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I decided to translate (with Google's help) a Ken Zazpi song, Zerraila (tomorrow, according to google translate, but I'm not positive.). It's not exactly a song (check the video on the side, you'll understand if you do.). It's really very poetic. I think I did an okay job with the translation. But it's nearly impossible to get it perfect.

Koloreak preso bizi dira egunez.
Hala ere gauez, ihes egiten dute hegan eta lo dagoen jendearen ametsetan sartzen dira.
Ordu batzuetan besterik ez bada ere, libre bizitzeko.
Hargatik izaten dira ametsak hain bizi.
egunak ez du oraindik argitu baina oskarbi dago zerua.
Pentsa, inor gutxik daukala bere herriaren egunsentiaz gozatzeko aukerarik.
Ireki ba begiak jaiotzear dagoen egun berrirako,
Jarri gaitezen zirrikitutik harago begira, sarrailatik haragoko argira.
Gure bidean.

The colors live imprisoned in the day time.
However, at night, they fly away and enter the dreams of sleeping people.
Even if it's only a few hours, they live freely.
From that, they live in the dreams.
The days are not bright now, but the sky is clear.
Think, how little have the choice to enjoy their country's sunset.
If you open your eyes, a new day is born.
Let us look through the crack in the lock, to the light.
On our way.

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