Chapter Twenty-Three

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Pretending I'm tired, but really just tired of Andy, I go to bed before everyone else, highly uncomfortable in the guest bedroom because I used to sleep in Andy's, but I know she is in there. After wasting lots of time with a boring book I brought, I'm somehow actually able to fall asleep, but I awaken after a few hours in a dark and silent house.

No matter how hard I try, I can't fall asleep again. I open the windows and try everything imaginable in a room only furnished with an old bed, a nightstand and an empty closet from meditation and counting sheep to an app with supposedly calming sounds, but nothing can ease my restlessness. At some point, I decide to give up and get some fresh air, so I leave the room in my pajamas to go downstairs, but then the door at the other end of the hallway catches my gaze and I hesitate. We haven't talked since the movie theater incident after which I was fueled with rage.

Maybe I should talk to Andy. Not that I want to apologize, but we could talk this through and clean up the mess we've both made. We could get along again, couldn't we? It's been exhausting to be pissed at him nonstop, I'm guilty too and things will probably be much easier when I give in and hear him out, right? His vamp sleep is so light that he will immediately wake up if he sleeps at all. Jess is definitely in Neverland at this point of time and won't be woken up either because I'll be quiet. It seems like a good idea, at least now.

Taking a deep breath and covering my breasts by hugging myself because I'm not wearing a bra underneath my baggy shirt and it gives me a certain comfort in the insecurity this situation creates, I approach the door and consider turning around at least five times, but I don't really have anything to lose and don't have anything to do either. This needs to be cleared up.

My heart pounding in my ears, I press the door handle and step forward only to petrify immediately at the sight I'm being exposed to, my blood running cold and my breath ragged until I can pull myself together.

As expected, Jess and Andy are both in his old bed, but not the way I thought they would be.

The blinds aren't pulled shut and faint light floods the room, making his old posters visible that awaken painful memories and showing that both Andy and his lover are awake and certainly naked underneath those covers. I want to look away, but still see that all of their limbs are tightly tangled up, certain body parts are buried in each other, their hair is messy, their skin glistening with sweat, they are moving in unison, making light sounds that make me want to throw up, and they actually dig their nails into each other's skin the way they do it in stupid movies. 

They're fucking, and they're doing it right in front of me, and while I stand there, my jaw dropped and my body unable to move, Jess doesn't even notice my presence because she's too busy with Andy's chest and dick, but his vamp senses react faster than I can decide what to do and he stops moving completely. 

"What the..." Jess starts, brushing a strand of hair from her glowing face, but Andy cuts her off by pushing her back to pull himself up from the bed, the blanket covering the lower half of his body. The next moment, Jess realizes what's going on too, and while Andy's eyes show a combination of shock, anger and what almost looks like disappointment or something like that, hers only display the paralyzing shock and her first reaction is to scoot back to the end of the back and grasp the sheets tightly to cover her nonexistent boobs.

A second passes by during which everyone in the room is too startled to speak a word, but then Andy is the first one to do something. 

"What the hell is wrong with you, Lily?" he whisper-yells in total shock, sparks of fury dancing in his blue irises. I hate myself for wondering whether he sweats while fucking. He never works out, so I never had the chance to figure that out and never wanted to ask him that because it was always weird to me to ask someone whether they sweat like humans.
"What's wrong with me? Are you fucking kidding me?" I shoot back, my arms crossed in front of my chest, and I don't want to accept that any of this is happening. If only I could close my eyes and make it all go away.
"What the hell are you doing here?" he hisses at me, no embarrassment, but just pure anger in his expressions.
"You're fucking in your mom's house!" I snap back and shake my head in disbelief, and his mouth is as open as if it belonged to a goldfish for a memorable second.
"In my bed!" he then points out and I scoff. "Still!"
"Do you think I never had sex here when I used to live here?" he asks me and I cover my eyes with my hands as if that would change anything about this horrible situation.
"Oh my god," I mutter and wish I could be anywhere but here at this very moment.

Andy doesn't even understand where the problem is. "What? You know me! What do you expect from me?" he rhetorically questions, his naked arms crossed too now.
"I used to sleep in this bed too when I stayed here!" I remind him, disgusted by the pride he takes in his actions.
"I know that! But we didn't fuck!" he points out the very obvious and I huff. Was it necessary to inform me about that? Was it really?
"I know that, you asshole!" It's getting harder to keep my voice down, but I can't wake Amy. How would we explain this to her?
"Why am I an asshole now?" Andy asks as if he didn't already know.
"I came here to talk to you!" I say angrily and he raises an eyebrow at me.
"You busted in while we were-"

"I know what you were doing!" I cut him off because I definitely do not need any further declarations.
"Then what are you doing here?" He throws his arms up in defeat and I run a hand through my uncombed hair.
"I didn't know you were having sex!" I scold and he acts like that's the weirdest thing to possibly think.
"What did you think?" 
"I thought you weren't such a primitive animal that can't deal with a night without intercourse!" I sharply declare and he shakes his head too now while blowing a stubborn strand of his black hair out of his porcelain face. "Intercourse?"

"Screw you."

"You knew Jess and I were sleeping together!" What does he think I am; stupid?
"But not in your mom's house!" I harshly reprimand him, but he doesn't take me seriously.
"Where is the fucking difference?" Andy wants to know and I should have never come here.
"I can't believe this!" I exclaim and rub my eyes in exhaustion.
"Neither can I!" he responds and I meet his eyes.
"How are you such an ass, Andrew?" Not that I expect an answer.
"Don't call me that!" he immediately counters at my use of his full first name he has always despised.
"Fuck you!" is all I can blurt out, but he can't leave it like this.

"I'm not the one-" he starts without being given the chance to finish.
"Forget about it! I'm leaving!" Throughout all of this, Jess has actually kept her mouth shut without even making an attempt to speak up, her eyes darting between the two of us like Bambi's between two hunters with shotguns.
"You should have never shown up!" he nicely tells me what I wish I'd known sooner.
"Thanks, I know that now!" Just like that, I turn around to get out here and Andy even seems startled.

"Wait, so you're leaving just like that?" he asks and I frown before choosing to turn to him again.
"How else should I leave? Yell around a little to make sure your mom knows who you're screwing?"
"She already knows who I'm screwing!" he replies and this is it.

"I am so out of here," I state and wish I could slam the door shut behind me for a dramatic effect, but it's something between two and four AM, so I simply return to a room that doesn't belong to me without speaking another word.

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