Chapter 8

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"Halo....Halo" I grunted and turned over. "Halo wake up" someone said and shook my shoulder. I groaned and turned to face dad. "Halo, don't sleep like that, you could end up accidentally chocking yourself" dad said and pulled the earphones from around my neck.

"Sorry- *yawn* I just didn't think you guys wanted to listen to Of Mice & Men while you slept" I said and he nodded. "You really like them now huh?" I nodded and smiled.

"Ok" he said and smiled. "Ok.....?" I asked. He just shrugged. "Get dressed kiddo we got to the venue early so.... I figured maybe you and I could go do something together" he said and I smiled then nodded.

"I'll let you get dressed" he said and walked off. I grabbed a batman shirt with my black ripped skinny jeans before walking to the bathroom.

I changed and brushed my hair before walking out and bumping into Zack. "Hey Halo" "hi Zack- um can we skate board tomorrow before your show?" I asked causing him to smile. "Of corse Halo, oh and Alex is looking for you" he said and pointed behind him. "K thanks bye Zack" "mmhm bye Halo" Zack said then walked off.

I grabbed a beanie and put on my black converse before jogging over to dad who was leaning against the dashboard. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded.

I pulled on my beanie and adjusted it before hopping off the bus steps and catching up to dad.

"So what are we doing?" I asked. "I don't know, you hungry?" He asked. My stomach growled and I blushed a little. "Ok let's go get something to eat" he said and poked my side. I swatted his hand away.

"Wanna go there?" He asked and pointed to a small bakery. I nodded and dad pressed the crossing button. He held his hand out and I gladly slipped my hand into his.

"Halo you wanna know something?" He asked. "Ok" "did you know, that, you're an ado-" "don't say it" "adorable child!" He shouted rushing the last part. I groaned and sighed. "How am I adorable?" I asked and he smiled.

"Well let's see, when you get mad and you cross your arms, that's adorable. Umm... Oh you have an adorable noise, let me think. Oh!!! You in general! Your the perfect hight for adorable!!! And when you listen to music and your face lights up! Or when you try to convince people your not adorable you just prove your more adorable" he said then booped my nose.

I sighed frustratedly and dad laughed. "See!! You look adorable when you angry!" I stuck my tongue at him. "You're not helping your case" dad said then opened the bakery door.

I thanked him and walked with him to the line. "Ok Halo what do you want?" He asked. "Umm hot chocolate and a banana bread muffin please" I said and he nodded. "Here take my phone-" "why?" "It's bugging me, and go find a table for us" he said and I was about to walk away but I stopped and asked "what if someone calls?" "Answer it" he said then I walked to a corner booth.

I looked at the line and realized it would be about five minuets before he came. I sighed in relaxation and unlocked dads phone. I pressed temple run 2 and began to play.

I was about to bet my high score when the phone rang. I was gonna go tell dad but he was ordering. 'A.C.' The phone read. Who the hell is A.C. Agent Coulson? Ha I love that show. Oh crap I should probably answer.

"Hello?" "Hey Ale- not Alex who's this?" He asked. Well now I know it's a guy. "Who's this?" I asked. "I asked first" he said, "and if you have Alex's phone shouldn't you know? Unless you stole it-" "I didn't steal his phone he gave it to me" I said. "Hey Halo who are you talking to?" Dad asked a slight smile on his face.

Dad put down the muffin in front of me along with my hot chocolate. "I don't know I'm talking to this guy who  refuses to tell me" I said and dad shrugged. "Oh and thanks dad" I said looking at the muffins.

"I'm not your dad-" "wasn't talking to you, oh my- dad who's A.C.?" I asked. "Ask him" he said and I sighed. "If I tell you my name will you tell me yours?" I asked. "Yup."

"My name is Haley" "oh your Alex's kid, nice to meet you I'm Austin Carlile" he said and I through the phone at dad. "Dad what the heck!" I said and he shrugged. "You're the one who answered, and you what the heck? You threw my phone. Halo eat your muffin while I talk to Austin, I'll be right back I promise" he said and grabbed his phone which hand landed  on the cushion.

"Oh hey Austin- she threw my phone..." The rest was inaudible because he walked out. I grabbed my muffin and took a bite.

"Is this seat taken?" A guy asked and sat on the side dad was sitting at. I swallowed the price of muffin and nodded. "How old are you?" He asked. I glanced outside at dad who was oblivious to the situation. "Where are your parents?" I refused to talk to him and grabbed my muffin then hot chocolate.

I stood up and was about to leave but he grabbed my arm. "Let me go" I said but he wouldn't budge. I yanked my arm but he still wouldn't let go. "Sit down" he commanded. I slowly sat back down and made it seem like I accidentally hit the window.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see dad look at me. I sent him a small glance and he instantly came back inside. "Call you back" was what I heard before dad appeared at the table.

"Who are you?" Dad asked the guy. "Let's go H-" he stopped not wanting the guy to know my name and I gladly went with him.

When we got outside of the caffe Dad stopped me. "You ok Halo? Did he hurt you or anything?" He asked. I shook my head no and bit a piece of my muffin.

"Want some?" I asked and held the muffin up. He shook his was no and I pulled it back to me. "Hold this" I said and handed him my muffin and hot chocolate. I bent down to tie my shoe and the memory of when we went to the carnival filled my mind causing me to smile. That's when Jack won me Shawn Barakitty.

"Wanna go to the park?" He asked and pointed to an almost empty park except for the people walking their dogs. Sophie, we should've brought her. "Sure" I said and walked with him.

I finished my muffin and threw away the wrapper in a trash can at the park. "Me" I said and pointed at it. "Halo your not trash" dad said and I shrugged. "I'm All Time Low trash" I said and took a drink of my hot chocolate. "Oh Halo, what am I gonna do with you?" He asked, a small smile tugging at his lips.

As we walked through the park I found a nice tree and handed dad my phone and hot chocolate. "You can have some of it you want" I said then grabbed a branch.

I pulled myself up and smiled at dad. "Halo what in the world are you doing?" He asked. I shrugged, "I'm a wiredo" I said and smiled. He put my hot chocolate on the floor and pulled out his phone. "Smile Halo."

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