Chapter 14: More are dieing

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"Dean Winchester?" The caller says on the other line.

"Yea, who is this?"

"A hunter... All you need to know that I was a dear friend of Bobby's." He snaps at me.

"Fine... What is your reason for calling?"

"Thought you would be interested to know that two hunters, Fred and Ash. They are roadkill. Dead if you get technical."

"Why do you think I care?"

"This seems up your alley by what I hear you guys put up with."

"Well thanks... Just let me know if anymore happen around your area. Bye."

"Will do. Bye."

Once he hangs up I let out a long and loud sigh of frustration. Sam and Cas stare at me with confused looks on their faces.

"Who was that?" Sam says ruining the quite that consumed the whole car.

"Two more Sam. Two more. Dropped dead. Why and how? Their hunters!" I almost yell.

"You know who?" Sam says moving his eyes to look between me and Cas.

"Fred and Ash is what the man said. I don't even know who they are!"

"OK... That makes three Hunters dead. How many souls in heaven are gone Cas?" Sam says moving his eyes to him.

"Over a hundred in heaven and hell..."

"OK... That's bad... Really bad..."

"We'er heading to check out the first hunter that died. You want to come or no?" I ask turning to face the front once more.


I start the Impala as I grab my phone. I push Jack's number in and let it ring.



"Yes who is this?"

"Winchester, you said call when we got to Florida."

"Oh right well the address is 276 West coast st. I'm already here so I will know when you get here, bye."

"OK... Bye." I say as I turn to Sam and say look up the address 276 West Coast St."

We get to the house an hour later. The house was bordered up and dirty in the inside and outside. Just as we all step out of the Impala Jack comes out the with a little smile on his face. Which to me was already weird figuring their was a dead body of someone we knew in their.

"Winchester's!?" Jack says coming to us.

"Yea and this is Cas." I say pointing a finger behind me.

"Hello I'm Jack." He says nodding his head then taking us inside.

He points into a little room on our right. Once we all stepped in our eyes became huge! She was laying face first on the floor. She had a huge hole right in the middle of her body. Blood of course was everywhere. On the floor, wall, her, and even the door. He then after awhile changed are focus onto the wall. In blood their was a simple note saying:

All Hunters will die.

"You boys have any idea what that means? Who did this. At least a clue?" Jack says from the doorway.

Before any of us could answer him I hear Sam's phone go off right before my own went off its self.
Again caller ID unknown I answer it anyways.

"Who is this?" I say anoried that my phone went off yet again.

"A friend of Bobby's, we talked like just an hour ago."

"OK... What is it?"

"The police found another body. It's a Hunter I'm shure of it. I seen her work but never meet her personaly."

"OK thanks keep letting me know if anymore body's show up. Bye."

"OK... Bye"

I get off the phone to see Sam, Cas, and Jack all staring at me. I let out a sigh and get focus again.

"Another one was just found by the police."

"A friend of mine went to meet Cindy and found her dead, the same way as this one." Sam says after me.

"A friend?"

"Our friend."


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