Chapter Two

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"Get your lazy ass over here and help me!" I call from the front door, struggling to carry the huge bags filled with groceries.
I always thought vampires don't eat, but this one does. His body doesn't get any nutritional value from it, but he's a manchild who just can't live without his sugary junk food that doesn't make him gain a gram, regardless of how much he consumes.

"You can do it! I have faith in you!" he calls back from our small living room and I snort angrily at his ignorance. The speed of superman and yet I am the one who gets to do all the hard work. "Asshole!" I shout as I place the bags on the tiles in the kitchen and put their contents away.
When I'm almost finished, his head pops up in the doorframe. "Isn't it weird that you always show up when all the work is done?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow and earn a giggle.
"I have no idea how that happens either," he ironically tells me before pouring himself a drink from one of his black bottles we store in the back part of the fridge.
The blood used to lay around in the original plastic bags he regularly 'obtains' from the local hospital, but we both know that the way he does that is certainly not legal or morally acceptable.
I've decided to turn a blind eye to that, but looking at human blood when grabbing my yogurt or guacamole is just too much, so I made him buy a bunch of reusable plastic bottles that can't be seen through and he reluctantly agrees with that.

"You know, I was thinking..." he trails while unscrewing the cap. "Oh no, what good can ever come from that?" I joke and he bares his fangs at me, trying to appear creepy which he isn't.
"I invited some people over for tonight," he informs me and my jaw drops. "Are you kidding? Andy! You can't just-"
"I know, I know," he interrupts me with an annoyed undertone. "You hate it. But it's the weekend, there are no exams or presentations on Monday and you refuse to go to a party, so I figured I'd bring the party here."
"Can't you just go to your parties and leave me alone on the couch with Ben and Jerry's and wine?" I plead, done with his attempts to make me a part of his weird social circle that solely consists of total idiots.
"I can, but I won't," he says grinning and I shoot him a deadly glare.
"Oh, come on. It will be fun," Andy unsuccessfully tempts me.
"Having people trash our place, ruin everything, puke and fuck at various places, cause the neighbors to call the cops because of the noise and make me clean it all up in the morning? I'll pass, thanks," I tell him firmly.

"Okay, listen," Andy orders and grabs my wrist, causing me to give him a weird look. "If we throw this party tonight, you're here during the entire time and still think it was shit tomorrow, I'll never bother you again, alright?" I raise my brows and shake off his painful grip. "Really?" I assure myself and he nods. "I promise."
"Legit pinky swear like we did it in high school?" I offer my little finger to him because I know he would never break that kind of promise. It holds a way too big meaning for the both of us to ever be dishonest about. When his pinky entwines with mine and we lock eyes, I choose to believe him. "One party," he says.
"One night," I agree. "And then you'll leave me alone."

He nods, I pull on his finger and let go, and then I sigh when I realize what this means. "Do I have to go to the grocery store again?" I ask him desperately, but he laughs. "Everyone will bring something. Mostly cheap shit, but that's how college parties work. All we provide are cups and snacks, and we have that."
"Thank god," I mutter, relieved that I at least don't have to leave the apartment again before the shit show starts.
"But if you don't shut up about your college stereotypes after tonight, I'll stake you myself," I then threaten and Andy chuckles. "Pinky promises mustn't be broken," he says and I nod enthusiastically. "Exactly."
"But," he adds, "You love me way too much to kill me."
"You wish."

My bloodsucking best friendWhere stories live. Discover now