Chater 5: Welcome to Lawrence

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      As I see the welcome to Lawrence sign I shake Sam awake and ask “were too?”

“Well first let's check into a hotel and then we will go to the morgue.”  Sam says rubbing his eyes.

“Sounds like a deal.” I say as I find a hotel to stay at.

I pull into the parking lot of the vintage inn a few minutes later. “What time does the morgue open Sam?” I ask as I get out of the car to get our things out of the back.

“Umm… 8 O’clock so we have time to kill because it is only 6:50.” Sam say yawning in-between words.

“Good because after four hours of driving I need a nap.” I say walking to the door of our room.

        I walk in the room and look around the flower decorated room with two beds off to the side. The kitchen was right at the door when you step in. I threw my stuff on the floor next to the bed on the left and jump onto the bed to rest after looking around the room in discuss.

       Sam comes in a few minutes later looking more a wake than me and hands me a cup of coffee so of course I take it. “I found the parents of all three victims.”  He says after a while.

“Can I rest for a few minutes here Sam Or you wanting to go to their house and talk to them now?”  I ask falling backwards on the bed.

“Fine you stay here and I can go and talk to the parents by myself.” Sam says walking back to the door.

           I grunt in answer and right after that I hear the door slam shut and my baby start up. I don't know how long I was asleep but when I woke up the sun had already set and people were walking in a rush outside. I get up and check my phone to see that Sam tried to call me at least three times. I put the phone down and head into the bathroom to wash up a bit. It was not long after I step into the bathroom I felt this familiar feeling like back when Amara would show up behind me two years ago.

“Hello Dean.” a girl's voice says from the kitchen.

“Hello?” I ask in question as I step out of the bathroom.

She smiles kindly at me and says “it felt like forever since I last talked to you.”

“Amara?” I ask shocked.

“Yes”  she says coming closer to me.

I take a step back as she steps forwards and ask “why are you here?  Shouldn't you be with God up in heaven?”

“I don't have to be in heaven twenty four hours a day Dean!”  Amara says touching my arm softly.

      I wipe her hand away and take a couple more steps backwards to get away from her.  As she is about to say something my phone rings loudly around the room. She looks at me for a second and then she disappears.

I grab my phone to see Sam is calling and answer it.  “Hey” I say as soon as I answer the phone.

“Hey Dean what took you forever to pick up?” Sam says weirdly.

“Sleep and did you find anything out from the parents or no?”  I ask as I grab my coat to head out the door.

“Little and man are you OK because you sound shocked and weird." Sam asked all concerned about me.

I paused for a minute before answering him and say “everything's fine just come pick me up would you?”

I hear him sigh on the other end and say OK before hanging up.

         I wait outside for a few minutes until I see him pull into the parking lot with my car. I walk to the driver's side and tell him to scotch over.  

“Do you know were we are going next?”  I ask

“Yep to the morgue, I just called not that long ago and said we will be their so let's get going.” Sam says staring at me with concern still in his eyes.

“Ok” I say as I pull out of the parking lot.

      The morgue was huge and white of all colors.  As me and Sam walk in we are greeted by two friendly women at the front desk. We sign in and head back to were they keep the corps. We are greeted then by the coroner who will be doing the oatopsy.

“FBI?” The woman asked.

“Yes ma’am, we are.” Sam says right after.

“OK then, my name is Nancy.” Nancy says holding out her hand.

“My name is agent Skidmore." Sam says "and this is my partner agent Wild.” As he finishes he sticks his hand out to shake hers and I do the same when he is done.

She smiles and says “OK come with me and we will get started.”

          We follow her over to victim number three's body for she could get started. When she is done all she could say was that he was stabbed multiple times in the chest after the heart was out of course. We thank her and walk out.

When we get to the car I ask “Sam what did victim number three's parents or whoever say?

Sam takes a big breath and says “two days before he died he started acting weird like really weird and got all violent.  His girlfriend found him two days later out on a trail they use to walk everyday.”

“Hmm…” I look up at Sam and ask “do you think it's a werewolfs Sam? Because I don't.”

“Me either Dean, Me either.”  Sam says before saying “we need help.”

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