Chapter Twenty-Two

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Without speaking another word, we arrive at the restaurant a few minutes later, throwing looks so cold we'd both be dead if they could kill. Amy isn't stupid and notices that something is wrong too, but continues to try her hardest to make this a good time and so do we, but it's not exactly easy and Andy acting all cute with Jess at the table doesn't make it better. He really doesn't have to keep the show going during the dinner and the fact that he does it anyway is only his way to provoke me further, always locking eyes with me when he 'accidentally' brushes her fingers or tastes her wine she's legally not even allowed to drink yet.

By the time I've made it through the two neverending agonizing hours, I feel ready to slaughter the next person in my way and just want to go to sleep and forget about this for a few hours, but Amy suggests a movie and when Jess gets far too excited about the trash playing there, Andy picks her side because he knows I won't, and now I can't decline either, so it only takes us another fifteen minutes and I'm holding my popcorn and a big soft drink that I wish contained a shot of vodka.

"You know that's pure fat, right?" the skinny Instagram healthy hashtag girl of Andy's comments and I take a deep breath to remember not to throw it at her because I paid a ridiculous amount of money for it.

"You know I'll punch you, right?" My voice has such a sharp edge to it that it could probably cut glass, and Andy groans.

"Just shut up," he sighs and I narrow my eyes at him. "You won't get any of my popcorn," I seriously threaten and he rolls his eyes in return.

"I don't want your stupid popcorn," he says and I chuckle humorlessly. 

"Right. Cause you'll be the cute boyfriend and eat the salted unsweetened unbuttered crap with her," I snap and return my attention to the high carb unhealthy beauty I'm holding.

"It's just popcorn, Lil," he reminds me and I shake my head. "Keep telling yourself that, man."

"Does everyone have their tickets? We really have to go in now if we don't want to be late," Amy asks as she suddenly pops up next to us and I wonder where she's even been.

"What is the movie even about?" Andy speaks my thoughts out loud as I stare down at my ticket cluelessly.

Amy's eyes look like they're about to water, causing me to worry what cheesy thing this is going to be, and my worries seem to be confirmed. "Oh, it's a beautiful drama based on a memoir about a young woman who runs away to follow her dreams, but then realizes that she always had everything she always wanted right in front of her."

If I already had popcorn in my mouth and not the discipline to wait for the movie, I'd choke on it, but instead, I just suck in a sharp breath and hold back any comments, but her son doesn't.

"That sounds horrible," he blurts out and I kick him.

"And like you just explained the whole plot in one sentence," he adds only because he knows he's telling the truth, but I can't dare to agree with him.

"It's emotional and romantic," Amy claims and I probably look as convinced as he does.

"That makes it sound worse," I murmur and stare at the ground and Andy, who always hears everything, snickers.

"Just give it a chance, will you?" Amy begs and breaks my heart, but her son really isn't into sympathy today. Or ever, really.
"It's not like we have a choice," I mutter too quiet for her to be able to hear it, but he raises his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Did you just say 'we'?" 
Resisting the burning need to physically inflict pain on his body I can't possibly harm without a stake or bullet, I stay as calm as possible. "Oh, just keep your goddamn mouth closed," I whisper back and he bursts out laughing, confusing his fake girlfriend and mother.

"Stop laughing!" I urge him and he smirks when he has finished whatever this was supposed to be.

"We have seats next to each other, by the way," he then informs me happily and my face falls because that's the last thing I need in my life right now.

"No, we don't," I reply and his grin widens when he realizes I didn't know.

"Yes, we do," he insists and I shake my head fiercely.

"I'll switch with someone," I tell him and he raises his naturally perfect brows.
"You'd rather sit next to Jess?" I hold back a comment again.

"Anyone but you," I lie and he can tell.

"Liar," he states and I turn away from him to make my way to the entrance of cinema auditorium number two of two. "Screw you."

As expected, I spend the next ninety minutes in another nightmare from the pits of hell watching an obviously blatantly stupid, insecure and blind girl attempting to be someone, but run back home to her small town life and small town mind because she can't handle the real world, excusing her unmissable immaturity with some stupid boy she fell in love with about a decade ago without ever noticing. Like you'd fall in love with someone without noticing it.

During an unbelievably enlightening scene at a gas station, I suddenly feel Andy's hand approaching mine and I know where it's headed.

"Keep your dirty fingers out of my popcorn, you fucktard," I hiss at him and he ridiculously tries to defend himself.

"I wasn't-"

"To quote you: liar," I snap back as quiet as possible, but the middle aged people in their midlife crisis next to us still look annoyed. Fuck them.

"Her popcorn tastes like nothing!" he attempts to make me change my mind, but it's too late for that.

"Told you!" I exult as quiet as possible and get a groan from the stupid lady in her late forties who can't handle the fact that her husband hasn't had sex with her in at least a year.

"Just a handful!" he tries again and I slap his hand away.

"Shut up!" I whisper and now both of his hands return way too close to my body.

"I swear I'll scream," I threaten quietly.

"Just give me some!" he begs and it's almost funny. If only there weren't other people in here.

"Shut the fuck up!" someone demands from behind me and more people agree, so I sigh because I don't enjoy causing scenes too much. Watching my expressions change, Andy's face brightens.

"A handful. That's all you get," I promise and loosen the grip on the paper bag.
"Thanks," he says and I should have known what follows.

"That's more than-" But he grabs more.

"Stop it!" I grab both of his hands again and almost drop the bag and he catches it, but I certainly won't thank him.
"Then be quiet!" he demands and points to the pissed people who are probably close to demanding the staff to remove us.

"I hate you," I inform him, almost only mouthing the words, but I know he hears them. 

"I'll bite you," he answers smugly.

"You won't," I mouth the words and he shrugs.

"Don't be sure."

"You're not scary." Again, he whispers and I just mouth the words, and we still earn glances, but nobody says anything.

"Shut the fuck up, will you?" I then ask him and he chuckles again, his melodic, arrogant chuckle I could kiss and kill him for.

"Stop laughing!"

"I'm not!"

Liar. Such a goddamn liar.

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