A Grammar Guide

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A Grammar Guide for those Tricky Words No One can Spell and Punctuation No One Gets Right (Except Me)

There: referring to a place, sort of; "look over there! I see a Hunger Games poster!"
Also there's (contraction of there is; "there's a dog!"

Their: belonging to them; "their dog is so adorable!"

They're: contraction of they are; "they're holding up the sky!"


Your: belonging to you; "can I borrow your pen?"

You're: contraction of you are; "you're an asshat, you know."

Yore: before, olden; "like in the days of yore."


For: "this is for you, brother!"

Four: the number; "count to four: one, two three, four!"


To: "to my darling daughter, I dedicate this necklace."

Too: "this is too much!" or "I like that, too!"

Two: the number; "one, two, I see two chairs."


Where: to do with placement; "where are you?"

Were: past tense of are; "were you terrified?"

We're: contraction of we are; "we're so stoked for the partayyyy!!"


Which: "which candy do you want?"

Witch: the magical creature; "the witch trials were horrible."


Weather: the type of day it is; "weather reports are often wrong."

Whether: expressing a doubt between alternatives; "whether we go or not, I'll still be tired."

Wether: a castrated (when the testicles are removed from a male) ram; "I feel sorry for the wether, it can't be fun not able to reproduce."


Its: belonging to it; "its head was chopped off messily"

It's: contraction of it is; "it's a purple penguin, idiot."


Vary: differ; "the colours of the horses varied from white to black."

Very: really; "this is very fun!"


Sense: "you have no common sense."

Since: kinda like because of; "since we're sick, we won't go."


Of: "welcome to the city of bones."

Off: opposite of on; "get off me, you clown!"


Yeah: yes; "yeah, I want some cookies!"

Ya: informal spelling of you; "see ya!"


See: "I see you hiding in there!"

Sea: large salty body of water; "let's swim in the sea!"


Write: "I love to write down my experiences in my diary."

Right: not left; "turn right!" or correct; "that's right, you answered the question!" or "everyone deserves their rights as humans."


Ill: sick; "I'm feeling ill today."

I'll: contraction of I will; "I'll do it soon!"


By: "this book is written by Aelita."

Bye: shortened version of goodbye; "bye, guys, see you tomorrow!"


A note on apostrophes:

Apostrophes are used in the following situations: possessive (Anne's, the dog's, etc), contractions (can't, shouldn't, etc) I think that's it... I'm not perfect, just almost.

Apostrophes are not used in the following situations: plurals (dogs, cats, penguins, houses, mice, etc), and conjugating verbs (she pulls the cart forward, he shoves the pig, etc). I've seen this a lot.


A note on awkward plurals:

Still no apostrophes on things like mice, deer, fish, wolves, etc.


A note on commas:

When addressing a person (i.e., "Stacy, you really have to stop hitting people who ask you out") you put a comma after their name, and in a case like "look, Stacy, cry me a river" you put on on the word before the name, too.

When you're writing a piece of dialogue in quotations and it's not like the end of that bit of dialogue and it doesn't have an exclamation mark or question mark, (i.e., ""shut up," I said to Steven" vs. ""shut up, I said to Steven, "you're full of shit."), you put a comma on the last word, inside the quotations.

There's other things, too, but they vary so just ask for specifics if you need them.


A note on annoying words that were once two words and are now one or vice versa:

Best friend:Two words. Agh.

Good evening: two words.

Maybe: one word. But "may be" exists, it's just different.

There are more I can't think of... :/


If there's anything else I should add, tell me.

And if you have any questions, or concerns, etc, ask/tell me.

One thing to remember, guys: don't just rely on autocorrect.

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