chapter 54

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I woke up to Halo moving around. "Are you okay?" I asked her quietly. She stopped moving and I could barley make out the tears that were streaming down her face in the dark. She shook her head no.

I moved the hair that was stuck to her face away. "Did you have a bad dream?" I asked quietly. She nodded and cuddled up to me more. "It's okay now. It was just a dream. If I have to, I'll personally go into your dreams and fight everybody." She giggled a bit.

"Really?" She asked. "Really." I ran my hand through her hair and started to hum. "Jack?" She asked looking up at me. "Yes my little love?" She took a second before asking me, "can you sing, for me?"

I thought for a second. "I can't sing, it's horrible, trust me." A small blush creeped up my face. "But I like your voice Jack, I think its amazing." I smiled, she's adorable.

"Okay. What do you want me to sing?" I asked, hopefully she won't remeber this in the morning. "You pick, I dont mind." She mumbled.

"Do you know Crown The Empire?" I asked. She shook her head no. "Really? It's fine, I'll sing you Millennia."

I took a second to remember the lyrics before I quietly started to sing to her. "I've been gone, from this world for what seems like millennia. Looking for nothing short of a miracle. I only ever wanted to come home, please wont you let me go." I looked down to seen Halo fighting sleep, but I could tell she was losing.

"When I have nowhere left I can run away. Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb, then pull the trigger and send me home." Halo was alseep now and not too long after I joined her.

Halos pov

I woke up still cuddled up to Jack. I tried to get off the chair, but couldn't. My arms were restrained by a blanket and I was tucked under Jacks arm.

I tried to remember all the events from yesterday but its a little fuzzy. I can remeber being in the hospital, when Alex was being pulled from the room. And I remember bits and pieces of the rest. I can remeber Jack singing Mallena? Ma- it was something that started with an M.

I wiggled a bit and tried to get put of Jacks hold. I huffed and gave up. This is so much harder then it should be.

I looked up at Jack. He was sleeping with his mouth slightly open, and his head rested on a pillow. I contemplated waking him up. I looked around till I spotted a window. The sun was barley coming up.

I silently sighed. Should I go back to sleep? Jack stirred a bit and my heart raced. Did I accidentally wake him up? He was still asleep.

I yawned and my eyes started to feel heavy. I guess im going back to sleep. Right as I was about to fall asleep, I forced myself awake. What if I have another nightmare? I didn't after Jack sang to me, maybe if I stay with him I wont have one.

I thought about it for a few more minuets before giving in and falling asleep.

I woke up to hushed conversation. I looked up at Jack and he was wide awake, talking to Rian. I glanced at Rian before turning my attention back to Jack.

"Hey Halo, you up now?" Jack asked. I nodded. "Did you sleep okay?" I again nodded. "Good. I'm glad to hear it." I wanted to talk to Jack but I didn't want to make the effort.

"Jack!" Someone called. Wait no! He's warm, I'm not ready to be stripped of his warmth and comfort. "Alright Halo, I'm sorry to do this to you but I gotta go." Jack removed his arm from around me and left.

I glared at his retreating figure. I heard a small laugh and glanced at Rian. "You don't look to happy about the fact that he left you." I huffed and shook my head no.

Then an idea popped into my mind. I smiled before getting out of my seat, the blanket still wrapped around me, and sutting next to Rian on the couch. I cuddled up to him and he luaghed.

"Am I a good replacement?" Rian asked wrapping an arm around me and leaning back. I thought for a second before nodding. He flashed me one of his famous smiles. I smiled back.

"Im back Halo sorry about- oh, I see I've been replaced." Jack said sitting back on the chair. 'You left me.' I was going to say it but instead decied to shrug.

"I'll remember this Gaskarth. Next time you need a cuddle don't come to me." Jack crossed his arms and glared at me. I gave him my puppy face. He quickly turned away. "No, I will not be manipulated by your adorable face."

Jack glanced at me before looking down. "Fine, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be happy about it," Jack grumbled. I smiled, I knew he would give in.

"Alright people, get up, get dressed, we're going ouy for dinner- er I mean breakfast!" Dad said walking into the room. I internally groaned. Today is a stay-in-bed day.

Dad and I made eye-contact before I cuddled more into Rian and pretended to be asleep. "Halo, you can't sleep in." I ignored him and covered my face with my blanket.

A few seconds later I was over dads shoulder and we were walking off the bus. I sqealed when the cold air hit me. "No no no! I dont even have shoes on! And I'm in pajamas!" Dad laughed, well I guess you should've got up when I told you to huh?" I glared, even though he could see me.

I literally looked like a mess. My hair was in a bun, I'm in pj shorts, and a short sleeve shirt. Not only that but I only had socks on. How did he expect me to walk places?

"Dad!" I complained, dragging out the 'a' sound. "Yes Halo?" I pouted, "it's cold!" Dad luaghed at me, "I cry for you." I huffed, "fine then, I'll just freeze to death."

When we got inside it was no warmer than outside. Dad sat me down at a table before taking off his hoodie. "Here, better?" I slipped his hoodie on and smiled at him. "Yes, thank you very much." He saluted me before sitting next to me. Rian, Zack, and Jack quickly joing us.

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