Chapter Five

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Back in the living room, I can feel the amount of alcohol in my blood starting to influence me, but because it makes me so cheery, I don't mind. Andy walks over to his friends and I spontaneously decide to join him, trying my hardest to remember their names, but failing miserably, and I can't ask because I've seen them so often already.

Since he recently picked his major in music performance, he's been spending most of his days with four guys he met at his lectures and practice when he's not too lazy to attend, and they have a lot in common because they all study something related to music- unlike me because I'm as talented as a dog when it comes to this field.

A little jealousy pierces through me when I see how close they already seem to be, but Andy is my best friend and I won't lose him just because he's found people he can share common interests with.
These guys are a thousand times better than the girls he shares his bed with after all.

The greetings would usually be awkward and shy, but alcohol always fixes such issues.
"Hey!" I happily exclaim and a voice in my head tells me not to do it, but I hug one after another, clearly surprising them with my gesture. They all have heartbeats, so I figure Andy keeps his whole undead situation from them.
"She can't handle the scotch too well," Andy explains his confused friends and tries to take my cup, but my reactions are still quicker than he thought and I manage to chug it first and stick my tongue out at him.
"I am perfectly sober," I explain them and I'm sure that it's believable because I don't slur, at least not yet.

One of Andy's music friends laughs and I notice him having the name 'Carolyn' tattooed on his chest because his very low v-neck reveals half of it.
"I didn't even know you party!" he tells me and I smirk. "You don't know a lot about me."
Andy rolls his eyes. "She's lying. I made her join the party."
"No!" I fiercely shake my head.
"Liar," Andy tells me. "You hate partying."

"I'll prove you wrong." I grab some guy's drink and chug it all, making him and the people around cheer, and because of their enthusiasm, I take more cups from strangers and quickly empty them.
"Wow," one guy comments. "Your boyfriend okay with that?" He points to Andy and I burst out laughing.

"Hell no," I explain him, feeling a little shaky, so I seek for support by holding onto the young man. "We made out in high school once, but that's it."
"That high school thing was your idea." Andy is suddenly standing next to me and attempts to drag me away from the drunken one.
"I was having a conversation!" I protest on wobbly legs and let Andy put an arm around me in order not to fall.

"With that guy? You've got to be kidding me."

With my now heightened emotions, his condescending attitude is pissing me off.

"Why do you have to be such an arrogant prick?" I shout my rhetoric question so loud that some people stare at us, but I just stick my tongue out again which makes them all look away in disconcertment.

"Stop being so embarrassing!" Andy hisses and drags me out of the room. I try to fight him, but it's no big surprise that it's pointless.

"I'm embarrassing?" I take on his words, my hands on my hips and my eyes narrowed angrily which makes my vision blur slightly, but I don't let Andy notice that.

His blue eyes spark with fury. "Yes, you fucking are! Who do you think you are, Lil? I wanted you to join the party and not play the drinking queen as soon as I say something you don't like!"

"How is that any of your business?" I spit and turn around to leave, but he holds me back. "You rarely drink! You can't handle that much!"

"I'm an adult, Andy! Don't pretend to be my dad! I'm the one who always takes care of you!"

I'm shouting now, and a girl passing by me on her way down the hallway to the bathroom mends her pace to avoid the unpleasant situation. "What?" Andy also yells. "How dare you say that? I-"

"How dare I say that?" I repeat his words and lower my voice dangerously because this is my last straw.

"Do I need your fucking approval now to say something?"

He looks perplex for a second before he holds his hands up in surrender. "What? That's not what I said or meant at all!"

"So I'm just stupid, aren't I?" I return and raise a brow. I feel light-headed, but it's not severe enough to keep me from getting exasperated with Andy because he's being such a dork.

"Stop twisting my words!" he demands, his voice laced with anger. "I don't even know what you're freaking out about right now! All I did was keep you from embarrassing yourself in front of a bunch of people!"

"No," I dissent, "All you did was try to control me."

"That's ridiculous. When did I ever..."

"You think that you're so much better than everyone!"

"That has nothing to do with..."

So you admit that you think that?"

That seems to deeply confuse him because he wrinkles his forehead and takes a moment to think about my words before answering. "I'm immortal, Lilly," he informs me in a hushed voice to keep potential listeners from being able to understand him, and I roll my eyes and feel fuzzy doing that. "Like we didn't know that already."

"That's not the point," he says quietly, looking around us to make sure we're alone in our hallway once more. The loud music in the living room is a blessing this time
"I don't give a damn about your point," I stop him from continuing and cross my arms.
"This is really immature, you know that?" he asks, but I don't think he really aims for an answer and just wants to upset me, and that's definitely working.
"I'm immature? Me? You're the child when it comes to the two of us, not me!"

"Bullshit!" he protests, but that's just proof for me.
"Bullshit? That's all you got?" I reply and when he opens his mouth to reply, the painfully piercing sound of shattering glass suddenly loudly echoes through the room and paralyzes both of us for a second.
"What the hell?" Andy exclaims and immediately heads for the living room to find out what happened.
Because of his quick movements, he's gone faster than I can blink and I'm alone.
That idiot actually left me here to check what's going on.
This is my chance.
He wanted me to party, and when he won't let me do it the way I want to here, I'll just do it elsewhere.

Without hesitating for another second, I grab some shoes, clothes and my keys and head for the front door.

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