Chapter 20

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The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please leave a voice message after the beep. Beeeeep.

"Mum? I want to say I'm sorry for lashing out at you and I know that you didn't meant to hurt Bradley. I just want you to come home, okay. Please, mum."

Now, I called Tomi.

Ring, ring, ring, ring

Please pick up. Please pick up.

"What do you want, Seline?"
"Where are you?"

"Please, Tomi."
"I'm at the cafe doing something. Do you need anything?"
"Okay. Nothing, I'll talk to you later."

I ran to the cafe and saw Tomi standing out there pacing back and forth with his hands clutching onto his phone. I went towards him and just hugged him.

"I'm sorry, Tomi. I really am." I could feel tears filling my eyes but I tried avoiding it to fall. "Seline." He took his hand and placed it on my cheek. I leaned towards it. "Seline, I can't do it if you keep shutting me out." "Brad's missing.." I murmured. "What do you mean, he's 'missing'?" Tomi asked while squinting. "The headstone and the coffin is gone.. My mum knows what is happening but she won't tell me." I replied. "Ask her?" "I did but in a rude way, that's why when you came to my house, I was pissed because I didn't received an answer. Now, I can't even reach her," I said, "What if something terrible happened to her?" "She will be fine," Tomi reassured me. I really hope she was.

When I ordered my usual, my phone was vibrating. "Hello, Dad?" I said," WHAT?!" I ran out of the cafe while Tomi tagging along. "What happened?" "It's my mum. She got into an accident. I have to go," I stood near the bus stop. "I'll drive you there, if you want,"Tomi offered. "Please.." We got into Tomi's car and drove to the hospital mum was admitted into.

"Calissa Brook?" I asked the counter. "Room 44 on the fourth floor," said the nurse. I ran to the elevator with Tomi and hit the button leading to the fourth floor. My heart was pumping loud and fast. Toes were tapping uncontrollably onto the floor. Eyes were fixed on the screen that slowly switch from one floor to another. The doors opened and I dashed out of it. Trying to scan the Room 44. As I spotted it, I ran towards it and opened the door. My dad was sitting on the one seater couch with his hands covering his face. I walked to my mum. "It's me, Seline, mum," I whispered. I touched her cheeks. It was cold. "Mum. Wake up. Please. Wake up. Please." Tears fell from my eyes. Then I saw my mum slowly opening her eyes. "Mum," I gave her a hug. She placed her arm over me. "What happened?" "I got into an accident. The driver was speeding and I didn't noticed I was in the wrong lane." "I'm glad you are fine, mum. I'm sorry for being rude and mean to you. I was hurt by the fact that Bradley died and I know it isn't you fault when I said it is. I shouldn't have said if you came earlier, that wouldn't happened to Bradley. You had your reasons and I should be more considerate. I love you, mum. Thank you for not stopping loving me." I touched her cheeks. "I love you too, baby girl."

A surgeon walked in with my mum's chart in his hands. "Mrs Brook, you have a brain bleed according to our CT scan. We will need to operate now. Please sign this consent form." He handed in a form asking my mum to sign it. She signed it and returned to the doctor. "Prep the OR, now." He instructed a nurse. Two other nurses enter the room and push her to the Operating Room. "Mum, please stay, okay. Fight. For me," I said while holding back my tears. "I will try, baby girl. I love you, Seline," she smiled. "I love you, too." I kissed her forehead. "Be strong, Hannah," my dad said while holding her hands and let go because it was time for her to go.

Two hours passed by and we sat at the waiting room. No news yet. I kept staring at the doors waiting for someone to come out and tell us the latest news. Just as when I looked down, the doors opened. The doctor came out. Please be good news. Please be good news. Please be good news. Please. Please. Please.

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