Chapter Twenty-Six

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Still lost in memories this place has brought, I'm mostly absent during the breakfast, but everyone is getting along peacefully and time goes by much quicker than I thought and we're back at Amy's house before noon where nobody knows what to do now. Awkwardly sitting in the living room together, Amy slowly speaks up while looking at one after another of us.

"You know," she starts, "I don't want to sound like I'm using you guys, but my washing machine broke down a few weeks ago and I just thought... could you maybe fix it?" 

We all stare at her in disbelief because of her sudden idea. "Your washing machine?" I echo to make sure I heard it right. 

"Well, yes," she unsurely confirms and Andy stands up to walk up to his mother. "Mom, why didn't you just call someone who makes their money fixing these things?" His anger is showing again and my fingertips are itching at the urge to tell him to calm the fuck down, but I wait to see how this strange situation progresses and stay on my spot.

"Because the money they charge to make it is quite a lot," Amy sighs and rubs a hand over her face, and her son looks even angrier. "I've told you before that you can always ask me if you need money!" He has? I didn't know or expect that. When did he? Why didn't he mention it?

"Yes, and I've told you before that I can't accept it from you," Amy replies stubbornly and he scoffs. "But you can ask me to fix your broken stuff?"

"Andy!" I huff and he holds his hands up. "I'm just saying. Doesn't make sense."

Amy seems to reconsider her idea. "You know, Andy, I don't..."

"We'll try. Right, Andy?" I suddenly decide to step in because I can't see these two like this anymore; Amy suffering and Andy being an asshole.

"What?" he exclaims and looks at me like I'm out of my mind.

"Really?" His mother is equally startled.

"We don't even know how!" Andy argues and transfers his anger to me.

"Google knows everything," I suggest and hold up my smart phone, but earn an arrogant snarl from who claims to be my best friend. "You can do your makeup with an Internet tutorial, but I don't think that fixing a broken machine is that easy, Lily."

"We will try," I repeat slowly, but steadily, and hold his gaze sternly. "Right, Andy?"

Amy makes a gesture with her hand to show it's not that important. "I'm sorry. You really don't..."

"No, we'd love to help you," I jump in again because I have absolutely no fucking idea when it comes to washing machines, but it cannot be that hard, Andy needs to finally start being nice and his poor mother deserves this nice gesture.

"I shouldn't have..." she begins again and I stand up and grab Andy's hand, ignoring his weak attempt to pull back.

"Is the laundry room still where it used to be?" I ask.


"Okay, but seriously. What the hell is wrong with you?" Andy hisses at me a few minutes later in the last room of the totally-not-creepy basement of the old house. I've been down here a thousand times in this life, but these colorless walls, faint lights and thick brick walls never fail to scare me.

"Oh, shut up," I respond, but I already expected him not to.

"What the hell were you thinking?" he wants to know while standing behind me with his arms folded while I open the toolbox I found in another room and put it on top of the machine to figure out what the hell these things are. "I want to help your mother!" I exclaim because it should be obvious what we're doing here, but his faith is slim. "We don't even know what the fuck we're doing here!"

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