low and you. Sorry." I smiled and laughed a little "it's ok I'm actually kind of glad you broke into it because I need someone to talk to that was my age- wait how old are you?" "14" "yeah my age" I said and she nodded.

"Can we like not let anyone know about this I don't really want anyone to know, do you know what I mean?" She nodded and we pinky promised each other that we wouldn't tell each other's secrets.

"So since we're waiting for my parentals wanna watch a movie?" I asked. "Uh yeah sure" "ok here you go through the movies and I'll make pop corn" I said and she nodded. "Oh and of its ok with you, wanna maybe keep in contact? We could help each other out more" I said and she nodded. "Here just put you number in my phone" she said then reached over an handed me her phone.

I put my number in and she put hers in my phone. I walked into the kitchen and made a bowel of pop corn. "Can we watch Lilo and Stitch?" She called to me. "Yeah!" I yelled back and grabbed the pop corn. I grabbed a monster and a Gatorade then joined her on the couch.

"Here, and try not to spill anything please I don't know if my parentals will get mad" I said and she nodded. "Oh hold on!" I said and she paused the movie.

I went to the extra bunk and grabbed a big blanket and some pillows then joined her on the couch again. "So now that we're comfortable and have food let's watch the movie" I said and she pressed play.

"Halo have you seen my- umm what is-" "Uncle Brendon this is Jessie, Jessie this is Brendon" I said and she blushed. She stood up and shook his hand. "So how'd you meet?" Brendon asked. "Um about that- she broke onto the bus- but before you say anything! She's a really cool chick!" I said and he nodded. "Right then. I'm gonna go put on a shirt and then I'll join you in watching Lilo and Stitch" he said and walked to the bunks.

"Was it just me or was that really hot?" She leaned over and whispered. I shrugged, "I'm used to guys walking around with their shirts off. Doesn't faze me" I whispered back. "Is my face red?" She whispered. I flashed my phone on her and she looked like a tomato. "You look like a tomato but don't worry you can't tell unless you shine a light on you" I whispered.

"What are we whispering about?" A voice said from behind me. I shrieked and jumped. "Oh my- Brendon!! You don't do that to people!!!" I said as smacked his arm. "Ow- halo!!" He said and I smirked. Didn't correct me this time.

"Oh and Halo, it's Uncle Brendon" he said and I glared at him. "Whatever" "whatever" Brendon mocked. "Yo-"
"Haloooooooooo" the familiar voice of Jack sang. "Jackie!" I yelled and jumped off the couch. "Halo!" He yelled then ran to me. I opened my arms for a hug and he followed suit.

I walked in the direction of him then moved around him and hugged Rian. "Ha! She loves me more!!! Suck on my di-" "Halo you feel better now?" Dad asked cutting my Rian off.

"Yeah, Jessie helped me" I said and motioned behind me. Jessie stood up timidly then smiled and waved. "Hi Jessie thanks for helping my daughter, how'd you guys meet?" He asked.

She rubbed the back of her neck and said "well you see, I maybe, kinda, broke into the bus- but to be fair the door was wide open" she said and dad looked over at me. He shrugged then went to hug Jessie.

"It was nice meeting you" he said and she blushed. After she met the band we said our goodbyes and promised to text each other before she left. I closed the bus door and put it on automatic lock so we don't have another fan brake onto the bus. Don't get me wrong I loved meeting Jessie but I don't want some cray pyscho fan to get on and try to murder me you know?

"Well I'm gonna go to sleep" I said. I gave everyone a hug goodnight and told them I loved them before crawling into my bunk with Soph. I put on my Of Mice & Men playlist before falling asleep.

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