Chapter Twenty-One

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"This is hell on earth," Andy concludes as soon as we've left the car.
"You're especially cheery today," I comment while leading the way to the entrance of the premises.

While fumbling around with her wallet, Amy suggests: "Guys, how about I get everything we need and you already head for the first station?"

Andy and I exchange a look, both shrug and he says: "Alright, mom. See you in a minute."

With Amy paying for all of us at the box office, we all get our golf clubs and balls and start at number one just like you're supposed to, and because I'm all about following the rules, I even bring one of those sheets where you write down your scores.

"Are these things really called stations?" Jess asks all of a sudden while inspecting our first spot, holding the club like she's never done it before, and it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case.
"Why would I know?" Andy mutters and starts because to him, 'ladies first' is totally outdated. 
"I'm just asking," Jess defends herself and looks down at her feet and the horrified look on her face when she realizes the soil is moist because of recent rain is very amusing.
"This ground is going to ruin my shoes," she states in shock and immediately saves her pumped up kicks by stepping on the asphalt the supposedly called stations are built on.
"Then you can buy new ones," I conclude, but she fiercely shakes her head.
"Do I look like I can afford that?"
Eyeing her outfit, I reply: "Your mascara costs more than my jacket, so yeah, I think you can."
"Rude," she snaps and looks offended, but I just chuckle. "Boo-hoo."
"Yes!" Andy exclaims, completely ignoring us. "Did you see that?" 
I look up to see him stand in front of the course with a wide grin, the ball in the hole and his club held like a trophy. 
"See what?" I ask and he throws me a dirty look. "Seriously? I holed the bitch at the first try!"
"Is that even a word?" I question him and he narrows his eyes.
"I bet you can't do what I just did."
"Which is what? Lie about being good at this?" I provoke him with crossed arms and he scoffs.
"I didn't lie!"
"Weird that nobody saw it," I argue and earn a dirty look.
"Because you insulted me," Jess throws in and I roll my eyes again.
"Shut up, Jess."
"You're doing it again!" she moans and I realize how long this afternoon will be.
"Because you're annoying!"
"Can you just stop?" Andy requests, obviously annoyed as well.
"Oh, like you're any better," I hiss at him before making my first move with the club.
"What?" he exclaims and Jess sighs.
"She's right this time. You fight with her just as much."
For once, I don't speak up against her and raise an eyebrow at Andy with a smirk instead.
"You're on her side?" he asks in disbelief and she sighs again, being annoying as usual.
"I don't do sides," she simply states and Andy looks tired.
"This compulsion is shit," he realizes.
"Told you," I remind him while failing at getting the ball into the hole which earns me Andy's triumphing comments about how much better he is, but I'm glad to watch him getting interrupted by the appearance of his mother.

"So, I paid for the entrance and got myself a club too. Are you already playing?"
"Lily is failing," Andy responds and I kick him.
"This course looks so nice now, don't you think?" Amy rethorically asks while looking around.
"Mom, we haven't been here since middle school," Andy makes her remember.
"But it did look really shabby back then," I support her and he kicks me back and I pretend it doesn't hurt like hell.
"So you remember? I think the renovation did them very well," Amy starts horrible small talk, but I won't let her down.
"Absolutely," I agree.
"Lily, would you like to go next?" she asks and Jess and Andy have to suppress their laughter because I just did, but I ignore them entirely.
"I'd love to."
"You already did!" Andy then whispers angrily and I smile widely.

The two hours we spend at the golf course pass by with an unsettling mix of nervousness, feigned happiness, suppressed anger, obvious annoyance and Amy's mom who never stops trying to turn us all into best friends for life. Andy is the most dishonest player I've ever met and way too comfortable with Jess, but I try my best despite my obvious lack of talent and keep myself together until the end.

Back in the car on our way to the restaurant, I can finally release my anger and punch Andy in the ribs who is genuinely surprised. "The fuck? What was that for?"
"You cheated, didn't even try for your mom, kept trying to skip me and take my turn and exchanged saliva with her!" I inform him audibly, but he disagrees.
"I did not cheat, I was nice, never skipped you and she's my girlfriend!"
"No, she is not!" I remind him of the obvious facts and he clenches his jaw.
"She is this weekend!"
"But..." I start, but he harshly cuts me off and almost yells.
"Where the hell is your problem?"
"I don't have one!" I lie, but he doesn't buy it.
"Yes, you do," he insists.
"No!" I stick with the story and he releases his flat palm with a loud slapping sound on the steering wheel, causing me to flinch.
"You never cared about the girls I fuck! But now you freak out because of her!"
Finally, Jess enlightens us with her presence. "I'm here!"
"Shut the hell up!" we shout in unison, she winces and we continue to fight in the front of the car, knowing we'll arrive at the restaurant soon.

"I don't freak out!" I claim, but Andy has a different point of view.
"Yes, you do! Why on earth are you so fucking jealous, Lily?" he demands to know and I wish I knew why this idiot always thinks everything is about him.
"I'm not jealous!" I defend my stand and Andy looks close to punching me, but I know he won't do that.
"Yes, you fucking are, you liar!"
"You don't know anything!" I tell him and he scoffs once more.
"I know more than enough."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I want to know from him, my arms crossed again.
"Forget about it," he snaps, but I refuse.
"You know about what more than enough, Andy?"

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